NH Man Charged With Poaching For Shooting Turkey With 9mm From Car Window

I understand I think you just miss understood my response. I wouldn’t want to live under any of those setbacks.
And if I did I wouldn’t want to be near any neighbors that even cared.
Got it.
I would love to live out in the boonies but right now I can't complain.
I'm on a cul de sac and my four nearest neighbors will meet up in the center with a firepit for drinks and conversation. Those events normally last until after midnight.
Great neighbors are an asset
I wouldn’t shoot a turkey out of my window on Main Street thats a little over the top. If I woke up and there is 20 of them on my own property I mean that’s kind of my own business. I probably wouldn’t use a 9 mm pistol though. .40 all the way

Oh my immediate neighbors are great.
At my other location they are the absolute worst it’s nothing I did.

Trust me, very shortly I’ll be posting an MG noob vengeance thread. It’ll definitely be epic.

But if I did witness somebody shooting some turkeys out of a window of their car I probably would even think twice about it probably just go on about my business..

My question is if I hit them with my truck and then I pick them up and throw them in the back.. Would you report me?

I’m just joking trying to run over a bird is really difficult
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