Researching Winchester Rifles

Nov 10, 2005
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First, I hope this is the correct forum if not please tell me where I should have posted .
Recently purchsed an older interesting Winchester Rifle.
Serial number: 1279216 Winchester Mod 94-30 W.C.F. Round barrel
It has a compass in the stock, looks original. All I have been able to
find so far from the serial number is that it was made between the
1943-1948. Winchester list no records for these dates. Anyone with
any info it would be appriciated. Thank-You, Kevin Matthews
Kevin - We try to keep topics on firearms and related gear in the Equip/Ammo forum.

First, welcome aboard! Glad to have you on the forum.

Second, unfortunately, I can't help with your question but someone will be along shortly who can, I'll wager.

Have you checked with the folks at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center out in Cody, Wyoming ? I understand that they have most of the Winchester factory records from that era there.

Best wishes and good luck,

For something that specific, I suggest that you do a Google search for some websites dedicated to the Winchester collectors. Also at least 1 gun show/year at the Big E is in conjunction with the Winchester Collectors group and some of those members would likely know a lot about these guns. IIRC, that particular show happened in September or October at the Big E (W. Springfield).

You can also check some of the larger libraries to see if they carry any reference books on Winchesters.

And welcome to the forum! :)
I have a 94

Approximately the same serial number (minus the compass in the stock)
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to research on it, but it's going to be hard to find out anything more than you already know. Beginning in 1943
Winchester stopped keeping records I presume because they were heavily involved in building military units. I wasn't able to determine anything about quality during this time period. Mine is fine.
You might visit

They have a forum on lever actions as do some other forums so you could ask the question.
Good luck
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