New NYC mayor is a wayyyyyyy out in left field

Where do they dig these guys up? How the hell does he even get voted in? I just don't get it and I probably never will.
"If you asked the horses, 'Do you want to be out in a mud paddock with no feed, standing in a snowstorm, or in a dark stall on the fourth floor of some building in New York City?', I'm not sure how'd they'd answer."

If only they had a Cart Horse Union.

and if you asked a cow if he wanted to be grazing or being grazed on, I wonder what they would say

dammit people, you're the top of the food chain, act like it
We will protect the almost half-million undocumented New Yorkers, whose voices too often go unheard.

We will reach out to all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status -- issuing municipal ID cards available to all New Yorkers this year.

To all of my fellow New Yorkers who are undocumented, I say: New York City is your home too.
Woo hoo
It's who they wanted. New Yorkers love to be governed...apparently.

Exactly. I hope he shoves thru all the stuff he's promising in that speech. The only thing that's going to work to kill off progressive socialism is epic failure.

People need to stop trying to steer the bus away from the cliff and just put a cinder block on the gas pedal and then jump off and watch the explosion.

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NYC will look like Detroit before DiBlasio is done.

I for one will laugh.

Looking forward to it!
"If you asked the horses, 'Do you want to be out in a mud paddock with no feed, standing in a snowstorm, or in a dark stall on the fourth floor of some building in New York City?', I'm not sure how'd they'd answer."

If only they had a Cart Horse Union.

Action Item: Shut down carriage rides because you want the horses to live a better life.
Likely Result: Most horses sent to the dog food factory.
Agreed.... This is like the recent news about members of congress wanting the Redskins to change their name because they found it offensive.... IIRC the reply was something like "Don't they have more important things to work on?".....

I've you've been paying attention you would have noticed that pretty much the entire country - but the power structure in particular - have gone insane.

Once you realize that - you begin to understand that stuff like the Redskins thing and the behavior of the new NY mayor - are completely "normal".

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Where do they dig these guys up? How the hell does he even get voted in? I just don't get it and I probably never will.

He got voted in because that is what some majority of the people in NYC wanted because that is what they believe.
Action Item: Shut down carriage rides because you want the horses to live a better life.
Likely Result: Most horses sent to the dog food factory.
It has nothing to do with the horses. It is about the prime real estate where those horses are kept that he wants to then turn over to some of his elitist friends.
Typical liberal emotionally driven thinking. Its all about feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Yep tax the rich more, like that will help the welfare queens with 8 kids by 8 different fathers. Tax the rich more, the city will spend your money more wisely and efficient. The government knows best for you even if you don't and if you disagree, well too bad!
They want NY to be like detroit. The rulers want festering shitholes so that they can remain fat and in power, while the impoverished beg for crumbs from their tables. Until the bottom attacks the top, it will just be more of the same.....
Pretty sure that the Mariel boatlift showed just what can happen when you give those without documents a free pass. "My name? Uhh... Juan...? Yeah... Juan Valdez. Just a simple farmer from El Sal... Costa Rica. Yup. Police record? Oh NO, Sir! I'm just a humble son of a farmer. Huh? On my face? Oh, this silly little tattoo? Mara Salvatrucha is how you say "peace and love" in Costa Ricanish."
It's who they wanted. New Yorkers love to be governed...apparently.
My in laws are all from New York. They literally have aneurisms when plans are not followed exactly, and that a high-commander has not been elected to lead everyone through the day. My nuts hurt when I go to NY... I'd roll around in a box of scorpions before I'd ever move there. I have to be drunk from 8am to 12pm when I visit just to get through the day....
It's all rhetoric. If you think the millionaires and billionaires managing hedge funds in NYC will pay one extra cent in taxes or have anything in their business lives change you're as far out as the mayor-elect. If you really want to see the filthy rich manhattanites shake in their boots, try to reform the tax code and impose a flat tax on all income and assets. These folks have an army of tax lawyers and accountants who somehow allow them to LEGALLY pay 15% on multi-million dollar income. Once you realize that these very wealthy people DO NOT pay these "fair share" taxes or become impacted by any of these leftist policies it all starts to make more sense. Who will be most impacted? The 99.99 % of the population absorbing the amnesty of the illegals with their municipal ID badges, hospitals, schools, and all those who serve their communities in such roles.


Very astute observation of how the .01% are laughing in their 50 year old scotch!
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