Obama halts gun control efforts?

Meh, its probably partially true. It's not a priority for him right now but he doesn't want to seem like he's not doing anything. The country as a whole is in a much deeper shithole than Sandy Hook, and he doesn't need to lose half the democratic senators and congressmen during the midterm election. Also, as I said, he's not stupid and likely realizes an assault weapons ban is a feel good piece of useless legislation.

they're just trying to stop the rush of the citizens arming themselves.

Maybe they aren't as dumb as they look, Obama would piss off the least people and cause the least damage to the country by STFU.

That has never happened in the past, but maybe fear of an armed populace is an equally good motivator.
Seems like a 'wishful thinking' way of looking at their remarks. I'll believe it when Feinstein's bill doesn't get Obama's support and then goes nowhere.
I think that by appointing Biden as the point man on this, he is sending a message to gun owners that he doesn't hate us quite as much as we think. He could have appointed Chuck Schumer.
As i've said before, the Democrats know there's pretty much zero chance of any gun control making it through the House, so they're just putting on this charade for the masses to make it look like they're doing something.

By the time the "commission" issues its report in mid-January, this will probably be a distant memory in the public mind. It's political grandstanding, nothing more.
I think state gun control legislation is more likely than federal I may be wishful thinking but I hope I'm right so far I've heard nothing about nh trying to ban anything.
I wad told buy a friend of mine who works down on the belt way that biden is pro2a and a gun owner I doubt it but i like having hope around Christmas!
It's funny to see all the posts of everyone worrying about a ban and stock piling then a glimmer of hope comes through and all the I told you so's start coming out. You guys are funny. Oh and I may be one also. Soooooo when are all those impulse buys going to be up for sale for half price so everyone can recoup the massive amounts of money they spent for no reason.[smile]
Pres. Obama doesn't have to worry about being re-elected,
but the democrats (senators etc.) has to worry about their re-election, maybe they just realize that ?
There is no way the dems grew a brain - something else is going on here. Like a fiscal cliff or something silly like that.

Oh, and take the "m." from the front of the link and it works just fine. http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-reid-slam-brakes-on-gun-control/article/2516406#.UNZksm_Ad8G

Looks to me like he is going to see how the fiscal talks play out then hit the GOP with a double whammy of stonewalling him on the debt limit and gun control during his speeches. Then will come the "recommendations" of his crack panel of advisors and it will be full steam ahead. http://washingtonexaminer.com/wsj-o...hes-to-blame-gop/article/2516688#.UNZutm_BGSo
He's going to do it by executive order. He doesn't need to rush because he doesn't need Congress.

Although maybe the manufacturing numbers from the Firearms sector will make him look better.
I think it would be rather hilarious if these scumbags went out and bought up all kinds of gun stock in the market, announced their plans, then watched their portfolios explode!!! Wishful thinking, but if Santa is listening......
I don't really give a shit about the why, all I care about for the moment is my hope that it is true...

Also consider that democrats may control the senate and the white house, but republicans control the Governor's mansions in the majority of states as well as state legislatures. Gun control within the states will be considered - but not overly successful.

Also democrats will have a difficult - but not impossible - task of retaking the house. Because of redistricting - which was done when republicans controlled most of the state Governor's mansions and state legislatures - as a result of the last mid-term election. Most congressional districts were redrawn to favor conservative candidness. Make no mistake - that played a HUGE role in them keeping the house during the last election in which the President was on the ballot.

No - the liberal plan of gun control is much more diabolical than that. Look at the supreme court. Heller - a 5-4 decision. McDonald another 5-4. Now consider how old some of the conservative justices are. Obama only needs to replace one! Then they can have all the gun control they want - without a single Democratic legislator having to make that difficult vote on the matter. All controlled by unelected Supreme court justices who will never have to face the voters at the ballot box! THAT is how they will accomplish their goal...
We need time to pass by to diffuse the topic back down to rational levels. Also, having some kind of non-violent scandal to erupt would be wonderful. Just to be able to watch a single news episode without them trying to shove anti 2a sentiment down my throat would be a dream come true right about now.
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