Product liability lawsuit

May 1, 2011
N. Central Mass.
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One of the recommendations of the gun violence task force would be make the eops list and the AGs list more "consistent"

"holding gun manufacturers responsible" is a cry of the antis.

This is for the legal scholars. The purpose of this thread is to find some type of legal or backdoor way to usurp the AGs list.

Can the list be used in a criminal defense? e.g. "accidental shooting with an "AG approved" gun?

Could "the list" provide a false sense of security etc. "even though there was a round in the chamber, I thought it would be considered unloaded because of the required mag disconnect."

Did a "listed" gun somehow cause an accident (we all know how the antis love to blame the gun)

We hear about the justice system being twisted all the time, can we twist it to get rid of the list?
Check Mass case law to see if any government approved product (say cars that pass a crash test or food that passes FDA standards) result in the .gov being sued and defeated.

*Edit, this would be a very double edged sword. You can either argue that the list is pointless, or that more stringent list requirements are needed for public safety.
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Not going to fly. The AG's bs isn't a list, its just a set of criteria. (CMR940). The actual EOPS roster is the only list, and that just involves testing to test if a gun is an intrinsic POS or not.

Any way to spin this to show they get money in state from S&W and are protecting their interests by keeping other manufacturer s out?
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