Playing with Guns is good for boys


NES Member
Oct 19, 2005
Watching the Hippos
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So sayeth the British Department for Children, Schools, and Family

Playing with toy weapons helps the development of young boys, according to new Government advice to nurseries and playgroups.

Staff have been told they must resist their "natural instinct" to stop boys using pretend weapons such as guns or light sabres in games with other toddlers.

Fantasy play involving weapons and superheroes allows healthy and safe risk-taking and can also make learning more appealing, says the guidance.

DUH !!! Thats what most boys do . Most boys naturally want to play cowboys & indians , play war etc . and most girls play house and have dolls or whatever . It's natural - its the hunter and gatherer thing . Even in primitive cultures that still exist , the men hunt and go to war and the women gather edible plants and take care of the children . It's the way things are . What good does it do to try to squash this behavior .
Most of these damn politicly correct , liberal idiots want to turn boys into unisex namby pamby girlymen . It makes me want to puke .
Wasn't there a story, not to long ago , that some kid was suspended from school for drawing a picture of a gun .
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I won't vouch for all families, but this is how mine was when we were younger.

Favorite outside pastime for us boys: war with wooden guns, sticks, pine cones (grenades), whatever you can find.

Favorite inside pastime for us boys: war again, just at close quarters; sword duels, Western stand-offs, etc.

Favorite bedtime occupation for us boys: war, war, and more war, primarily bombarding your brothers with stuffed animals (until Dad hears the commotion and comes upstairs in all his glory). [grin]
IMHO: The repression of these activities only makes the problem worse for a child when they are faced with adversity within school. Part of the reason we are seeing such heinous acts of violence is because children are not allowed to grow and be WHO they are amongst their peers. Trying to repress nature just causes someone who has never role played to actually act on them in real life.

Kids get bruises and cuts. They are not suppose to be locked into a padded room till they are 18. This is the part of the pussification of America and it just makes me want to [puke]

Sad that the country that has the worst gun laws are promoting these values... Is this not a complete double standard? [rolleyes]
I won't vouch for all families, but this is how mine was when we were younger.

Favorite outside pastime for us boys: war with wooden guns, sticks, pine cones (grenades), whatever you can find.

Favorite inside pastime for us boys: war again, just at close quarters; sword duels, Western stand-offs, etc.

Favorite bedtime occupation for us boys: war, war, and more war, primarily bombarding your brothers with stuffed animals (until Dad hears the commotion and comes upstairs in all his glory). [grin]
We used to play war all the time. Before my father bought my brother and me Garand toy rifles, my brother used to use our father's bring home Arisaka (minus the bolt).
Rough housing is good too. It's healthy to learn competitiveness. Look at animal litters and how they "play".
I had tons of Vietnam surplus when I was a kid. I even had a LAW tube. I had so much gear and squirt guns/toy guns that I could arm several of my neighbors, and we would grab sandwiches from my mom and then head out into the woods and stalk VietCong all day. Man, those were the good old days.

Then, when I got older, we would shoot each other with BB guns. The not-so-good old days. [rolleyes]
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