"Patriot Guard" tries to counter Westboro Baptist


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
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Motorcyclists Roll to Soldier Funerals

By RYAN LENZ, Associated Press Writer Tue Feb 21, 6:11 AM ET

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. - Wearing vests covered in military patches, a band of motorcyclists rolls around the country from one soldier's funeral to another, cheering respectfully to overshadow jeers from church protesters.

They call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders, and they are more than 5,000 strong, forming to counter anti-gay protests held by the Rev. Fred Phelps at military funerals.

Phelps believes American deaths in Iraq are divine punishment for a country that he says harbors homosexuals. His protesters carry signs thanking God for so-called IEDs — explosives that are a major killer of soldiers in Iraq.

The bikers shield the families of dead soldiers from the protesters, and overshadow the jeers with patriotic chants and a sea of red, white and blue flags.

"The most important thing we can do is let families know that the nation cares," said Don Woodrick, the group's Kentucky captain. "When a total stranger gets on a motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold a flag, that makes a powerful statement."

At least 14 states are considering laws aimed at the funeral protesters, who at a recent memorial service at Fort Campbell wrapped themselves in upside-down American flags. They danced and sang impromptu songs peppered with vulgarities that condemned homosexuals and soldiers.

The Patriot Guard was also there, waving up a ruckus of support for the families across the street. Community members came in the freezing rain to chant "U-S-A, U-S-A" alongside them.

"This is just the right thing to do. This is something America didn't do in the '70s," said Kurt Mayer, the group's national spokesman. "Whether we agree with why we're over there, these soldiers are dying to protect our freedoms."

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a daughter of Fred Phelps and an attorney for the Topeka, Kan.-based church, said neither state laws nor the Patriot Guard can silence their message that God killed the soldiers because they fought for a country that embraces homosexuals.

"The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword," Phelps-Roper said. "Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier's funeral."

The church, Westboro Baptist Church, is not affiliated with a larger denomination and is made up mostly of Fred Phelps' extended family members.

During the 1990s, church members were known mostly for picketing the funerals of AIDS victims, and they have long been tracked as a hate group by the Montgomery, Ala.-based Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project.

The project's deputy director, Heidi Beirich, said other groups have tried to counter Phelps' message, but none has been as organized as the Patriot Guard.

"I'm not sure anybody has gone to this length to stand in solidarity," she said. "It's nice that these veterans and their supporters are trying to do something. I can't imagine anything worse, your loved one is killed in Iraq and you've got to deal with Fred Phelps."

Kentucky, home to sprawling Fort Campbell along the Tennessee line, was among the first states to attempt to deal with Phelps legislatively. Its House and Senate have each passed bills that would limit people from protesting within 300 feet of a funeral or memorial service. The Senate version would also keep protesters from being within earshot of grieving friends and family members.

Richard Wilbur, a retired police detective, said his Indiana Patriot Guard group only comes to funerals if invited by family. He said he has no problem with protests against the war but sees no place for objectors at a family's final goodbye to a soldier.

"No one deserves this," he said.


On the Web:

Patriot Guard Riders: http://www.patriotguard.org

When my foot is better and I can ride again, I may have to look into joining these folks when I can.
Comrade Phelps can rot in ****. And not a moment to soon.

Regardless on how you feel about Irag/Sexuality/etc, what he does is evil.

I remember his group trying to protest outside of Senator Barry Goldwater's funeral. The reason was based on my second favor Goldwater quote "You don't have to be straight to shoot straight." re: don't ask/don't tell.

Of course, my favorite quote is of the often shortened, unfortunately: Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

(I'm biased. In Senator Goldwater's late years, he got heavy in the HAM area. My younger brother, a HAM, became a friend of his. We have many picture of my Bro. with the Senator as they hung out ...)
MikeYarosh said:
Comrade Phelps can rot in ****. And not a moment to soon.

Mike, go ahead... You can say it...

He can rot in HELL

Anyone know if they have a website or something? I would like to volunteer to ride with them this summer.

Adam_MA said:
Anyone know if they have a website or something? I would like to volunteer to ride with them this summer.


Adam - apparently their site has been overwhelmed. There are several email addresses there to write for info. If my foot heals enough, I'll ride with you, too.
I signed up as a member on their site a couple of months ago... I get e-mails, but it doesn't seem like too much happens in our neck of the woods too often thankfully.

Either way, I have my bike, and I'd be willing to go.

As they said in the story... No one deserves that kind of treatment.
Lynne said:
I wish I had a bike.....

I've got an extra helmet. You're welcome to "have my back" (seat, that is).

Would be kinda neat to have a tailgunner. :)

(Let me know what happens Adam. I'd be interested in riding, too...)
Jay G said:
Lynne said:
I wish I had a bike.....

I've got an extra helmet. You're welcome to "have my back" (seat, that is).

Would be kinda neat to have a tailgunner. :)

(Let me know what happens Adam. I'd be interested in riding, too...)

Thanks for the offer hun. If hubby didn't turn in to the unjolly green giant, I'd say yes. [lol]
Lynne said:
Jay G said:
Lynne said:
I wish I had a bike.....

I've got an extra helmet. You're welcome to "have my back" (seat, that is).

Would be kinda neat to have a tailgunner. :)

(Let me know what happens Adam. I'd be interested in riding, too...)

Thanks for the offer hun. If hubby didn't turn in to the unjolly green giant, I'd say yes. [lol]

YIKES! Wasn't meant that way, honest! [oops]

I'd just like to have someone that could throw rotten fruit at the Phelps morons whilst I gun the throttle...
Buddy of mine from NC has an interesting comment about Westboro "Baptist Church" on another list I get . . .

These guys showed up at my church a couple years ago. Their purpose is to cause a confrontation then sue the city, police and anyone they can for violating their rights. That's how they make a living. As mentioned before the church is composed of one big family and they are all lawyers.

Optimistic Paranoid said:
Buddy of mine from NC has an interesting comment about Westboro "Baptist Church" on another list I get . . .

These guys showed up at my church a couple years ago. Their purpose is to cause a confrontation then sue the city, police and anyone they can for violating their rights. That's how they make a living. As mentioned before the church is composed of one big family and they are all lawyers.


Only one thing worse than scumbags that protest at soldier's funerals: scumbag Lawyers who protest at soldier's funerals.

I am all for free speech but I would love to let my foot "talk" to Phelps balls!.
Jay G said:
Lynne said:
Jay G said:
Lynne said:
I wish I had a bike.....

I've got an extra helmet. You're welcome to "have my back" (seat, that is).

Would be kinda neat to have a tailgunner. :)

(Let me know what happens Adam. I'd be interested in riding, too...)

Thanks for the offer hun. If hubby didn't turn in to the unjolly green giant, I'd say yes. [lol]

YIKES! Wasn't meant that way, honest! [oops]

I'd just like to have someone that could throw rotten fruit at the Phelps morons whilst I gun the throttle...

I know...I was yust kidding. [lol] [wink] BTW - rotten grapefruit are the best. [lol] [lol]
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