National 2nd Amendment Rights Rally

Soros groups will protest this and get support from the gov't for doing so. Media, will only focus on their "good deed" of speaking out against the "murderers"

"With the support of thousands of American Patriots across this great country, we will assemble at every state capitol at 2PM Eastern (1pm CDT) on Saturday April 14, 2018 to show our support for our 2nd Amendment rights and to support our Constitution as a whole. Please help support us to defend and educate about our founding documents and honor our Forefathers who sacrificed and dedicated so much for us to have the freedoms we do today!"

Enbloc is Boston bound...
as always, like 2% of gun owners will show up.

We all work, unlike the shitbags on the other side. That and gun owners, while extremely passionate when arguing on the interwebs, are the most apatheitc bunch when it comes time to show the f*** up.
Who's wearing face paint?


as always, like 2% of gun owners will show up.

We all work, unlike the shitbags on the other side. That and gun owners, while extremely passionate when arguing on the interwebs, are the most apatheitc bunch when it comes time to show the f*** up.
It's being held on Saturday April 14th so getting out of work shouldn't be as much of a problem.
as always, like 2% of gun owners will show up.
I always go to Boston when called upon. It is my duty.
I am not there to tear down those who do not partake, but instead Support those who do hold their Freedoms Dear.
With III% we could take back this country forever...
as always, like 2% of gun owners will show up.

We all work, unlike the shitbags on the other side. That and gun owners, while extremely passionate when arguing on the interwebs, are the most apatheitc bunch when it comes time to show the f*** up.
Why do dems always take an early lead in the polls? Republicans haven't gotten out of work yet.
Show me a guy at a rally at 1pm on a tuesday and I'll show you a guy on the dole.

Also: Too much risk for a gun owner. Boss might be a vengeful lib. Coworkers might be libs. Might get arrested for something if the crowd gets rowdy and then you're not owning a gun anymore. Especially if you're carrying at the time.
People who are responsible enough to own weapons usually live by the adage "Avoid stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things"
Nobody wants to be on the cover of the globe as the face for the headline "Armed mob descends on capitol"

Who's wearing face paint?



All in favor of dumping legislators' pens into the harbor say "aye" (Just kidding. I have work that day)

ETA: "in the polls" to first sentence for clarity
I f***in hate it when some yahoo decides he's going to put together in 2 weeks what Bloomberg with his infinite funding did in 5.

Yep because when it doesn't draw the same numbers the antis will use it as an example of gun owners not having as much support from the population.
Yep because when it doesn't draw the same numbers the antis will use it as an example of gun owners not having as much support from the population.
Then what is your suggestion? Doing nothing = "There's no resistance, full steam ahead!" Waiting until election season to "vote dem bastads out!" will be too late, as the damage will have been done.
I'm going anyway. If enough of us show up IT IS legitimate...
Like the NRA? They have the money and resources I would think. Resurrect Charlton?
Exactly. NRA should have gotten in front of this, put together a properly funded and planned counter protest, not some half assed attempt. All it will do is allow the msm to exploit a poor turnout, lack of well known speakers and disorganization.

I will still show up though...
Monthly Pink Pistols event is that day. I'll be busy trying to make new shooters, but 100% support anyone that's on the steps that day.
I got the information about this March from David Codrea's War On Guns Blog. He had posted it for information. The part where it says I was asked to promote this. If you clicked on the word this on his blog it links to the March. This is from his blog:

March for Our Rights
But on the same day of these rallies, counter-protests took place with a central message of their own: protect the Second Amendment. [More] Groups are being formed on Facebook. And I was recently asked to promote this.

A successful effort will need leadership and support with the time, inclination, money, resources, contacts, reach, organization, logistical and administrative capabilities, and skill sets.

[Via Tom Skoch]

Posted by David Codrea at 3/28/2018 01:52:00 PM 0 comments
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