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Online Ammo Sales to MA: Illegal, or do Vendors just not want to bother?

Aug 23, 2006
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Hi folks,

I've search this forum and the web for some time concerning this issue. I know all about Reilly's little stings and such. But as far as I could read, those places were busted because they were selling to folks who couldn't own what they were purchasing according to Mass law.

Is it just plain illegal according to Mass law to order Ammunition online? Or, is it because the vendors simply don't want to deal with our crazy laws?

XXXXXXX seems to have nothing listed on their site about not selling to Mass, and they also have an ammo sales waiver. I'll give them a call and see what their stance is. It would be nice to not have to pay $6 for a box of surplus 7.62x54r, or have to wait until the next gun show.


Edited by typeo1313, Please do not list names of companies who may possibly ship ammo and or components to Ma.
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