NH Leg: 2 Gun Bill hearings Tues 3/26/2019

Everyone come, bring your family. Working on a poster size sign or similar to autograph and give to the Governor
Look what NHFC just sent out! Share with your friends.

Dear Gun Owner,

We have just learned Governor Sununu and several Legislators will be at the State House this Saturday, March 30, from 10am-12pm for an anti-tax rally.

While standing up to protest new tax increases is a good idea and standing up to oppose an income tax is an even better idea, standing up to protect the Constitutionally protected civil right to keep and bear arms is a GREAT IDEA.

NHFC will be onsite at the state house, so please, come join us and let the Legislators and Governor know how you feel about the radical gun control measures being passed by the House. Look for us, we intend to have a table so people can swing by and say hi. For all of you who want to make sure the Governor will VETO these bills, this is a great opportunity to express your voice to him and the others in person.

Many people complain about not being able to attend hearings that are conducted during the work. Now is your chance to say something in person during the weekend.

Event details: 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH State House front lawn. 10:00am -12am.

Bring lots of 2a signs, banners and hats. Make it clear that any infringement is NOT acceptable.

I'm sorry for the last minute notice, but I only heard about this yesterday and I wanted confirmation that the Governor was going to be attending before making a public announcement. NHFC will have free bumper stickers to hand out to those in attendance. Come join us and let the Governor know that our rights should not been trampled by this legislature. Please bring signs, hats, jackets, banners showing your unconditional support of our Second Amendment civil rights.

In liberty,

J.R. Hoell
Corporate Secretary - NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: Have you signed our petition opposing all anti-gun bills? If not, please click here to sign. We have already printed and delivered almost 1,300 of your petitions to Speaker of the House but we need even more signed petitions before we deliver these to the Governor and Senate President.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible -- please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

Click here to support NHFC by purchasing one of our custom rifles.

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Man killed before Manchester hotel standoff had long criminal history

A friend of Marshall's who asked not to be identified said he communicated with Marshall almost every day and described him as a man who had his demons. The friend said Marshall was a nice person with a bad drug problem.

The friend said Marshall told him two days ago that police were after him and he was facing more jail time. The friend said Marshall told him he had a gun and didn't intend to go out without a fight.”

We’re they waiting for an ERPO on this guy?
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