New Folks Check In and Say Hi #4

Hello Less,

Welcome to the forum - do a search for Ashland and see what comes up - I am sure somebody may have gone through it before on the board.

Just make sure to use the search function and if that does not turn up any relevant results you can start a thread for the specific questions you may have.

Enjoy it here!

Thanks, I did a search of training sites and found one in Framingham that looks promising, but couldn't find anything about Ashland and how they are for LTC permits. Might have to start a thread.
Hello to all

Just found this place by accident, so I will try to sum up my past.

Grew up on a small ranch, southwestern Montana.

Served 4 years in the USMC, Field Artillery.

Went to gunsmithing school on the GI bill. (Colorado School of Trades)

Went back to Montana and worked to establish a gunsmith shop, helped financially in part by a few different jobs, as well as served in the Montana Army National Guard.

Got tired of starving, so I hatched a plan: Serve in the military for thirty years total, go back to Montana, live on a pension and have my gunsmith shop without worrying about starving. Only military hiring prior service personnel at the time was the USCG. So, what the hey.

Served twenty years eight months in the USCG, attending as I could manage funds and time a few factory gun schools, as well as working as a gunsmith part time at various places wherever I could. Retired from gunsmithing in 2004. Retired from the military in 2006. Went to college, GI bill again, now have a B. A. from Columbia College, Missouri. Wound up in northern New England, of all places. (followed now ex-wife to her job)

Still have some education benefits left. Might go to grad school, if I can figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

I like all firearms, and still enjoy working on hobby projects for myself now and then.
Just wanted to say "hi"

Hi everybody,
I grew up in Austria (Europe) and learned to shoot from my dad. I once got a silver medal in the local pistol competition at the Tyrolean hunters club in the small town of Innervillgraten, Austria, where we went on vacation nearly every summer.
Relocated to the US in 2001 and became a citizen in early March this year. One of the first things to apply for after that was my LTC, which I got last month. I now own a Walther P99c QA.
I found out about Northeastshooters while researching licensing requirements and found the site to be very useful.
Looking forward to some engaging conversations....
Hello to NES

Hi I'm Ed, I just moved up here from Florida with a brief stay in North Carolina and now live in Ipswich, MA. I have a CCP from Florida and have applied for a local LTC Class A so I can get back to carrying again. [grin]

I have to say the laws up here are a bit much as to "what" you all can carry but fairly straight forward as to "where" (I think). I even bought a book specific to MA firearms laws and I still can't figure out the "what" part.

I came up with a Sig P250 and a Sig P229R DAK as my "carry" firearms and understand that the P250 is a no-no in MA. [frown] And that the P229 is Ok as long as I revert to 10 round mags just to stay on the safe side of the law, [thinking] It's to bad since I've got lots of mags for both due to a tactical training weekend I went to (they hate you stopping to reload mags).

Anyways, glad to see a site like this one in the area, it will be a pleasure to take part in some of your discussions. [grin]
Welcome tbear6357

I used to live down the neck in Ipswich, enjoy!
Glad to hear your making some sense of the laws here - it can be quite confusing.
Hope to see you in the discussions.
Hello everyone

Greetings! This is Caya. I'm a wife & SAHM to two lovely kids. I'm completely new to shooting and guns and all, but I'm fixing to enter one of Mr. Appi's classes and get the license and almost certainly buy myself a nice little personal defense weapon. Well maybe a big one. [wink] [smile] I'd like to be able to take the kids camping & go hiking or just go for walks at night by myself & all without being terrified of being out there in the woods with only the critters and the weirdos for company. I'm not scared of the critters, it's the weirdos I'm concerned about. I'm 5'2" and I don't go nowhere isolated so I figure it's time to fix that.

Hey BarnacleBill- I love Montana. I wish we lived there, likewise we went out here for hubby's job. Hubby is from there- Billings. Isn't it awesome there??
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I've been lurking on this thread for a couple of months now after a friend from NH recommended it. I'm a flatlander that has been shooting most of his life and am disgusted with what's going on with our constitutional guarantees. I have lived in VT for 20 yrs. for a reason, NY being the other choice work related. I feel for you guys in MA. I'm finding this a fascinating resource for what's going on in New England. Thanks.
5'2"? that would make your line of sight, ummm, center mass? Excellent! Welcome to NES!
[laugh2] I used to take martial arts as a young thing, and I would deliberately crouch down even lower in sparring matches. Hit low (not hit the hot zone!!! I had pity on you poor fellows!!) and stay out of range/confuse the opponent. Seemed pretty effective to me at the time [smile]
Newbie Hello

Hi all, just found this site the other day and decided to join up and explore a bit. Been shooting since I was a kid off 'n on, though mostly upland game birds and rabbits. Currently living in Colorado, but it doesn't hurt to get to know people and get new ideas from all over.
Checking In...Hello

Great site everyone...thanks for the oppty to introduce myself. live in Mass, south shore, rec'd my LTC-A last year. Member of NRA and local rod and gun club. Life long shooter...Heard about NE shooters hunting around the web...pops up on a lot on gun related searches. Glad I joined. checking out a used tomcat thru dealer tomorrow via a WTB post right after joining.

My inventory:
S&W M&P 40c
Beretta 9000S 9mm
Walther PPK/S .380
Para .45 LDA Carry
S&W 637 CT .38+p
Walther P22

Hope I can contribute and learn from you all experienced folks.

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