NRA to endorse Harry Reid?

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Google up "Democratic Underground". Lots of gun owners there.

Hey...thanks for that idea. Just checked it out and I'm amazed how much discussion is going on there.

I have to say, I don't want to leave this board just because I'm in the minority and people may call me a moonbat. I'll wear that label with pride. I think though that we have a common cause here and "can't we all just get along?" :)
There are several issues that split pro-2A politicians.

-Gay marriage
-Legal online gambling
-Foreign intervention
-U.S. support for Israel

The libertarians, social conservatives, and neocons have various opinions on these issues, but they are all generally supportive of gun owners. When a pro-gun organization starts taking sides in issues that have nothing to do with gun ownership, it loses its appeal to some who are 100% pro-2A.

Why must the NRA support issues other than those that directly relate to gun owners?
If enough Democrats are thrown out on their ass, Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein will be minority leaders.

THAT is the point.
It will never work,the Democrat/Liberal vision of America is far different than the founding fathers intended.

Anybody that knowingly votes Socialist is an enemy to what America was founded upon.Unlike a lot of people here,I don't assume just because someone owns guns ,that makes them "cool" and we have something in common.I like tacos,it doesn't mean that every taco eater is cool.

The people who put Obama,Frank,Pelosi etc. in office are the enemy of a free America,it does not matter what possesions they may have.

Hmmm. So, me buying you a beer is out I guess.

You are against socialism in all its forms? So you are against unemployment insurance, Social Security Retirement benefits, SSI for the disabled, Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, Head Start, The School Free Lunch program? I just want to make sure I understand your views.

You must want things the way they were in the good olde days. Slavery was legal, you had to be 25, white and owned land to vote, women had no voice, genocide against the indigenous people of this continent was know...the good old day?
Hey...thanks for that idea. Just checked it out and I'm amazed how much discussion is going on there.

I have to say, I don't want to leave this board just because I'm in the minority and people may call me a moonbat. I'll wear that label with pride. I think though that we have a common cause here and "can't we all just get along?" :)

What common cause are you speaking of ?

It certainly can't be the preservation of a free society unchained with the burden of massive tax increases and the principles upon which this once great nation was founded upon.

No way can it be to flush out the Socialists that have infested themselves in our government whose only purpose is to destroy everything that this country was founded upon and turn the United States into a politically correct cesspool of diversity like Europe.

So,what is the common cause you speak of ?

Hmmm. So, me buying you a beer is out I guess.

You are against socialism in all its forms? So you are against unemployment insurance, Social Security Retirement benefits, SSI for the disabled, Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, Head Start, The School Free Lunch program? I just want to make sure I understand your views.

You must want things the way they were in the good olde days. Slavery was legal, you had to be 25, white and owned land to vote, women had no voice, genocide against the indigenous people of this continent was know...the good old day?

Yes,I am against all those programs,they started out with good intentions but now are just a free lunch program for every single leech on society to take advantage of.Your great society was a complete failure and did nothing but create lazy Americans sucking on the tit of the government.Those programs were,and are,nothing but a gigantic ponzi scheme.

As far as your last paragraph..

You are reaching.

The only slave owners here are the Democrats for giving away free money to the dredges of society in exchange for a vote.
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Greetings fellow moonbat. I feel exactly the same way. I think that due to the polarization of politics in the country, its very easy to be labeled one way or the other. I think there is a growing movement of independents that can have both liberal views on certain things and conservative views on others. I think the term is 'centrist'. I don't like extremists in either direction. Are their liberal moonbats? Hell yeah there are...Gloria Alred and Al Sharpton qualify. Are there conservative moonbats? Hell yeah....Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh get my vote there.

My point is that if you generalize on either side, you really don't help your argument at all. You just add to the division and don't get any closer to your goal.

Just my $0.02 worth.


It will never work,the Democrat/Liberal vision of America is far different than the founding fathers intended.

Anybody that knowingly votes Socialist is an enemy to what America was founded upon.Unlike a lot of people here,I don't assume just because someone owns guns ,that makes them "cool" and we have something in common.I like tacos,it doesn't mean that every taco eater is cool.

The people who put Obama,Frank,Pelosi etc. in office are the enemy of a free America,it does not matter what possesions they may have.

And this.

We walk a fine line. Keep in mind no politician should be trusted.

The thing is even gun owners are split. We need to find something...That chick running up the sidewalk is hot...sorry She was like wow.

Anyway, we as gunowners need to come together some how someway.
If Sharron Angle wins, I hope the NRA Board will drag Wayne LaPierre into a field and rip his nuts off.

Candidate nobody is not to be underestimated Network NewsX Profile

By George F. Will
Sunday, July 4, 2010


Sometimes provocative people become that way because they were provoked. Sharron Angle, 60, could be enjoying the 10 grandchildren she loves even more than her .44 magnum. Instead, she is the Republican nominee against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's quest for a fifth term as senator. Her campaign began, in a sense, three decades ago, when a judge annoyed her.

When her son was depressed about having to repeat kindergarten -- "He was a 6-year-old dropout" -- she decided on home schooling, which Nevada law permitted. But a judge construed the law to require that parents who home-school must live at least 50 miles from a public school.

She and many kindred spirits descended on Carson City to get the Legislature to correct this. One legislator, irritated by such grass-roots impertinence, said, "If I'd known there would be 500 people here instead of 50 and it would take five hours instead of 30 minutes, I would have thrown it [the legislation] in my drawer, and it would never have seen the light of day." Angle asked a cowboy standing next to her, "Can he do that?" The cowboy said yep. She has been politically incandescent ever since.

Even when asked where she was born, she is on message: "I was conceived in Lovelock [Nevada] but -- if you're not pro-life -- I was born in Klamath Falls [Oregon]." During her four terms in Nevada's 42-seat Assembly, many votes were "41-to-Angle." She wears as a badge of honor having been voted Nevada's worst legislator, a disparagement she says is always bestowed on a conservative because the voters are members of the press and the political class (the legislators and their staff).

Her favorite legislators? U.S. Sens. Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann. They are coming here to help her. She says she will be 73 at the end of two Senate terms, but notes that her 103-year-old aunt lives in Arizona with her two sons, both in their 80s.

The Democrats' Senate leader before Reid was from another thinly populated state: South Dakota's Tom Daschle was defeated in 2004. Such is the constant flood of new voters into Nevada -- only 24 percent of residents were born in the state -- that Reid's national stature matters less than it might in a place where the electorate has more local memories. Perhaps 200,000 Nevadans -- in an electorate of 2 million -- have never seen Reid's name on a ballot.

He argues that Nevada now needs his Washington potency more than ever. Angle, who laughs easily and often, does so about that: Nevada, she says, has the nation's highest per capita bankruptcy and home foreclosure rates, and now, for the first time since April 2006, Michigan does not have the nation's highest unemployment rate. Nevada does: 14 percent.

Nevada candidates buy television time here, in Reno and -- to cover eastern Nevada -- in Salt Lake City. Reid supporters spent substantial sums trying to ensure Angle's nomination by attacking her principal opponent in the primary. Reid has $9 million on hand with more coming. Angle will have ample money from conservatives nationwide. It remains to be seen whether these resources will be squandered by a campaign organization unready for prime time.

If the election becomes a referendum on him, she wins. If he makes it about some of her injudicious statements -- e.g., "transition out" of Social Security; using Yucca Mountain north of here not for storing nuclear waste but for reprocessing such waste -- he might survive.

Nevada is a swing state. Bill Clinton carried it twice, as did George W. Bush before Barack Obama won with 55 percent. Reid, who entered politics in Richard Nixon's first term, is a canny realist. Although his approval ratings are steadily in the 30s, he might get, say, 43 percent of the November vote. This might be enough, because in addition to Angle there will be seven other Senate candidates siphoning away dissatisfied voters and people will vote "none of the above," which is Nevada's catharsis for the disgusted.

Before Chicagoan Abner Mikva, now retired from the federal judiciary, was a congressman, he was a young man who dropped by a political clubhouse where a member of the city's machine asked who sent him. He said, "Nobody." The machine man said, "We don't want nobody nobody sent."

Angle is somebody nobody sent. Nobody in the upper reaches of national or even Nevada politics, that is. But voters may not be finished sending her places.
Harry's greatest hits:

Want to talk about his record on Supreme Court nominees?

Stop, you're using facts again!

Anyone who thinks he can be rated an "A" is an imbecile. Sure, he built a huge range for some people to shoot guns. But he believes in restrictions on types, number, where, when, and how a personal firearm should be used. "F".

BTW, the 2nd Amendment isn't just about GUNS. It is about the ability to keep your government afraid of the people. Erecting a range doesn't come close, unless you're a fudd.
Stop, you're using facts again!

Anyone who thinks he can be rated an "A" is an imbecile. Sure, he built a huge range for some people to shoot guns. But he believes in restrictions on types, number, where, when, and how a personal firearm should be used. "F".

BTW, the 2nd Amendment isn't just about GUNS. It is about the ability to keep your government afraid of the people. Erecting a range doesn't come close, unless you're a fudd.

I think he's actually rated B.
Hmmm. So, me buying you a beer is out I guess.

You are against socialism in all its forms? So you are against unemployment insurance, Social Security Retirement benefits, SSI for the disabled, Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, Head Start, The School Free Lunch program? I just want to make sure I understand your views.

You must want things the way they were in the good olde days. Slavery was legal, you had to be 25, white and owned land to vote, women had no voice, genocide against the indigenous people of this continent was know...the good old day?

Yes, and i'm even more pissed i have to pay for it and use none of the services.

Slavery? Come on, talk about a tired argument. Was it written in the constitution that slavery was legal?
You must want things the way they were in the good olde days. Slavery was legal, you had to be 25, white and owned land to vote, women had no voice, genocide against the indigenous people of this continent was know...the good old day?


"Why some of my best friends are"​
is this a republican forum or a gun owners forum? I am not saying anyone should profess to believe anything they don't; I know i certainly wont. I am just saying that refusing to acknowledge that some of your views are shared by the opposing party, and in those avenues enlisting support instead of ire may be a good idea, rather than a bad one, seems silly and short sided.

Also, Liberals aren't "lurking", we are proudly posting as fellow gun owners and supporters living in the north east. Your post seems to insinuate that this is "your" forum and those of us not professing to your political view aren't welcome. That seems like a pretty contrary opinion to our founding fathers, but maybe im missing something.

Now I enjoy these forums, love reading range reports, gun reviews, idle chatter and the like. I would think you would welcome a contrary political view in discussions if, for nothing else, to hone and sharpen your conservative arguments; i know I feel that way.
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is this a republican forum or a gun owners forum? I am not saying anyone should profess to believe anything they don't; I know i certainly wont. I am just saying that refusing to acknowledge that some of your views are shared by the opposing party, and in those avenues enlisting support instead of ire may be a good idea, rather than a bad one, seems silly and short sided.

Also, Liberals aren't "lurking", we are proudly posting as fellow gun owners and supporters living in the north east. Your post seems to insinuate that this is "your" forum and those of us not professing to your political view aren't welcome. That seems like a pretty contrary opinion to our founding fathers, but maybe im missing something.

Now I enjoy these forums, love reading range reports, gun reviews, idle chatter and the like. I would think you would welcome a contrary political view in discussions if, for nothing else, to hone and sharpen your conservative arguments; i know I feel that way.

At least in my case, this is not a Republican forum. I have pointed out in this thread three Republicans who have at one time or another sold out the 2nd Amendment for their own political gain. The trouble you and your other fellow Liberals will have here, is based mostly on the track-record of the Democratic party and the 2nd Amendment. No one will drive you away from this forum except you, but you have to expect to be challenged for your political views, when you are represented by a party that has a deep history with limiting the rights of the American citizen to keep and bear arms...Welcome to NES...
Your post seems to insinuate that this is "your" forum and those of us not professing to your political view aren't welcome. That seems like a pretty contrary opinion to our founding fathers, but maybe im missing something.

You are missing A LOT.

The Founding Fathers believed so strongly in freedom of association that they codified it as an inalienable right in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

And in all reality, the First Amendment forbids government interference with people's peaceable assembly and association. It does NOT forbid the people from restricting who they may associate with or who may associate with them.

So neither you, nor I, nor anyone else has a right to be here. We all have a privilege granted buy the owner of this place.

Do keep that in mind.
is this a republican forum or a gun owners forum? I am not saying anyone should profess to believe anything they don't; I know i certainly wont. I am just saying that refusing to acknowledge that some of your views are shared by the opposing party, and in those avenues enlisting support instead of ire may be a good idea, rather than a bad one, seems silly and short sided.

Also, Liberals aren't "lurking", we are proudly posting as fellow gun owners and supporters living in the north east. Your post seems to insinuate that this is "your" forum and those of us not professing to your political view aren't welcome. That seems like a pretty contrary opinion to our founding fathers, but maybe im missing something.

Now I enjoy these forums, love reading range reports, gun reviews, idle chatter and the like. I would think you would welcome a contrary political view in discussions if, for nothing else, to hone and sharpen your conservative arguments; i know I feel that way.

Take my advice on these sorts of things: if political threads annoy you, don't read them. I read them only to see if I can throw in some snark or maybe a lolcat (not really) or Glock .40 joke.
is this a republican forum or a gun owners forum?

It's 99% a gun owners forum. The 1% lies in General discussion and Off Topic where anything can happen. I wouldn't go looking in those sections looking for a liberal viewpoint, it is still a gun forum after all and a gun toting liberal should make a fair assumption there political views are going to clash. By all means express yourself and engage in discussion but it is going to be an up hill battle to say the least.
Sounds more than fair, and I don't get annoyed by a heated debate, I actually find them pretty enjoyable. That being said there are never enough Glock .40 jokes.
Take my advice on these sorts of things: if political threads annoy you, don't read them. I read them only to see if I can throw in some snark or maybe a lolcat (not really) or Glock .40 joke.

Read an article in the Rifleman Mag. a few months back about Harry's allowing the construction of a rifle range, sooo... quid pro quo?

Apparently his support on gun issues isn't enough for him to get an endorsement this time around. This is a bit of a surprise to me since if the Democrats manage to hold the Senate, he's still going to be majority leader.

Friday, August 27, 2010

In the coming days and weeks, the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) will be announcing endorsements and candidate ratings in hundreds of federal races, as well as thousands of state legislative races. Unless these announcements are required by the timing of primary or special elections, the NRA-PVF generally does not issue endorsements while important legislative business is pending. The NRA-PVF also operates under a long-standing policy that gives preference to incumbent candidates who have voted with the NRA on key issues, which is explained in more detail here.

The U.S. Senate recently considered a number of issues important to NRA members, including the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Out of respect for the confirmation process, the NRA did not announce its position on Ms. Kagan's confirmation until the conclusion of her testimony before the Senate Judiciary committee. Her evasive testimony exacerbated grave concerns we had about her long-standing hostility towards the Second Amendment. As a result, the NRA strongly opposed her confirmation and made it clear at the time that we would be scoring this important vote.

The vote on Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Court, along with the previous year's confirmation vote on Sonia Sotomayor, are critical for the future of the Second Amendment. After careful consideration, the NRA-PVF announced today that it will not be endorsing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for re-election in the 2010 U.S. Senate race in Nevada.

NRA members and other interested parties are encouraged to visit for more information as Election Day draws near.
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