Pulled over MA/NH Boarder

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Beware of the new crop of rookie troopers on the road. I have had some decent encounters with troopers and some bad ones. By running your mouth you are setting yourself up for a bad time. There is no benefit to telling them you are legally armed for either party involved. If they ask, tell them, but never offer the info up freely. Did you also tell him that you were going to use free speech and not let any government troops be quartered in your home?

Cops should only worry about "illegal" guns. Your gun poses no threat to him / her and you should not justify the anti-gun terror by telling them you are armed. It is your right and none of anyone's business until you are asked to step out of the vehicle. I understand you did it out of some misguided feelings of respect, but you are going to find out the hard way that the respect you tried to show is rarely returned by the cops in our corner of the country.

THIS. You might want to read IGWT's post a few times for it to sink in.
He returns some time later....... and gives me a written warning for my tints and again is very thankful that I kept my hands on the wheel and notified him right away that I had my license and was carrying. Trooper was overall pretty chill and I guess I just got the feeling I got off with a warning because of being responsible and courteous [STRIKE=undefined]about having an LTC[/STRIKE].

I fixed it for you . . .

As modified is most likely why you "got off", not because of the LTC. And if he didn't test the tint, he knows any ticket wouldn't stick.

Beware of the new crop of rookie troopers on the road. I have had some decent encounters with troopers and some bad ones. By running your mouth you are setting yourself up for a bad time. There is no benefit to telling them you are legally armed for either party involved. If they ask, tell them, but never offer the info up freely. Did you also tell him that you were going to use free speech and not let any government troops be quartered in your home?

Cops should only worry about "illegal" guns. Your gun poses no threat to him / her and you should not justify the anti-gun terror by telling them you are armed. It is your right and none of anyone's business until you are asked to step out of the vehicle. I understand you did it out of some misguided feelings of respect, but you are going to find out the hard way that the respect you tried to show is rarely returned by the cops in our corner of the country.

Agree here. Keeping mum about guns and permits is the smart way to go.

Was your tint illegal? Did he measure it with a legal tint meter? I'm not sure, but I don't think that you can accurately measure tint light transmission in poor light.

I know this isn't the topic of your post, but you seem to be saying that the trooper wasn't messing with you, but if he gave you a warning for your tint, I think he was messing with you. Seriously, he has nothing better to do than write tint tickets? Or are you saying that you have windows tinted so dark that they are obviously illegal, in which case he still needs to measure it or else the ticket will get thrown out when you contest it.

Most likely you got a warning rather than a ticket because the officer didn't have the equipment, training or time to do things properly and make a tint citation stick (VERY few actually do).

Testing a window requires an annually calibrated light meter, properly cleaning the windows prior to measurement and that the officer recieves annual (might be bi-annual now) training and certification with its use. Most don't have the training because it's expensive for the department to maintain that training for every officer and it's so rarely used. I'm not sure about today, but 10 years ago most of the radar guns in the state were out of Calibration date, so I'm certain that the vast majority of light testing equipment is out of calibration as well.

Tinted windows, even without the proper equipment and training it still considered a valid reason for pulling someone over, so it allowed him to pull you over and check you out, and that's likely all he was doing, snooping.

If he didn't test it, he can't ticket it. A Warning can't be appealed, so he gets away with that and you can't challenge it. Meanwhile the RMV (and your insurance company) gets a record of the warning. I know that with "x" number of speeding warnings, the RMV can take action against a driver's license. I don't know if this is true for other alleged infractions.

I drive a Subaru Outback Wagon, but I always make sure the cargo area cover is pulled back when I'm going to a shoot. No need to have an officer walk past a half-dozen or more rifles and several cases of ammunition on his way to come talk to me. At least if he asks to search, I have time to tell him what he's going to find and why.

Smart move. Out of sight is out of mind. If possible keeping everything covered up avoids discussions and expedites you on your way.
Let me expand on this a bit:

1. Misspelling "border" is gay.
2. Jazz music is gay.
3. Giving a cop your LTC when he asked for your drivers license is gay.
4. Telling him you have a (OMG) LOADED (OMG) weapon on you is gay.
4. Driving a rice burner is gay.
5. Tinted windows in New England are gay.

But most of all:

6. "I got pulled over while carrying" threads are gay.

Overall this thread is gayer than a Dench wrestling match.

LMAO this thread sums it up[rofl]
Clearly JasonS is a homophobe so I'm going to lock this thread down before someone posts a pic of me on top of Dench.
Burlington, VT is a very nice city, just gotta get past the people.

Glad you had a good encounter but you take a pretty major risk doing what you did. There are certainly those cops who would have blown a gasket immediately and proned you out at gunpoint. There is no reasoning with MSP, if you get a lunatic, you are in for it big time. Best to keep your mouth shut and not bring up firearms unless he asks directly or asks you to step out.

haha a friend of mine went to college up there, people must have got to him... i think he showers once every couple weeks

I'm shredded these days.

It's true:
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