NES rally for cigar smokers and political candidates/NH style


NES Member
Jan 31, 2010
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How about combining a get together for us NH NES guys with a fundraiser for those who have decided to run for the NH Legislature? I'm thinking a meeting at someplace like Twins cigar shop in Londonderry. We can hang around, have a smoke and a drink, and pass the hat for the aspiring politicians in our midst. What say you?

(Posted first in the members forum. Thought it might get more play here.)
Come on guys, don't let this thread wither on the vine. We need to place our financial resources where our vocal orifice is located. We can kill two birds with one stone, we have a meet and greet that is replete with cigars in bars (that last part was said in my best Jesse Jackson voice), and we raise money for people who will champion our cause in the NH House.
This sounds cool, I will try to get out early enough to swing by. Would be good to meet some more local friendlies.
I'll be there but it is a 1.5 hour drive from work (because people are idiots and drive like slow grandmas on 28) so I may not get there at 6:30. Probably more like 7.
Wish I could. Just got back from travel for company and will be working a little extra this week to catch up. Manch is a bit more than I want to do from Hanscom. I'll try and make the next one...
The cough that has been lingering since Valentine's Day, is still lingering. It isn't a good time for me to around cigar smoke until I can evict this cough. Sorry guys, I was looking forward to this.
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