Post Sample Sunday

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
Feedback: 42 / 0 / 0
Tried out some new post sample today that I built. BTW I am a 07/02 FFL/SOT

First one is a M2 Carbine. I had the host M1 Carbine and it had the proper pot belly stock with the cut out for the selector. Bought all the other M2 specific part and put it together. First time running it. It was fun. Click on the links below to see video of them shooting

Mag dump
Taking their time

The Second one is of my 1919A4. I built it into a semi auto gun 12-15 years ago from a parts kit and a 80% side plate. I purchased another full auto bolt and full auto trigger group and filed down the side that faced the denial island so that it would fit the semi auto gun. Click on the links to see it run.

Kind of a belt dump
Taking their time

The third one is an AR-15 in full auto. Drilled the third hole and installed the full auto parts.

Mag dump

The last one is a Glock 22 with a 9mm barrel and the full switch on the back. It's useless but fun.

semi mag dump

I think I got into this full auto thing at the wrong time. I want to shoot them more but ammo is very expensive and hard to find. Have to limit myself to only a mag or 2 an outing. Anyway I though you guys might enjoy the videos
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