National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Drawn Up for Next Congress

An issue with a "cleared" designation on some drivers licenses is that the absence of one will be taken as primia facie evidence one is a n'er do well.

Just a tidbit from the article...

[h=1]Nationwide reciprocity bill introduced on first day House session[/h]1/04/17| by Chris Eger

Republican lawmakers in the U.S. House on Tuesday made it clear that national concealed carry reciprocity was a priority for the next Congress.
A group of 59 GOP representatives introduced a proposal — to allow the holder of a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun in any state — just after the body convened for its first session this week.
The bill is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, a Republican from North Carolina, who is one of just six congressmen listed among the 62 co-chairs of the pro-gun Second Amendment Coalition of advisors to President-elect Trump.
What I'm hoping is that:

1. This bill passes
2. Pro-gun SCOTUS strikes it down as being a violation of the 10th amendment.
3. Pro-gun SCOTUS strikes down anything other than constitutional carry being a violation of the 2nd amendment.

Nah, the reality is if 1 happens the most hardcore anti states (CA, HI, MD, NY, NJ) will turn this into a shit show and lay out all kinds of traps for people "carrying under the law on a foreign permit". Unless someone has some balls and codes some federal felonies into the law that make it a felony to **** with people carrying under this law. (but that's never happening).

"proof of background" for all kinds of activities like schools, boy scouts, coaching, chaperone, and yes, firearms.

Such a thing would be illegal to be "mandatory" for anything, but would eliminate the hassle that exists today for many people.

Plus TSA Precheck and Global Entry... I mean seriously, how many times do we need to be triple-checked!
Texas is getting ready for CC and they seem to be doing it in a stepwise fashion. Don't know the order of things, but they went OC, college Carry passed, now they're going for the big one with ConCarry.

Texas lawmaker pushing 'Constitutional Carry' gun bill

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Not only did Texas not have legal open carry until January 1, 2016, they didn't have any legal carry of a handgun, concealed or otherwise, until 1996. Open carry still requires the same license as concealed carry.

The gun organization that is the de facto gatekeeper to the legislature is terrified of upsetting any apple carts.
[laugh2] [laugh2] [laugh2]

Not only did Texas not have legal open carry until January 1, 2016, they didn't have any legal carry of a handgun, concealed or otherwise, until 1996. Open carry still requires the same license as concealed carry.

The gun organization that is the de facto gatekeeper to the legislature is terrified of upsetting any apple carts.

Tomato, tomahto - either way, they're going for the gold by chipping at the iceberg piece by piece.
sorry but the looks on the faces of cuomo, diblasio, malloy and brown would make my year.

YES! It most certainly would be worth the price of admission!

My only concern is Federalizing ANYTHING!!

But, I guess if abortions can be performed in ANY state based on Federal SCOTUS ruling, why wouldn't Constitutional Carry?!
Nah, the reality is if 1 happens the most hardcore anti states (CA, HI, MD, NY, NJ) will turn this into a shit show and lay out all kinds of traps for people "carrying under the law on a foreign permit". Unless someone has some balls and codes some federal felonies into the law that make it a felony to **** with people carrying under this law. (but that's never happening).

The original NYC trick for persons carrying under LEOSA authority was detain until the paperwork presented can be validated by the source agency.
The original NYC trick for persons carrying under LEOSA authority was detain until the paperwork presented can be validated by the source agency.

That's exactly what I was thinking when I posted that. The idea is obvious, detain joe average on the side of the road somewhere after he declares for some inordinate amount of time, effectively making it annoying
enough that the guy never wants to carry in NY (or wherever) ever again. He won't be able to sue over it either because most courts will just assume that the agency "acted in good faith" despite the fact that joe was detained on the side of the road for 15 minutes for no credible reason. (15 minutes is long enough for his loudmouth/dumb broad wife to get mad at him for carrying the gun but not long enough for the court to declare it unreasonable I would guess. )

That's exactly what I was thinking when I posted that. The idea is obvious, detain joe average on the side of the road somewhere after he declares for some inordinate amount of time, effectively making it annoying
enough that the guy never wants to carry in NY (or wherever) ever again. He won't be able to sue over it either because most courts will just assume that the agency "acted in good faith" despite the fact that joe was detained on the side of the road for 15 minutes for no credible reason. (15 minutes is long enough for his loudmouth/dumb broad wife to get mad at him for carrying the gun but not long enough for the court to declare it unreasonable I would guess. )


Make the law so you don't have to declare in any state. Then NY is only going to find your firearm if they search you or your car.
Make the law so you don't have to declare in any state. Then NY is only going to find your firearm if they search you or your car.
NY is not a "must declare" state, so if you are granted reciprocity under the same terms as a NY resident license would be legal to STFU.

Provisions like "must declare" are components of recent CCW laws; not ones dating from the early part of the century when the goal was to prevent blacks/jews/irish or whatever from carrying.
Make the law so you don't have to declare in any state. Then NY is only going to find your firearm if they search you or your car.

"Must declare" is meaningless, the kopsch will just socially engineer people into declaring. Joe numbskull will gladly rat himself out to the nice officer when asked. Or more often than not, will just do it on his own volition. The law needs to be written to protect joe numbskull from abuse as much as it does those of us who aren't as dumb as he is.

That's exactly what I was thinking when I posted that. The idea is obvious, detain joe average on the side of the road somewhere after he declares for some inordinate amount of time, effectively making it annoying enough that the guy never wants to carry in NY (or wherever) ever again. He won't be able to sue over it either because most courts will just assume that the agency "acted in good faith" despite the fact that joe was detained on the side of the road for 15 minutes for no credible reason. (15 minutes is long enough for his loudmouth/dumb broad wife to get mad at him for carrying the gun but not long enough for the court to declare it unreasonable I would guess. )

But that little scenario doesn't pass the sniff test.
If it's OK for the government to force every citizen to purchase healthcare, can't they force every citizen to carry???
But that little scenario doesn't pass the sniff test.

That's great, but that doesn't stop people from being harassed. These anti gun states don't care about paying out on
lawsuits, and the average person that gets stuck in these traps isn't even going to be willing to go through with it.

There's also a bunch of other horseshit that they WILL get away with like "disarming someone temporarily for officer safety" etc... there are a myriad of things they can design as a nuisance during a stop to deter lawful activities.

Yes, the purpose of gun control is to harass and discourage gun ownership and not for public safety which if anything it makes people less safe since it only disarms the innocent.

That's great, but that doesn't stop people from being harassed. These anti gun states don't care about paying out on
lawsuits, and the average person that gets stuck in these traps isn't even going to be willing to go through with it.

There's also a bunch of other horseshit that they WILL get away with like "disarming someone temporarily for officer safety" etc... there are a myriad of things they can design as a nuisance during a stop to deter lawful activities.

"Must declare" is meaningless, the kopsch will just socially engineer people into declaring. Joe numbskull will gladly rat himself out to the nice officer when asked. Or more often than not, will just do it on his own volition. The law needs to be written to protect joe numbskull from abuse as much as it does those of us who aren't as dumb as he is.

I got this sweet 1911 last week! It's right here!
That's great, but that doesn't stop people from being harassed. These anti gun states don't care about paying out on
lawsuits, and the average person that gets stuck in these traps isn't even going to be willing to go through with it.

There's also a bunch of other horseshit that they WILL get away with like "disarming someone temporarily for officer safety" etc... there are a myriad of things they can design as a nuisance during a stop to deter lawful activities.

Cops everywhere tend to get all pissy when they know that a lowly citizen is carrying a gun. I've mentioned it on here before, but the guy I took my first CC class from in Tennessee told us that it was state law that we had to notify a cop that we were carrying when we got pulled over. This was pre-internet, so researching laws sucked. I took him at his word. I was in my early 20's and tended to speed a wee little bit. I had exactly one experience of getting pulled over and notifying the cop that went reasonably well. I was doing the whole bit: turn on the interior light, have my DL and my CCL out in my hand while my hands were at 10 and 2. Tell the cop calmly that I was legally armed through the open window. A large percentage of the time it ended with "get out of the car, boy. I'm going to disarm you for your safety and mine. Then you've got a yokel with room temperature IQ fumbling around trying to retrieve an unfamiliar gun from your holster. You also get the fun of hoping some other yahoo driving by doesn't see a cop obviously pulling a gun off somebody and decide that today is the day he can be a hero. You run into cops that are jealous because you carry a nicer gun than they can afford and deliberately or ignorantly **** it up while trying to clear it. It's a giant PITA and actually dangerous for the person who is lawfully armed. I guarantee you that the cops in anti-gun states will make some of the Tennessee cops look like sweethearts if nationwide reciprocity went through.
If it's OK for the government to force every citizen to purchase healthcare, can't they force every citizen to carry???

Excellent point. If abortion is a 'right' then why shouldn't there be oodles of federal funding for organizations to provide free guns to people?
Regardless of how the nation as a whole goes on gun rights, there will continue to be ******* states.
The only way to chip away at them is
1. legislation to make federal BoR court cases expensive to lose. IE, all costs/penalties to be paid by the state/county/city/individual that loses.
2. more conservative federal district / appeals court judges. This is every bit as important as the SCOTUS justices.
Regardless of how the nation as a whole goes on gun rights, there will continue to be ******* states.
The only way to chip away at them is
1. legislation to make federal BoR court cases expensive to lose. IE, all costs/penalties to be paid by the state/county/city/individual that loses.
2. more conservative federal district / appeals court judges. This is every bit as important as the SCOTUS justices.
Hmm, Chicago still owes the NRA around $900,000 for their Supreme Court loss and from what I've read. Anyone know if Rahm is still a debtor?
That's great, but that doesn't stop people from being harassed.
True, but nothing compared to the current situation of tens of thousands in legal fees and probably prison time in places like NY and NJ.
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