NH alert: Constitutional Carry, SB116, TODAY!, 1pm NH House

I thought NICS was part of either the state or federal background check system?
"NICS" is the federal background check performed with any purchase from an FFL.

NH is the "point of contact" for handgun sales - so when you do a 4473 in NH, the check happens in NH. A long-gun purchase goes to the FBI.

Any way you cut it:
a. handgun checks are going through NH who can act on their own data without sending it to NICS
b. we are talking about a concealed carry PISTOL permit.
c. ipso facto, Chief Wiggums is full of it - either intentionally or negligently.
Yes. Many of his points are completely irrelevant.

His argument about a 6 year old concealed carrying to school is in direct conflict with his mention of the GFSZA.

His argument of suitability is actually great. A citizen gets denied based on unsafe handling and threatening. There are plenty of cases of LEO NDs (sometimes into suspects) as well as LEO threatening. Great case of "for thee but not for me". Any law that doesn't apply to me is just and reasonable.
@Soloman02 - Does this paper have any "online version"?

Sadly no. I am writing an LTE but I would prefer it if someone from Wolfeboro/Tuftonboro (or even another nearby town) submits the letter as it will be received better since that person would be local.

Yes. Many of his points are completely irrelevant.

His argument about a 6 year old concealed carrying to school is in direct conflict with his mention of the GFSZA.

His argument of suitability is actually great. A citizen gets denied based on unsafe handling and threatening. There are plenty of cases of LEO NDs (sometimes into suspects) as well as LEO threatening. Great case of "for thee but not for me". Any law that doesn't apply to me is just and reasonable.

Worse, he doesn't even follow that. He denied a coworker because he had a 20 year old MJ possession conviction.

Maybe NH is different, but I could have sworn that CCW permits (or LTC in MA) covers everything except machine guns.

I REALLY hope NH passes that bill to eliminate permits for CCW.

The Pistol and revolver license covers nothing except for loaded concealed carry of a handgun on your person or a loaded handgun in a vehicle (regardless of whether it is on your person or in the glovebox). There is no license or permit for possession of anything. There is no law on machineguns, SBR's or Suppressors other than you cannot hunt with a full auto or suppressor (a bill was submitted to repeal the suppressor hunting ban), thus only federal law applies.
Maybe NH is different, but I could have sworn that CCW permits (or LTC in MA) covers everything except machine guns.

I REALLY hope NH passes that bill to eliminate permits for CCW.

A NH pistol and revolver LICENSE only exists to carry a concealed hand gun, nothing more. I am not sure what you mean in this post.
Maybe NH is different, but I could have sworn that CCW permits (or LTC in MA) covers everything except machine guns.

I REALLY hope NH passes that bill to eliminate permits for CCW.

Nope. It only covers the conceal carry of pistols and revolvers. Long guns are not prohibited from conceal carry. Only pistols and revolvers without a license.

Section 159:4
159:4 Carrying Without License. – No person shall carry a loaded pistol or revolver in any vehicle or concealed upon his person, except in his dwelling, house or place of business, without a valid license therefor as hereinafter provided. A loaded pistol or revolver shall include any pistol or revolver with a magazine, cylinder, chamber or clip in which there are loaded cartridges.

No mention of any other type of firearm.
If we want to be strict constitutionalists, most of the federal government would be unconstitutional. Unfortunately because it is so big, it has become almost impossible to get rid of (at least all at once).
Just about to post that...

Senator John Reagan said he would support the bill but didn't get an affirmative on him actually sponsoring it.

No one can sponsor a bill now. Way past the deadline for that. Support is good enough.
Just about to post that...

Senator John Reagan said he would support the bill but didn't get an affirmative on him actually sponsoring it.

Sponsoring was never open as an option to any other senators than the ones sponsoring it. Plenty of other senators were interested, but they were not welcome to co-sponsor.

Straight from the horse's mouth, btw.

My guess is that Boutin is desperately trying to erase the memory of him torpedoing the previous bill by hogging the "glory".
Sponsoring was never open as an option to any other senators than the ones sponsoring it. Plenty of other senators were interested, but they were not welcome to co-sponsor.

Straight from the horse's mouth, btw.

My guess is that Boutin is desperately trying to erase the memory of him torpedoing the previous bill by hogging the "glory".

Politics are so darn political...
Sponsoring was never open as an option to any other senators than the ones sponsoring it. Plenty of other senators were interested, but they were not welcome to co-sponsor.

Straight from the horse's mouth, btw.

My guess is that Boutin is desperately trying to erase the memory of him torpedoing the previous bill by hogging the "glory".

Wow. That it actually makes sense and was based on a past real example, is pretty freakin' sad though. Got to love politics.
HEADS UP! Monday 9-10am

The Concealed Carry Debate In N.H.

By The Exchange

With a new bill addressing how Granite Staters are allowed to carry a concealed gun, many are tapping in to the perennial conversation about concealed versus open carry. And while the right to bear arms is well-established in New Hampshire, there’s still debate about the who, where, and how when it comes to firearms.


JR Hoell – Republican state representative from Dunbarton and board member of the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition. He co-sponsored SB116.
Steve Shurtleff - Democratic House Minority Leader from Penacook.
Adam Winkler – professor of Constitutional Law at the University of California, Los Angeles and author of "Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America."
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HEADS UP! Monday 9-10am

The Concealed Carry Debate In N.H.

By The Exchange

With a new bill addressing how Granite Staters are allowed to carry a concealed gun, many are tapping in to the perennial conversation about concealed versus open carry. And while the right to bear arms is well-established in New Hampshire, there’s still debate about the who, where, and how when it comes to firearms.


JR Hoell – Republican state representative from Dunbarton and board member of the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition. He co-sponsored SB116.
Steve Shurtleff - Democratic House Minority Leader from Penacook.
Adam Winkler – professor of Constitutional Law at the University of California, Los Angeles and author of "Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America."

JR- Kick his ass!!!!!
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