Range dilemma…

If I had stupid amounts of money I would make targets using the kids from the family circus, everyone would love to blow away little Billy if he was aiming a Skorpion at you.

Ok, I'll accept my ticket to hell now.


I would pay stupid money for those targets, I hate that comic strip with a passion, its so unfunny its torture to read.
How about if he is shooting a silhouette target of woman pushing a baby carriage?

What if he is shooting a picture of your child?

Where does one draw the line?

Hey, I'd shoot mom first (gives new meaning to b00b-shot, ya know [thumbsup]). She's the likely target who'd shoot back. Then I'd shoot the tires out...gotta slow 'em down, ya know. Then, I'd unload on the carriage....never know what's hiding in there.

Oh, wait..............IT'S A GODDAM SILHOUETE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you need to hand in your licenses, if your first impression is to suggest shooting your own kid.
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The way I see it, it all boils down to nothing more than putting holes in pieces of paper. Does it really matter what shapes or pictures are on the paper?
Now if he were shooting at a Porsche or something like that....then I could see a problem. [devil]
Hey yall, today after work I went to the range for some quick shooting when I saw the guy next to me was shooting silhouette targets. Now that isn’t the problem, the problem is these were silhouette targets of children. Now I generally like to just keep to myself but I can’t help thinking this just isn’t right. Needless to say I did my shooting and left. What do you guys think I should do? Mind my own business or report it to the range BOD? No one else was there except me.

Wow, My sense of humor can be a little "off" but I laughed really hard at this. Bizarre? definitely. Should you do anything about it, nah.
The way I see it, it all boils down to nothing more than putting holes in pieces of paper. Does it really matter what shapes or pictures are on the paper?

Now if he were shooting at a Porsche or something like that....then I could see a problem. [devil]

Ooooh, zee Germanz vill git yooo!
Hey yall, today after work I went to the range for some quick shooting when I saw the guy next to me was shooting silhouette targets. Now that isn’t the problem, the problem is these were silhouette targets of children. Now I generally like to just keep to myself but I can’t help thinking this just isn’t right. Needless to say I did my shooting and left. What do you guys think I should do? Mind my own business or report it to the range BOD? No one else was there except me.

Maybe he is shootin' blanks and his mommy is pressuring him into having grandchildren?
A few years ago I set up about 30 of my daughters broken barbies (missing an arm or a leg or something) against the backstop at Auburn. It was just a buddy and I for the first 1/2 hour and then a guy showed up (guy late 60's early 70s). He made a couple comments about our "sick choice of targets".

My buddy said that barbies at 25 yards were good practice for people at 500 yards [rofl]. The guy started to have a fit saying he was going to "report us". My buddy told him to STFU and MYOB. Got back in his car and flew down the dirt road and back to the clubhouse (I assume to "tell on us"). We shot another 45 minutes or so, and nobody came up, and we never heard anything else about it.

oh, and broken barbies are pretty good targets. Head shots are hard
A few years ago I set up about 30 of my daughters broken barbies (missing an arm or a leg or something) against the backstop at Auburn. It was just a buddy and I for the first 1/2 hour and then a guy showed up (guy late 60's early 70s). He made a couple comments about our "sick choice of targets".

My buddy said that barbies at 25 yards were good practice for people at 500 yards [rofl]. The guy started to have a fit saying he was going to "report us". My buddy told him to STFU and MYOB. Got back in his car and flew down the dirt road and back to the clubhouse (I assume to "tell on us"). We shot another 45 minutes or so, and nobody came up, and we never heard anything else about it.

oh, and broken barbies are pretty good targets. Head shots are hard

I bet the old fudd would have been ok if it was G.I. Joe or Cobra armed with an assault weapon.
Could have been an anti gun ad from a a group like this one from the Brady Campaign...

or these from another anti-gun group
That is pretty darn weird. Just did a search for paper children targets- nothing came up.

What it the one with the pony tailed girl holding a big lolly pop wearing the poodle skirt?

If I remember correctly that target was from the MIB one movie, it's the alien Will Smith shot in the beginning when they were in a room with a bunch of other MIB want to be's.

MIB, great movie, I think I heard that they are making another one, can't wait [wink]
Could have been an anti gun ad from a a group like this one from the Brady Campaign...

or these from another anti-gun group

Now if they were zombie targets I wouldn't say anything, 1st I wouldn't say anything to the guy, you don't know what he will do, if they were this style targets I might ask the club BODers about them and just inform them about it and maybe who it was that had them, just to err on the safe side.

It got real bad at one of the club's I belong to once, one guy was real drunk and got into a fight with another drunk guy (yes we no longer allow drinking at the club), well the 1st drunk idiot pulls a gun and starts after the 2nd drunk idiot. Luckaly I was right there and I just stuck my foot out and tripped drunk idiot one and when he fell to the ground I grabbed his gun (it went flying out of his hand) . Problem avoided but it could have gotten real bad real fast.

That's why it's a good rule not to start something with an idiot that has a gun.
cleary he was preparing for the crab people invasion, you know they do disguise themselves as ordanry people and because of their small size they fit in better as children. I support you sir 100% in your initiative in stopping this invasion.
Maybe he printed them himself, and was trying to be "green" and use less paper? That or perhaps Expedia screwed him and that the closes he could find to Gnomes? Or Expedia didn't screw him, but he took a picture of that little brat on the flight to Spain that wouldn't stop kicking his seat... See, there's lots of reasons. [wink]

Personaly, my answer is MYOB, hes not hurting you, and the idea that shooting at a specific kind of target is harmful is anti thinking creeping in. Just look at the mass law about not shooting at human targets (yes, that only applies in one or two cases where clubs have some special license, but its an example.). Would you complain if it was Obama and he could be a terrorist practicing for the kill shot? I personally think tattling to the BOD over the content of another adult's paper target is a little inappropriate.
Another +1 for MYOB. If you have an issue with it, you have just as much right to tell him about it as he has to shoot those targets. Just don't be surprised if he tells you to MYOFB.
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