Police Chief Wants Citizens As ‘Reserve Force’ To Defend Against Feds

Wonder if I could become a member of his reserve force while living in NH... Or if any NH chiefs are doing the same thing.

I actually had this same thought. As long as the reserve force is recognized as LEOs in the jurisdiction (with arrest powers), wouldn't they be covered under that Federal LEO super-rule?
In MA, which chief(s) share the same view with Chief Kessler? Can we identify a few?

Regarding the DHS ammo purchase, how can we make a citizen's inquiry to find more information?
I actually had this same thought. As long as the reserve force is recognized as LEOs in the jurisdiction (with arrest powers), wouldn't they be covered under that Federal LEO super-rule?

Don't think the chief is giving the reserve members arrest powers. I wouldn't want them anyway. Just make me a reserve member to be called upon when needed. IF they decide that they need to expand the scope of responsibility (even if temporary) then that's fine.
...or a neat little test ploy to smoke out the ready and willing whilst learning their name, address, and what/how much goodies they have to bring to the party.

My tinfoil is running low : )
He's talking about re-constituting the militia - which is exactly what needs to happen.

It would set a great precedent if he could actually make this work.

You are correct. SCOTUS has already ruled that guns and hi cap mags are protected if you are in a militia! It's time some of these pro gun groups that take on these 2nd ammendment cases start to use this argument because this is the only way this gun grabbing stuff will end!
There are thousands of Chief Kessler type LEO's out there, thousands across the land in every jurisdiction in every corner of every state.

Local DHS Fusion Center ass lickers take notice.

Molon Labe.
Thanks for posting. I posted that link you provided over on a hunting forum I read since there are a few folks from PA that are over there.

I would like to see someone in this state make a stand but I doubt that will happen. NE Shooters MA Militia???

I agree, if enough people got together and said we are a law abiding legally defined militia that is not full of nut cases ( or at least not all LOL ) it would sure start the ball rolling. Where it would roll, who knows but it would be a start.
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Sadly. I think that if a CLEO or Sheriff in mass tried this, he would be unemployed by the end of the day

Inside 495 you're probably right. Outside it would be 50/50. But if he did it right, the sheep wouldn't say a word.

Something like this:

As Sheriff of this county, I recognize that our police force is grossly outnumbered by the number of gang members that have infiltrated our county. I'm concerned that the drug trafficking that is going on has increased the risk to our citizens (SHEEP) and, given budget constraints, I've decided that it would be a good thing if law abiding members of our county could augment our law enforcement efforts if properly trained and deputized. They would only be called upon in dire emergencies and they would have to pay for their own training, so there would be no cost to the taxpayer. Of course, each individual would be closely scrutinized and subjected to an extensive background check (sound familiar?). We can no longer let the drug cartels run wild in our county we must do something and this is the most cost effective way of achieving our goal of "zero tolerance" for drug related crime. We need to protect our children!
I'd be willing to bet that most individual members here go through more ammo a year than an entire police force in a mid sized town.

Unless a police officer is into guns,on a SWAT team or was in the military in some type of special forces.He or she is only going to shoot when it's time to qualify,and are only going to use what they are issued.Many guys here will go to the range,and shoot thier glock,sig,S&W,CZ, 1911. Then they will shoot thier rifles AR,AK,H&K,FAL and top it of with thier mosin nagant.
Inside 495 you're probably right. Outside it would be 50/50. But if he did it right, the sheep wouldn't say a word.

Something like this:

As Sheriff of this county, I recognize that our police force is grossly outnumbered by the number of gang members that have infiltrated our county. I'm concerned that the drug trafficking that is going on has increased the risk to our citizens (SHEEP) and, given budget constraints, I've decided that it would be a good thing if law abiding members of our county could augment our law enforcement efforts if properly trained and deputized. They would only be called upon in dire emergencies and they would have to pay for their own training, so there would be no cost to the taxpayer. Of course, each individual would be closely scrutinized and subjected to an extensive background check (sound familiar?). We can no longer let the drug cartels run wild in our county we must do something and this is the most cost effective way of achieving our goal of "zero tolerance" for drug related crime. We need to protect our children!

I'd be signing up in a second. Then i could buy all the stuff not in the list.
I know its not realistic and wouldn't happen but a good challenge to any law, state or federal would be for some group like the NRA or such to challenge the Govt in regards to militias by stating that a militia would be created and all members would be exempt to the stupid laws they are trying to push. As I said, its a crazy thought but hell, that's the way things are these days.
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