NICS delay question

Mar 23, 2010
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My NICS check was delayed earlier today. Apparently the federal government wasn't able to reach whatever agency does the background checks in the state of new york, one of my former states of residence. I was under the impression that the NICS was a national database, but apparently they call up individual agencies in whatever states you've resided in to clear your background (correct me if I'm wrong).

Has anyone ever heard of a delay due to inability to reach a state/local agency? I'm wondering how long this is gonna take, because I was given a date of thursday next week when they should have an answer, but that doesn't really put me at ease. I've also been reading of delay's being a real inconvenience for some people. But apparently if after three days of no response the dealer can, but isn't required to give me the firearms. Any advice?
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1. In states where the state government has agreed to serve as the POC for the system, the FFLs contact the NICS through the state POC for all firearm transfers. The state POC conducts the NICS check and determines whether or not the transfer would violate state or federal law.

2. In states where the state government has declined to serve as a POC, the FFLs initiate a NICS background check by contacting the NICS Call Centers for all firearm transfers. The FBI conducts the NICS check and determines whether or not the transfer would violate state or federal law.

3. Finally, in states where the state government has agreed to serve as a POC for handgun purchases but not for long gun purchases, the FFLs contact the NICS through the designated state POC for handgun transfers and the NICS Section for long gun transfers.
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Has anyone ever heard back with a "proceed" over the weekend, or should I basically give up hope of taking my new pistols home this week?
same thing happened to me a few weeks ago i got a delay on a friday. i was born in Mass so the girls in Concord tried to contact Mass to check if everything was ok but the Mass system was down and they were not returning calls to Concord so i was delayed until about mid day saturday when Concord was able get through to Mass
If you are in NH the NH state POC for handguns has been completely f**ked up for the past few weeks or so... not sure what the problem is but this issue is currently endemic to NH handgun transfers.... so a "delay" probably is not actually a record issue at this point. A VAF UPIN will not help this problem because the delay is artificially induced by NH. If you want to avoid this BS, the only advice I have to NH residents is to avoid buying or transferring handguns on the weekends. It seems like every weekend their POC gets overloaded.

I guess if it happened on Friday it's now worse than the weekends.

At this point the problem is so f**king retarded if I lived in NH I would start calling your NH reps and senator(s) about it, something has to be done. This is getting f**king rediculous. Handgun transfers in NH have gone full retard... at most they used to be minutes, now they are hours, for the dealer doing nothing.

NH either needs to dump their pansy ass handgun POC (and let the feds do it) or improve the staffing or systems at the POC.

IIRC the only reason I think NH has this POC crap for handguns is because they want nics tie ins for the looney bin restrictions on handgun purchase, which aren't propogated by NH DMH out to the feds... so in order to facilitate this, they have to run a POC to query all the systems. (I could be wrong about this,but this appears to be the problem in several states- disqualifying mental health records are still protected looney bin records that the states cannot release to the feds for whatever reason.

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But see NH and MA (also former residence) both replied to the NICS request and cleared me on my background, they said the delay had to do with the state of NY not replying. Apparently it went straight to some type of automated machine. So wouldn't the blame be on NY and not NH?
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