New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

clambag said:
"It is outrageous that gun buyers evade the background check system every day, even in broad daylight," Wasserman Schultz said Monday at a gun reform rally in Miami sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

Well, as long as we can do it in the dark of night, I might be ok with it. [rolleyes]
Background checks on FTF purchases is still the primary issued of the gun control folks and at least they're being honest enough to call it what it is rather than the "gun show loophole".

As for Rep. Wasserman Schultz - the DNC will muzzle her because they realize that this position will cost their candidates votes in most areas of the US.
I want all politicians screened, a criminal background check done on them and their birth certificates presented before they run for office.
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