Newton - LTC restriction removed

I met with the Newton licensing officer recently. He told me the chief is facing mandatory retirement in November. Newton still issues first time applicants with restrictions but he said I can write a letter after a few months to have them removed. Here's to hoping things don't change after Chief Mintz retires...
This is a miracle, after 3+ year with restricted LTC simple letter with request to remove restrictions faxed over resulted in unrestricted LTC with in 5 days.
Newton have a new chief and no licensing officer at this time. Looks like everything is up to new chief.

Very Good News !

Newton - [smile]

Only 350 Cities and Towns in Mass to go ! [crying]
I met with the Newton licensing officer recently. He told me the chief is facing mandatory retirement in November. Newton still issues first time applicants with restrictions but he said I can write a letter after a few months to have them removed. Here's to hoping things don't change after Chief Mintz retires...

A few months is better than before. It used to be 1 year,
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