Police Shoot, Kill Man During Warrant Search

Yeah, like I said.

Here we go,, all the cop bashing weirdo's around here wearing their tinfoil hats are now gonna stick up for the drug dealer in living in school zone, oh what nice folks.

Some of you folks crack me up,, but, I know it's me I'm all effed up. HAHA

You sound really defensive....and quite silly. Even if the operation successfully removed said drug dealers poor aim or poor patience but the police resulting in death cannot be overlooked. The police should be held to a high mark of excellence...after all they are "highly trained"
TheWookie said:
Yeah, like I said.

Here we go,, all the cop bashing weirdo's around here wearing their tinfoil hats are now gonna stick up for the drug dealer in living in school zone, oh what nice folks.

Some of you folks crack me up,, but, I know it's me I'm all effed up. HAHA

Yea, I guess its a pretty high bar to expect these guys to raid the right addresses, not falsify statements, not plant evidence on the premises and find ways of arresting the right people without shooting and killing innocent citizens and destroying their property and reputations in the process.

Whats next? you going to tell us that it was Abner Louima's fault that NYPD officer Volpe had to rape him with a plunger while in custody severing his intestines and puncturing his bladder?

Not here to bash cops......I know lots of good ones.....but I've also met a lot of bad ones.......people that are just not suited to do the job and dont have the temperment and skills to do it without violating the rights of us law abiding citizens and god forbid causing the deaths of some of us in the process.
Article today in The Washington Post by Radley Balko (author of Rise of the Warrior Cop - a must read)


Here are two good excerpts:
So let’s summarize: The Framingham police conducted an extraordinarily violent, unnecessary raid to serve a warrant for a drug crime. They conducted the raid even though they had already apprehended their primary suspect. They then knowingly subjected people they knew to be innocent to terror, violence and risk. All of this is resulted in a grandfather of 12 shot and killed in his own home, in his pajamas, while complying with police orders – a man that everyone acknowledges is innocent.


Our police departments are using extraordinary force and violence not to apprehend active shooters or to storm hostage situations but as an investigative tool for routine drug crimes. Occasionally, this results in innocent people wrongly raided and terrorized. Sometimes it results in death. But even when it all goes to plan, it results in doors battering-rammed, guns pointed, flash grenades detonated and a mini-war waged against people who are still merely suspects in consensual, nonviolent crimes.
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Those were tough to read. Especially things like

And some still try and convince us that it is only "a few bad apples". No, clearly it is not.

Also, I don't agree with them listing the cops who committed these raids and were shot in self defense as "victims".
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