NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

Even more suits filed, and today at 11 AM MT (1 PM ET), the United States District Court – District of New Mexico (Albuquerque) held a hearing on the motion for a temporary restraining order against the governor’s stupid gun emergency order.

  1. National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)
  2. We The Patriots
  3. Gun Owners of America (GOA) + Gun Owners Foundation (GOF)
  4. Shawn Blas (Class Action)
  5. Joint lawsuit between:
    1. New Mexico Shooting Sports Association
    2. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)
    3. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)

Lujan is the Great Uniter.

Who'd a thunk you'd find Hogg, Lieu, the ACLU, GOA, a sprinkling of law professors, NAGR, and NES all on the same side of a gun issue? Impressive, in a perverse way.
Lujan is the Great Uniter.

Who'd a thunk you'd find Hogg, Lieu, the ACLU, GOA, a sprinkling of law professors, NAGR, and NES all on the same side of a gun issue? Impressive, in a perverse way.
pls GIF
Even more suits filed, and today at 11 AM MT (1 PM ET), the United States District Court – District of New Mexico (Albuquerque) held a hearing on the motion for a temporary restraining order against the governor’s stupid gun emergency order.

  1. National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)
  2. We The Patriots
  3. Gun Owners of America (GOA) + Gun Owners Foundation (GOF)
  4. Shawn Blas (Class Action)
  5. Joint lawsuit between:
    1. New Mexico Shooting Sports Association
    2. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)
    3. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)

Congratulations Governor........your recent edict to abrogate a Constitutional civil right.......all in the name of the health and safety of the citizenry of your state of course........will do absolutely nothing to reduce the crime rate and.......... by disarming those who chose to refuse to become a line-item entry on a police blotter.......... will in fact increase the likelihood of the victimization of more of your constituents and their families than had previously been the case.

The only noticeable effect of this poorly thought-out executive order will be that the courts will now have to install ticket number dispensers similar to what one sees at a deli counter in an effort to control the traffic flow of the increasing crowd of lawyers lined up in the court houses to file lawsuits against this blatantly unconstitutional nonsense.

One could be forgiven for wondering if during the formulation of this order actual attorneys........ who had more than a passing knowledge of the Constitution.......... were in fact consulted pursuant to whether or not it would be a clear violation not only of the Constitution itself but also of recent case law as well.

Here is a handy tip for the busy homemaker.........before going public with your latest attempt to hew to the progressive party line........perhaps it would be worth your time to speak to people who have some real-world experience in the world as it is and not as you would wish it to be.

Weren't we assured by someone earlier in the thread that this wouldn't get a hearing before the temporary order expired? I'm confused. :D

Even more suits filed, and today at 11 AM MT (1 PM ET), the United States District Court – District of New Mexico (Albuquerque) held a hearing on the motion for a temporary restraining order against the governor’s stupid gun emergency order.

  1. National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)
  2. We The Patriots
  3. Gun Owners of America (GOA) + Gun Owners Foundation (GOF)
  4. Shawn Blas (Class Action)
  5. Joint lawsuit between:
    1. New Mexico Shooting Sports Association
    2. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)
    3. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
Congratulations Governor........your recent edict to abrogate a Constitutional civil right.......all in the name of the health and safety of the citizenry of your state of course........will do absolutely nothing to reduce the crime rate and...
Better yet, the SAF/FPC complaint sues Lujan Grisham and other officials not merely in their “official capacities,” but also individually, though only going for the Federal law violation rather than the “New Mexico Civil Rights Act”

Fort v. Grisham said:
MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM, individually and in her official capacity as the Governor of New Mexico, PATRICK M. ALLEN ,individually and in his official capacity as the Cabinet Secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health; JASON R.BOWIE, individually and in his official capacity as the Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, and W. TROYWEISLER, individually and in his official capacity as the Chief of the New Mexico State Police, defendants
The first SAF/FPC Motion Hearing is set for this Wednesday 9/13/2023 at 01:00 PM (MT) in Albuquerque District Court.
with her signing a law ending Qualified Immunity in New Mexico, can she be sued personally for civil rights violations under 1983?

"Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen announced Monday that his office would not be enforcing the order citing its alleged unconstitutionality, to which Lujan Grisham responded in a statement to the NM Political Report that her administration had “given you the tools, Sheriff Allen — now stop being squeamish about using them. I will not back down from doing what’s right and I will always put the safety of the people of New Mexico first.”"

Hey Lady........did it ever occur to you that the sheriff is NOT being "squeamish" as you accuse him of being and is in fact acting in a manner that supports the oath to defend the Constitution that he took?

This will apparently come as real surprise to you but if the people of New Mexico do not have freedom than they also do not possess safety as the latter flows from the in-hand possession of the former.

All you are trying to do is pander to the extreme left-wing of your progressive party and in the process put your citizenry at risk of becoming the victims of criminals. This is not just feel-good action on your part it is truly life-threatening in the possible ramifications that enforcement of this action could have on the people..........you know the ones that voted for you in the first place.

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Umm, because if we didn't, we'd be just like the Muslims in banning women from something "just because" of who they are. Something many here complain about.

Doubt it. Libtards and Sally Soccermoms will flock to her.

It would be nice if they'd love her, and everyone of her ilk, savagely instead.
Maybe the Islam bros have it right about banning women
Better yet, the SAF/FPC complaint sues Lujan Grisham and other officials not merely in their “official capacities,” but also individually, though only going for the Federal law violation rather than the “New Mexico Civil Rights Act”

The first SAF/FPC Motion Hearing is set for this Wednesday 9/13/2023 at 01:00 PM (MT) in Albuquerque District Court.

The actual court involvement is happening a lot faster than I thought that it would............and I suspect a lot faster than Madam Grisham thought that it would. This is starting to look like she is going to further her education on just what the Constitution really is...........and all while in the glare of the public..........how delightful.
Lujan Grisham responded in a statement to the NM Political Report that her administration had “given you the tools, Sheriff Allen — now stop being squeamish about using them. I will not back down from doing what’s right and I will always put the safety of the people of New Mexico first.”"

Hey Lady........did it ever occur to you that the sheriff is NOT being "squeamish" as you accuse him of being and is in fact acting in a manner that supports the oath to defend the Constitution that he took?
with her signing a law ending Qualified Immunity in New Mexico, can she be sued personally for civil rights violations under 1983?
Remove the sheriff's qualified immunity (and her own, and sovereign immunity), then order the Sheriff to enforce a law which violates the state constitution...
Better yet, the SAF/FPC complaint sues Lujan Grisham and other officials not merely in their “official capacities,” but also individually, though only going for the Federal law violation rather than the “New Mexico Civil Rights Act”

The first SAF/FPC Motion Hearing is set for this Wednesday 9/13/2023 at 01:00 PM (MT) in Albuquerque District Court.
I think that them not also going through the New Mexico Civil Rights Act is a mistake.
I think that them not also going through the New Mexico Civil Rights Act is a mistake.
A challenge under the state civil rights act would go through the state court, looks to me like all these suits chose to go directly to the federal district court in hopes of fast action (successfully, already have gotten hearings scheduled for one business day after filing on two of the lawsuits!).

That's a sure way to have this bounced from federal to state court.
IOW, to avoid this:
😂😂😂. Yeah right.
EVERY libtard governor is watching this and hoping to do the same. It will take time for courts to smack her down, but even that will be drawn out, with notorious judge shopping by Soros DA’s, etc.
We’re watching tyrants in action. Court smack down?
Issue another exec order an hour later. Another year to go through courts. Repeat.
The actual court involvement is happening a lot faster than I thought that it would............and I suspect a lot faster than Madam Grisham thought that it would. This is starting to look like she is going to further her education on just what the Constitution really is...........and all while in the glare of the public..........how delightful.
Yes, it is delightful to see, but unfortunately I think her outright arrogance will preclude her from learning anything. She knew before the words exited her mouth that she was breaking the law yet she just continued right down the path of tyranny.

I think she needs to be removed from office and a few years in prison to think about her crime/s.
Federal court provides for legal fee reimbursement via 43USC1983. And yes, this is real - Comm2a's attorney fees in the Lawful permanent resident and marijuana cases were paid by the state of MA. I doubt that NM has the same provision in their law.
That's a sure way to have this bounced from federal to state court.

What precludes them from suing in both courts concurrently?....other than time and money?

The Supreme Court said a person can be charged and tried in state and federal court for the same conduct without running afoul to the double jeopardy clause of the US Constitution because state and federal governments are separate sovereigns.
Yes, it is delightful to see, but unfortunately I think her outright arrogance will preclude her from learning anything. She knew before the words exited her mouth that she was breaking the law yet she just continued right down the path of tyranny.

The hope is that what's happening to her, if it goes as it should, will make others think twice.

Remove the sheriff's qualified immunity (and her own, and sovereign immunity), then order the Sheriff to enforce a law which violates the state constitution...

One has to admit that yes this is a real threat to a civil right that a great many people actually believe in.............but at the same time the potential negative litigational aspects for this new woman hero of the People's Republic have the ability to be rather entertaining to watch especially if she is now personally subject to legal review and sanction of her unconstitutional actions.

Excuse me while I run out to get more popcorn..........I need to get comfortable in my big man chair as I watch this whole matter unfold.

As W.C. Fields once is reported to have said when informed that someone he didn't care for was ill......"I certainly hope that it is nothing trivial".
NM AG has issued a four page letter stating that the order violates both the US and NM Constitutions.

Her hill just got a lot steeper. Additionally, the NM Republican Party and New Mexico Shooting Sports Association plan to file suits.

Since her order violates the state constitution, it would seem that a separate case could be filed in state court without affecting the federal suit. Unless there is a way for one of the parties to convince a judge to combine the two somehow.
Here me out on this. Let me tell you why the left is all pig piling on this dingleberry of a governor.

She used the idea of a 'health crisis' as a way of restricting the second amendment.

Now let's assume for a second that left wing federal judge uphold this idiotic verdict.

Now a red state can ban abortion the nest day via edict from the governor and point to NM and say 'see this liberal judge says it's okay to do this". And then bam, abortion is made illegal all over the place using the same logic that the NM governor used. If rights are not absolute then abortion is way down the food trough. There are cases right now in front of the court regarding illegality of people leaving their home states for an abortion. Upholding this edict will only fuel the right to squeeze the abortion apple for all of its juice.

Then red states could outlaw all transgender operations as a 'health care emergency' as well. They everything on the table so to speak just for a shot at gun rights.

That's why I believe that the smart democrats and thought leaders on the left realized almost immediately the stupidity of this governor and that it directly threatens their pet projects.

In my estimation the left has way way more to lose by winning than they do by losing. So they get safe seat democrats and 'democrat paid' online influencers to get the message out. If the democrats then they lose big time because anything can be a health care emergency.

Hitler was very adept at reading the emotional viewpoint of the German people and for quite a while his plan actually worked until the Allies physically crushed the Nazi edifice and forced the Germans to confront the horror and brutality of the actions of a government that they had supported of their own volition.

A few thoughts on the attention paid to children by a malignant state that I wrote last August in response to a different message:

I think that the idea is to subvert the constitutional order in its entirety and replace the historical governing precepts with whatever far left woke nonsense is currently in vogue at the moment. These elitists fully realize that the historical foundation of the Second Amendment was to both serve as a defensive mechanism for the remaining amendments as well as provide an actual buffer between the citizenry and a tyrannical government. That is why they are pressing so hard to disarm law-abiding citizens in an effort to reduce their ability to fight back against the Party's dictates.

The overall intention of the progressives strikes me as multi-generational in both depth and breadth. First remove the legal right to maintain private arms if one so chooses to do so. They realize that there is no real opportunity to change the mindset of people who presently own firearms and believe that choice is a Constitutionally protected right that they have. The second approach is more insidious in nature in as much as it involves the wholesale indoctrination of children thru educational mandates. Their idea is to teach children that wrong is right and is the new expected normality of today's society.

The Germans had an educational program that was quite successful in essentially turning out brainwashed children who bought into the Party's doctrine completely.......it was called
the Hitler Youth. During the battles after the Normandy invasion, they fought in a Hitlerjugend Division and had a tendency to fight to the last boy (man). This is what they looked like in 1939:

There is a reason that 4420 talked about no training young people below age 15 how to safely manage firearms because they think that if they have not been properly introduced to safe firearms principals and guns in general by that age then the youth will be easier to convince that shooting is a bad thing to be involved in and they should avoid acquiring that knowledge at all costs. This lack of teaching about firearms in general nicely compliments the constant drumbeat of revisionist history that is being forced upon children of all ages in today's so called educational system.

The final goal is to have produced generations of young people who are completely ignorant of their country's history and their legal civil rights and obligations as citizens and thus will be easier for the Party to manipulate and control.
Yes, it is delightful to see, but unfortunately I think her outright arrogance will preclude her from learning anything. She knew before the words exited her mouth that she was breaking the law yet she just continued right down the path of tyranny.

I think she needs to be removed from office and a few years in prison to think about her crime/s.


Do you think that the original idea for her executive order came after she first saw this yard sign?

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