Paul Ryan IS Holding Back National Concealed Carry Bill


NES Member
Jun 9, 2012
Framingham, MA.
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This guy makes good pro-2a YouTube informational videos, always staying very current.

Giving him props, where it IS due.

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Of course he is. Paul Ryan is doing more to hamper any sort of positive legislation than McConnell, and that's saying a lot. He was and is a terrible choice, when he was chosen as Speaker I concluded that the GOP had given up on the charade of conservative values.
i would like people like the speaker EXPLAIN to us gun owners their voting positions on these things. Maybe he has a good reason to oppose this bill? On the surface it seems damning...but lets hear HIS reasoning!
The thing I remember about Ryan was Obama speaking positively about him and saying he was someone he could work with. That's all I needs to know.
i would like people like the speaker EXPLAIN to us gun owners their voting positions on these things. Maybe he has a good reason to oppose this bill? On the surface it seems damning...but lets hear HIS reasoning!

I can understand the opposition from a certain point of view. That view is not endorsed by Ryan unfortunately. If this was an attempt to curtail the power of the federal government into State issues, I'd be willing to go along with his position.

The very fact that they did not overturn Obamacare and institute a cross state bidding system for insurance companies tells me, he's not what I'd consider a conservative.
Good! Screw national reciprocity. I don't need anything of mine/myself registered and put on a list just so MA, CA and NJ residents can feel peachy. It wouldn't help anyone but those people. I hope it never passes.
Good! Screw national reciprocity. I don't need anything of mine/myself registered and put on a list just so MA, CA and NJ residents can feel peachy. It wouldn't help anyone but those people. I hope it never passes.

What the hell are you talking about? How does forcing states to recognize eachother's carry permits equal registration of persons and guns? [tinfoil] much?
If this doesn't pass, interstate drivers license and car insurance reciprocity should go away. That would fix things.

People's arguments about how 'untrained' people would be walking around with loaded guns is so insane. Untrained evil doers pump propaganda into your living room every day, under the very same constitutional protections that arms have!!

The fed gov did not mandate states recognize/honor each others drivers licenses

the individual states chose to do so

driving is a privilege, not a right. why not recognize rights state to state?? If you don't want to recognize a right state to state, where is the logic in recognizing a privilege?
People's arguments about how 'untrained' people would be walking around with loaded guns is so insane.
There is now plenty of data to be analyzed from states that went shall-issue years ago. Ditto for silencers.
I just changed my voting status from Republican to Independent. Any and all career politicians aren't getting my vote. They'll wake up next year.
driving is a privilege, not a right. why not recognize rights state to state?? If you don't want to recognize a right state to state, where is the logic in recognizing a privilege?

Now...lets not use common sense here.....obviously 2A is not recognized as a right at all......if it was there would be no need for reciprocity or permits, etc....

It would and should be like transporting a bottle of water across state lines....
National reciprocity would never pass without major concessions to fed mandates for all sorts of bullschtein like min training requirements, possible medical requirements (see commercial trucking) and quite possibly firearms registration and other draconian bullshit

This is all in addition to the fact that the fed gov was not only NOT granted the power or authority to do any such thing but it was expressly PROHIBITED from infringing on RKBA

National Reciprocity is a back door to all sorts of other theme and variation federal infringements on similar licensing issues that are expressiy the domain of the states

It would pass, if the Republican party would actually represent their constituents.

Much better way is to vote in another Constitutionalist in the Supreme Court, and strike down state bans on CC.
Article 5 sounds good until you realize with an already turned legislature and courts they can't possibly bring us anything good with that much leeway. They could do literally anything, and make up the rules as they go along, throwing out any previous rules. The Constitution was passed when the delegates were only supposed to amend the Articles of Confederation.
Not only that, he made it clear at this past NRA Convention. He needs to put up soon or I'll start losing faith in him. Wall included.

I can tell you, Trump has shaken the establishment to it's core. Just my itty bitty sandbox I play in, he walked in with a rake and obliterated everything. Everything the republicans have been saying they'll change, Trump said, 'now it's time to put up or shut up'. The republicans decided to shut up. Obamacare, any type of immigration reform, now it seems tax reform is going to be on the democrat side of the house too. If anyone didn't prescribe to a 'progressive party' and a 'progressive light party', they should now.
Ryan, McConnell, McCain and all the stonewalling RINO's need to go, and pronto. Get the F out of the way. Put those in place who are not afraid to get stuff done.
This is all in addition to the fact that the fed gov was not only NOT granted the power or authority to do any such thing but it was expressly PROHIBITED from infringing on RKBA

This is a frighteningly common misconception.

The Federal government is NOT prohibited by 2A from infringing on the right of the People to keep and bear arms.

The phrasing is simply: The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

You can be deprived of Rights through due process and private individuals can expel you from their property if you don't want to confirm with their preferences.

That is the whole extent of limitations that can be placed on your rkba.

Anything beyond that violates the Constitution. Which the federal government and every state do pervasively.
This is gamesmanship. Did we really think this bill was ever getting to the floor? Honestly????

C'mon! The fix was in a long long time ago. They could have 99 votes in the Senate and 500 in the House and it still wouldn't get to the floor.
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