RIP Vermont: update the restrictions passed the House

Its always been my opinion you should only be allowed to run for office in the state you were born in or have lived in 30 years. To prevent transplants.

Does Vermont have the same sort of residency requirement New Hampshire does re: running for state office?

That said, and risking sounding like a broken record, all of that is for naught if New Hampshire doesn't tighten up what "resident" actually MEANS.
That's a bit harsh. People move all the time for lots of reasons. If the pay wasn't so bad I'd be tempted to move to Vermont and run for office. You pretty much need a second job or a spouse with a job to be in VT .gov. To be fair, their website only mentioned salary, not kickbacks and bribes.

I don't think so. You can still vote, just not run.
There is another pro-2A rally in So. Burlington this Saturday if anyone wants to join our fight...! And a national one slated for the 14th... AFAIK, the bill has not yet been signed. Still being mulled over by lawyers. The bill is some sketchy shit...
There's also one in Bennington this weekend for those of you closer to that area. A few of us are planning to go.
That's a bit harsh. People move all the time for lots of reasons. If the pay wasn't so bad I'd be tempted to move to Vermont and run for office. You pretty much need a second job or a spouse with a job to be in VT .gov. To be fair, their website only mentioned salary, not kickbacks and bribes.

The answer is woodworking.
I guarantee the day will come that the imposters in the VT legislature will vote to be annexed by NY state.

The thinking here among many of my friends and members of our shooting club in Barre is that this is a precursor to three things. A ban on fire arms that look like assault rifles or maybe all semi automatic rifles in general, a confiscation on high cap mags and gun registration. S-55 was passed knowing that many of its provisions are not enforceable. In a period of time to be determined, the so called law makers will declare that further measures will need to be implemented in order to fully enforce this law and maintain public safety as the current measure are ineffective. The courts are loaded with left wing jurists as well as the SCOVT, so Article the Sixteenth will be trashed and discarded as Vermont continues it's rush toward the Alt Left.

Of course, all this could change if the people of Vermont wake up and realize that liberalism is a pervasive cancer that destroys everything it comes in contact with, but to be honest, I do not see that happening anytime soon. Vermonters, in general, are no longer the fiercely independent and Freedom & Unity loving citizens they once were, sadly.
The thinking here among many of my friends and members of our shooting club in Barre is that this is a precursor to three things. A ban on fire arms that look like assault rifles or maybe all semi automatic rifles in general, a confiscation on high cap mags and gun registration. S-55 was passed knowing that many of its provisions are not enforceable. In a period of time to be determined, the so called law makers will declare that further measures will need to be implemented in order to fully enforce this law and maintain public safety as the current measure are ineffective. The courts are loaded with left wing jurists as well as the SCOVT, so Article the Sixteenth will be trashed and discarded as Vermont continues it's rush toward the Alt Left.

Of course, all this could change if the people of Vermont wake up and realize that liberalism is a pervasive cancer that destroys everything it comes in contact with, but to be honest, I do not see that happening anytime soon. Vermonters, in general, are no longer the fiercely independent and Freedom & Unity loving citizens they once were, sadly.

You are correct. This is not just Vermont. The entire New England is either already there or will be there shortly.

They have us nicely cornered. Every shooting will be against us. Every nut, every "vegan", every angry kid, will become us.

There are no more discussions and no more sensible solutions on the table. The only way out of this is to unite and not give them an inch. We do not know how to do that and we do not have an organization in place which would provide a platform without politically correct BS.

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Watching WVNY this morning, they laid out the specifics of s.55 and did not mention magazines. As I’m typing, it just aired again. Has this part changed? If not, they are being careful to not talk about that part of the bill. That’s some pretty dishonest reporting if this is the case.
Watching WVNY this morning, they laid out the specifics of s.55 and did not mention magazines. As I’m typing, it just aired again. Has this part changed? If not, they are being careful to not talk about that part of the bill. That’s some pretty dishonest reporting if this is the case.

There’s no change - it’s been approved by both houses. The magazine restrictions are in it.

Are you really surprised that the media is being dishonest? Both in general and with gun control in particular?
I'm gonna need neutered 10-round mags when I go to VT now? WTF?
Just shows how quickly things can change. Sad. Vermont was the LAST place we thought something like this would happen. New Hampshire, you’re next on the liberals gun grab agenda... watch out!
Just shows how quickly things can change. Sad. Vermont was the LAST place we thought something like this would happen. New Hampshire, you’re next on the liberals gun grab agenda... watch out!
I'm gonna need neutered 10-round mags when I go to VT now? WTF?
Yup it is sad for sure. But I knew it wouldn't last forever....

I just want to know how they'll enforce the "high cap" ban since they're grandfathering the previously owned mags? How would a cop or anyone know if your 30 round Pmag was bought before or after the ban?
Yup it is sad for sure. But I knew it wouldn't last forever....

I just want to know how they'll enforce the "high cap" ban since they're grandfathering the previously owned mags? How would a cop or anyone know if your 30 round Pmag was bought before or after the ban?

Unless it’s date stamped or has another indicator that it was manufactured after the ban, they won’t.

The gun grabbers know this. They’ll be back next session for more.
Yup it is sad for sure. But I knew it wouldn't last forever....

I just want to know how they'll enforce the "high cap" ban since they're grandfathering the previously owned mags? How would a cop or anyone know if your 30 round Pmag was bought before or after the ban?

Same as MA. It won't be enforceable until new things come out. And if nobody will ship to VT you're SOL. Or, as I expect, they'll need more restrictions to correct for the errors in the original laws.
Unless it’s date stamped or has another indicator that it was manufactured after the ban, they won’t.

The gun grabbers know this. They’ll be back next session for more.
Yep, after seeing how easy this all passed (or will pass once it is signed by this liberal governor) they will definitely be back for more. Get ready. We haven’t seen anything yet.
Goes to show you, Democrat, Republican...just doesn't seem to matter. There are plenty of Republicans happy to throw gun owners under the bus. If this shit catches on more at the federal level, it could get really ugly for us. And my trust in Trump is not strong.
Yep, after seeing how easy this all passed (or will pass once it is signed by this liberal governor) they will definitely be back for more. Get ready. We haven’t seen anything yet.
Exactly. The taste of blood and such a quick, easy win by the carpetbaggers with zero resistance from a cowardly governor means more to come.
There’s no change - it’s been approved by both houses. The magazine restrictions are in it.

Are you really surprised that the media is being dishonest? Both in general and with gun control in particular?
I just figured you had to pass it to see what’s in it.
Same as MA. It won't be enforceable until new things come out. And if nobody will ship to VT you're SOL. Or, as I expect, they'll need more restrictions to correct for the errors in the original laws.
Since when does enforceability matter to leftists? It's all about appearances and appeasing their base and their billionaire masters. It certainly isn't about addressing real crime.

As Maura has taught us, intimidating the dealers is easy. She has unlimited resources (i.e., our tax money) and the dealers have a lot to lose (like their entire livelihoods).

Maura has also taught us that intimidating the dealers is more or less enough to put the hurt on all of us.
Just amazes me that the left can be so brain dead. VT is quite literally one of the safest states in this nation. This crap is a solution in search of a problem.

The pols are all over it b/c it gives them more power and Soros and Bloomturd love it b/c they know that they can't get the globalist one-world government without the destruction of the US as we know it. Can't destroy the US until you have bread out all of the people that would fight against this plan and disarmed them all.
Just amazes me that the left can be so brain dead. VT is quite literally one of the safest states in this nation. This crap is a solution in search of a problem.

The pols are all over it b/c it gives them more power and Soros and Bloomturd love it b/c they know that they can't get the globalist one-world government without the destruction of the US as we know it. Can't destroy the US until you have bread out all of the people that would fight against this plan and disarmed them all.

US was destroyed already. It took only 10 years and some.
Unless it’s date stamped or has another indicator that it was manufactured after the ban, they won’t.

The gun grabbers know this. They’ll be back next session for more.

Exactly! This is just the beginning, hardly the end. Where this mag ban really affects us is in not being able to buy them at the local gun shop or have then ordered in from Primary Arms or whomever. There is no way this law is enforceable after that, even if they have a mag ban check point set up at the border coming in from NH. Who's to say you did not already own those well before the law and still had them in your glove box? There is no law that says that one cannot do that, that I know of. So, while for public record I certainly do NOT advocate one breaking any laws, I am not a liberal, you see, I see this pretty much as business as usual if one so desires to go on with their life as it was before.

A total New York style mag grab will be up next session, you can count on that. Scott or his Democrat replacement will sign it.

I wonder if Scott realizes how this going to effect him long after he's not governor.
Almost to a person , the people I know from Vermont are great folks,.. till you cross them.
Maybe he got enough Bloomberg money to move out of state and buy a nice place.
I wonder if Scott realizes how this going to effect him long after he's not governor.
Almost to a person , the people I know from Vermont are great folks,.. till you cross them.
Maybe he got enough Bloomberg money to move out of state and buy a nice place.

I'm from Connecticut.

Repeat after me: "Lowell Weicker"
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