PSA: Honor your WTS deal too much to ask?

For me it's first come first serve. If someone says "Would you take $$ for item?" and I say "Yea I could do that" that isn't really making a deal yet. My policy is to always honor the deal once final plans to meet are made, but that's not until some semi concrete plans to meet are made, like where, when, phone #'s exchanged, etc. I'll usually give my phone # and a reasonable amount of time for someone to contact me, but if I've gotten a lot of responses on an item I won't wait forever. If someone says I'll reach out to you tomorrow I'd give until dinner time tomorrow, If someone says I'll txt you in the morning, I'll give it until 1-1:30pm the next day. If you don't reach out in a reasonable timeframe I'll start making moves on the next serious offer, if they follow through with an acceptable offer and make plans to meet up before you contact me, I'll go with them, sometimes even if they offer a little less. You snooze, you lose. Unfortunately there are a lot of tire kickers on here and it's made me have to be that way.
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The online out would be if they had a clause in the ad stating that they would cancel a deal if a better offer came in.
True but that would be pretty tacky for an online community. I’d just chuckle and hit the back button pretty quick with a “Ya alrite buddy, good luck with that.”
I agree with what most people are saying here, deff a shitty thing to do, we are a pretty small community here, and I would think keeping your reputation a good one is important.

I have made huge mistakes listing things here for well below market, not knowing how much some things were worth and have had offers come in after making a deal, that killed me to turn down. Its just wrong to literally tell someone that its there's and then turn around and tell em to screw... It's fun for most of us to buy/sell on here and meet new people. Not sure what his circumstances are, but it deff looks like he cares more about the buck then his fellow NES family.
If it were me, I’d just say “good for you.” And leave it at that. I’d never do it, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really worth getting upset over so long as it didn’t cost you any money or real time.

but then again, that is what the feedback system is for and it is kind of a scummy move

Came here to post this. It's a dick move, but not sure it raises to neg rep territory. I'd only neg rep if I actually drove to meet the person and they backed out after I left. Otherwise I'd just put the item back on the market and chalk it up to dickheads being dickheads.

On the other hand, I'd be tempted to name him. Maybe not a neg rep, but a public shaming might be appropriate.
@Ryan188 well said… there are lots of guys I’ve bought from and sold to over the years and still keep in touch with lots of them.

I’ve been burned on a few deals over the years, but I know to stay away from those guys now, so what I may have over paid on those deals taught me a lesson in return.

While I may sh*t post sometimes because it fun to flame someone, Its often still it’s with respect and in camaraderie, because it is a community.

Hopefully the seller learns that lesson from reading this thread.
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If it were me, I’d just say “good for you.” And leave it at that. I’d never do it, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really worth getting upset over so long as it didn’t cost you any money or real time.

but then again, that is what the feedback system is for and it is kind of a scummy move
Yeah i mean if he let you know and didn't ghost you not the end of the world
Sucks for OP. I had a guy back out on a done deal a couple weeks ago. He said he decided to keep it. To me it wasn't the end of the world but I also wasn't super excited about the buy. Told him if he decides to sell it in the future let me know.
There are alot of variables to how the conversation could have gone. The guy I dealt with I felt was being honest and I want everyone happy at the end of a deal. If he told me someone offered a little more I would have been a little more pissy.

Good luck
A deals a deal and you had one. If they didn't choose any of the 3 options you offered then I would out them and neg rep them.

I've had a couple bad deals. Not many considering how often I use the classified, but I've never had anyone cross the line that far, and never had to neg rep anyone. Total dick move.
Yup… seems like valid reason for a negative feedback. I’ve honored deals where I’ve lost a few bucks because I’ve gotten a follow up offer for more. I simply tell them that I already have a deal, but if it falls through then I’ll let them know
I made a deal with a member on their WTS ad yesterday. We agreed on price, we agreed on location to meet, and we agreed that I would reach back today to dial in plans to meet up.

After reaching back to the seller today, they backed out of the deal, stating :

“Actually I just got another offer for the [Redacted Item] from a member a little closer and closer to my asking price so I'm gonna go with them for now.…I just got a better offer from someone else I'm sorry”

So, I offered the seller this option:

“look, I get it… but when you make a deal, you honor that deal…even if a better offer comes along 5 minutes later. We left thing with an agreed price and location to meet, and plans to dial in final timing today.

so I’ll be honorable and offer you a deal since you’re backing out on ours —

1. public shaming?
2. Negative feedback?
3. Or reconsider our deal as originally agreed?

choice is yours…”

So what say you NES… negative rep? Post their User Id here?

The seller has replied:

“Public shaming? I'm sorry but I've had numerous people back out on deals with me and never threatened them with negative feedback and public shaming. I understand your upset and I apologize again but I feel as if I should be able to choose who and how I sell my items.”

So what does the brain trust think…?

I honor my deals. Maybe that is too much of an expectation?

This is an instant "neutral" or negative feedback situation. The seller may not like that (obviously he wont), but thats the f***ing way deals work.

You can look at it two ways:
Seller is an a**h*** on NES, and is treating you like an a**h***. Neg rep.
Seller is a nice guy on NES, and he at least explained to you that he f***ed you out of a deal. Neutral rep.

The system needs to be used correctly in order to have much meaning. Sure, people like me and others with 100+ positive rep does show that we're unlikely to scam you, however, it's always nice to know which seller and buyers are a pain in the ass to deal with.

Every single heavy seller on NES has been where that guys been. We list something to low, get a quick deal and then regret it when the better offers come in. The trick is to stick to the f***ing deal, not waste peoples time and not be a dick.
I would never back out of a deal.

For me NES is less about stuff and more about people. Through the years, I have spent thousands of dollars, and many many hours, helping out NESr's in a variety of different ways, for no reason other than I think firearms folks should stick together and help each other out when they can. Not just gun related stuff.
I wouldn't screw an NES'r over a couple of bucks, or a couple of hours or both.
That having been said, I have not done a lot of buying and selling on NES. Most of the stuff I have added to my collection has come from various LGS.
Came here to post this. It's a dick move, but not sure it raises to neg rep territory. I'd only neg rep if I actually drove to meet the person and they backed out after I left. Otherwise I'd just put the item back on the market and chalk it up to dickheads being dickheads.

On the other hand, I'd be tempted to name him. Maybe not a neg rep, but a public shaming might be appropriate.
They set up a meet and the buyer allocated time to do this, and seller has crapped out because they're either lazy or they underpriced the item but only realized that too late.
Yup… seems like valid reason for a negative feedback. I’ve honored deals where I’ve lost a few bucks because I’ve gotten a follow up offer for more. I simply tell them that I already have a deal, but if it falls through then I’ll let them know
Same here. I had close friends who caught my add too late and "would have easily bought the thing". I still sold it to the first solid confirmed buyer regardless.
There's an added wrinkle I think about sometimes.

I don't buy a whole lot of guns, and none of them are run-of-the-mill Glocks or Shields or whatever. I don't have a huge amount of disposable income for extra firearms. Generally, if I'm making an offer, it's because I've thought it out long and hard, and because I REALLY want the piece. So I get my offer accepted. That night I'm online, searching for holsters or slings or ammo pouches or whatever. Pricing aftermarket parts. In other words, my brain is already moving on to the next step, because I've learned I can generally rely on the word of people who do deals on NES.

To get all that yanked out from under me for no reason I can control?

Yeah. F that.
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Scruples are in short supply these days. I guess there is a "negative feedback" thing for a reason. If I were the seller, and thought a better deal was coming, or not totally sure, I'd ask for name and number, and say if I don't hear anything in 24 hours, it's a deal; or something like that.
Scruples are in short supply these days. I guess there is a "negative feedback" thing for a reason. If I were the seller, and thought a better deal was coming, or not totally sure, I'd ask for name and number, and say if I don't hear anything in 24 hours, it's a deal; or something like that.
I've had that happen before. Gave an offer and they wanted a day or so. That's fair
There's an added wrinkle I think about sometimes.

I don't buy a whole lot of guns, and none of them are run-of-the-mill Glocks or Shields or whatever. I don't have a huge amount of disposable income for extra firearms. Generally, if I'm making an offer, it's because I've thought it out long and hard, and because I REALLY want the piece. So I get my offer accepted. That night I'm online, searching for holsters or slings or ammo pouches or whatever. Pricing aftermarket parts. In other words, my brain is already moving on to the next step, because I've learned I can generally rely on the words of people who do deals on NES.

To get all that yanked out from under me for no reason I can control?

Yeah. F that.

Even worst is a buyer who impulsively says they want it and makes a deal. Immediately afterwards several other people are interested.

Then they back out for X, Y, Z reason.

Now that a weeks gone by, the other people are no longer interested, and now I have to f***ing PRICE DROP THE f***ING ITEM because I'm having trouble selling it.

That happened to be TWICE this year. Holy. f***ing. Shit.

Wasting my time and costing me money.
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