Obama at it again.

We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun,” Obama said in the White House briefing room

Barry or his speech writer is a total retard. They don't have facts, but they can make conclusions, yeah.
So when someone has a heart attack from obesity, does Bama go after McD's and the other fast food restaurants, NO... GFYS BAMA! Another reason to push his agenda again. [puke][puke][puke][puke][puke][puke][puke][puke]
" *snip* communities like this"

Did King O just make a stereotypical remark? [shocked]

Honestly though, does he ever chew his words before spewing utter shit?
Just remember that when a Democrat opens their mouth only lies come spewing out. OH, there are many mass shootings in other countries. Remember the 73 children that were gunned down in Ireland (?) a couple of years ago is the worst of many examples.
Just remember that when a Democrat opens their mouth only lies come spewing out. OH, there are many mass shootings in other countries. Remember the 73 children that were gunned down in Ireland (?) a couple of years ago is the worst of many examples.

Ireland? There were 69 killed in Norway by anders breivik after he exploded a car bomb killing 8 others. I think that is the one you were thinking of. There are others over the past few decades in germany, france, israel, etc.
Ones Obama conveniently forgot about:

22 July, 2011: Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik kills 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.

9 April, 2011: Tristan van der Vlis, 24, fired more than 100 rounds from three guns in a suburban Dutch shopping mall, killing six people before turning one of the weapons on himself.

23 September, 2008: Matti Saari, 22, walks into a vocational college in Kauhajoki, Finland, and opens fire, killing 10 people and burning their bodies with firebombs before shooting himself fatally in the head.

7 November, 2007: After revealing plans for his attack in YouTube postings, 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen fires kills eight people at his high school in Tuusula, Finland.

26 April, 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school in Erfurt, Germany, kills 13 teachers, two former classmates and policeman, before committing suicide.

28 April, 1996: Martin Bryant, 29, bursts into cafeteria in seaside resort of Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia, shooting 20 people to death. Driving away, he kills 15 others. He was captured and imprisoned.

13 March, 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, and then kills himself.

6 December, 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, bursts into Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique college, shooting at women he encounters, killing nine and then himself.

19 August, 1987: Michael Ryan, 27, kills 16 people in small market town of Hungerford, England, and then shoots himself dead after being cornered by police.

And if you include mass murders committed by foreigners on US soil:

3 April, 2009: A 41-year-old man opened fire at an immigrant community center in Binghamton, N.Y., killing 11 immigrants and two workers. Jiverly Wong, a Vietnamese immigrant and a former student at the center, killed himself as police rushed to the scene.

16 April, 2007: Seung-Hui Cho, 23, kills 32 people and himself on Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va.

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So are my ammo prices going up again?
It's truly terrible that I have to now associate deaths by firearms to an increase in the cost of practicing self defense.
I hope those families somehow find some solice in these dark times.
I'm with the group of people here who think King O and Dianne Feinstein (aka Skeletor) going to use every possible avenue to get his "gun control" wet dream made into a reality.

For example, presenting it again as a BS "public health issue" will get clowns like surgeon general Murthy to start piping up.

This is gonna get ugly and these events are sadly like the FedEx man giving MDA the business. Like the Keymaster meeting the Gatekeeper. But as long as we make sure 1993 doesn't happen again, we'll be ok.
So are my ammo prices going up again?
It's truly terrible that I have to now associate deaths by firearms to an increase in the cost of practicing self defense.
I hope those families somehow find some solice in these dark times.

I woke up this morning thinking about buying a "pre-ban" ar-15 before they use this atrocity to close the existing loophole.

(In CT, you can't buy AR-15's now unless they're pre-ban, manufactured before 1994 and NOT on "the list"); and they're gdmn expensive because of the restrictions.
So are my ammo prices going up again?
It's truly terrible that I have to now associate deaths by firearms to an increase in the cost of practicing self defense.
I hope those families somehow find some solice in these dark times.

Pricing go up huh, more like ammo disappear.

Just this week I saw 10-12 box's of the 333 Winchester 22 in the westboro Walmart. I bought a few, there was no limit and left a bunch. Now I'm guessing they will be panic bought as I should have done.

So, 0bama, the agitator, has done all he knows how to do...AGITATE and started a race war with the help of Holder, Sharpton, et al and now blames law-abiding gun owners. Shocker. From the same guy that blamed a video for the backlash of his illegal arms deal and his unwillingness to defend our embassy to save his re-election hopes, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

This shooting was just the next battle. Now white people will be targeted by black gangs all over the country. Oh wait, they all already do that...its called 'Knockout'.

This further divides the people and softens people up to support gun control. Who wins? 0bama. Who loses? Everyone involved, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, etc.
I'm with the group of people here who think King O and Dianne Feinstein (aka Skeletor) going to use every possible avenue to get his "gun control" wet dream made into a reality.

For example, presenting it again as a BS "public health issue" will get clowns like surgeon general Murthy to start piping up.

This is gonna get ugly and these events are sadly like the FedEx man giving MDA the business. Like the Keymaster meeting the Gatekeeper. But as long as we make sure 1993 doesn't happen again, we'll be ok.

There will not be a single bill even voted on. The anti's want, so what. There is zero appetite for anything. What possible proposal would have a chance at stopping it? Even the anti background check bills exempt relative transfers.

Who cares about murthy, if 1 person in 100 could pick him out of a line up, I'd be shocked. He has zero power or influence.

There will be a tornado, flood, etc next week and the drive by media will move on en masse.
Damn, I should've waited to sell my .45!

Honestly, we've been over all of this many times. Obama makes an ignorant comment; antis wet themselves because the dear leader wants to protect them; NESers cite knives, the Norway murder, etc. Facts don't matter when you have an agenda and no amount of reasoning will get through to Obama's minions.

As an aside, I've noticed something interesting while dating around following my breakup back in December. With women it seems to be personality and character that determine their attitude towards guns. I had one moonbat launch into a tirade about how "the second amendment needs to go" but obviously she couldn't back that up with any reasonable arguments. On the other hand, another (much hotter) young lady basically has the attitude of screw what you think, I want my home to be protected so teach me how to shoot. Guess which one got asked out again [wink] The point is, neither of them know anything about guns or relevant laws, get they have vastly different opinions in the subject. Its probably the same for men too but I never noticed.
There will not be a single bill even voted on. The anti's want, so what. There is zero appetite for anything. What possible proposal would have a chance at stopping it? Even the anti background check bills exempt relative transfers.

Who cares about murthy, if 1 person in 100 could pick him out of a line up, I'd be shocked. He has zero power or influence.

There will be a tornado, flood, etc next week and the drive by media will move on en masse.

I hope you're right. I'm just thinking how shitty of a time it would be to have another liberal wave of support for an AWB (I know, it makes no sense even with the Charleston shooting).
There will not be a single bill even voted on. The anti's want, so what. There is zero appetite for anything. What possible proposal would have a chance at stopping it? Even the anti background check bills exempt relative transfers.

Who cares about murthy, if 1 person in 100 could pick him out of a line up, I'd be shocked. He has zero power or influence.

There will be a tornado, flood, etc next week and the drive by media will move on en masse.

Yeah, people need to relax - this incident is minor compared to Sandy Hook, in terms of public awareness. Yes, Obama and the liberal media will hound it cause of the race angle, but in terms of legislation they won't get anything from this.
I hope you're right. I'm just thinking how shitty of a time it would be to have another liberal wave of support for an AWB (I know, it makes no sense even with the Charleston shooting).

With the AWB, after sandy hook with a D majority in the senate, there was not a majority for AWB nor mag limits. They got 54 for the BS background check compromise but that is short of the 60 needed.

Yeah, people need to relax - this incident is minor compared to Sandy Hook, in terms of public awareness. Yes, Obama and the liberal media will hound it cause of the race angle, but in terms of legislation they won't get anything from this.

Sandy hook was much bigger, not in just numbers but where it was mostly little kids. If nothing happens after that, I think it's unlikely anything will happen nationally for quite a while.

Wha hurts the anti's time after time is the facts of incidents and statistics. What law would have stopped sandy hook? None and people know it (honest ones). And with the AWB, mag limits, etc all the hysterics of blood in the streets after it expired in '04 but the numbers continue to decline. The number of guns in the public is WAY up since '94 but crime, murders, etc are down.

Just like the global warming fear mongers in '05 saying the ice cap would be melted by 2015 but it's grown. There lies work against them in time.
Yeah, but unlike america there's actually a social pariah factor attached to welfare in parts of europe. In america within a large subset of the population its "coo" to have an EBT card and use it with reckless abandon.

I hate it when you're right, it's so much more fun to disagree with you [emoji3]
The only thing restraining 0bama before was elections (mid terms) now he doesn't care as he will be out of office (allegedly) /tinfoil

He has also learned he can do anything and the most the congress would do is have a hearing or two.

"I will tell you, right after Sandy Hook, Newtown, when 20 6-year-olds are gunned down, and Congress literally does nothing — yes, that's the closest I came to feeling disgusted," he said. "I was pretty disgusted."

It's ok Barry I've been disgusted since the morning of November 5th, 2008, you traitorous, rotten to the core, Marxist, gun grabbing, racist, commie, SCUMBAG.
While the political panders remain obsessed with South Carolina's display of a Confederate flag, let's take account of some of the other news of the weekend...

As of Sunday afternoon, four had been killed and at least 22 wounded in all-too-typical weekend violence in self-proclaimed progressive urban Chicago. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Weekend-Shootings-Across-Chicago-308824041.html

In Detroit, a dozen people were shot at a child's birthday party, one of them killed. http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/21/us/detroit-birthday-party-shooting/

Meanwhile in Baltimore, under the city's progressive Democrat leadership, city leaders now claim the police department there has become a cesspool filled with corruption, and they all but promise more police officers will face arrest. Gonna be tough on residents there as police become increasingly dysfunctional, residents knowing the city can't seem to manage the police, and the police become knowing the city won't back 'em up as they attempt to control hostile streets. http://dailycaller.com/2015/06/19/b...form-efforts-will-get-more-officers-arrested/

But politically correct progressives, including paid activists and community organizers, as well as meddling Republicans like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, treat the flag in South Carolina's as the country's biggest domestic crisis. They demand the flag's removal just like ISIS or the Taliban demand removal of items or images they find offensive. http://www.people.com/article/jeb-bush-mitt-romney-south-carolina-confederate-flag

Seriously, people. When is America going to wake up and recognize the decoys and distractions?

When will Americans en masse begin to see how far America's fallen?

When they do, let's hope Americans will be smart enough to see the societal decline has nothing to do with an historical remembrance flying in South Carolina.

How many Democrat politicians, either officially or unofficially, have exploited the same flag, or allowed it to be exploited on their behalf, when they deemed it in their favor?

The history may not be as remote as some will have you believe.

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