Name that tune!


One Shot One Maggie's Drawers
Feb 26, 2005
South of the Mason-Dixon
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For all the folks that remember that show...

"Won't you look down upon my, Jesus,
You gotta help me make a stand.
You just gotta see me through another day.

My body's aching and my time is at hand.
And, I won't make it any other way."
LenS said:
I cheated! Google is your friend.,_james/315811.html

Artist: James Taylor
Title: Fire and Rain
Album: Sweet Baby James

Ahh, Len, no cheating allowed! I thought everyone would know that one.

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain.
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend.
But, I always thought that I see you, again."
Well, Tony didn't lay down any ground rules. I thought he was looking for an answer, not running a quiz.
Here's a "finish the song" quiz...

What's the last line?

If the Army and Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes
They will find the streets

I know that Tony will know it, but can anyone else finish it?

I probably should have warned you off FIRST, Marine!

It's kind of funny how I know that... my father used to rebuild player pianos as a hobby, and one of the piano rolls that we had was the Marine's Hymn. We also had "As The Caissons Go Rolling Along" and this one...

"Down went the gunner; a bullet was his fate!
Down went the gunner, and then the gunner's mate.
Up jumped the sky pilot, gave the boys a look
and manned the gun himself as he laid aside the Book,
Shouting --------------"

Any guesses?

Well, I guess sometimes it helps to be a little older than some here:

Praise The Lord, and pass the ammunition!
Praise The Lord, and pass the ammunition!
Praise The Lord, and pass the ammunition and we'll all stay free!

OK, here's the next round for everybody.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Yup, had that on a player piano roll, too... all 4 stanzas.

speaking of which, here's a web page I stumbled across a few years ago - it's commentary by Isaac Asimov, one of the greatest science fiction authors who ever lived, on the Star Spangled Banner.

Enjoy. It's worth reading.

Okay, here's the next one...

"The war took his baby, the bombs killed his lady and left him with only one eye.

His body was battered, his whole world was shattered, and all he could do was just cry."

Name that tune!
Oh, wow... I cheated and found the lyrics online. I'm going to have to try and find that song so I can listen to it... but I won't tell the name of the song - honor system!!

He Went to Paris - Jimmy Buffett (from A White Sport Coat & a Pink Crustacean)

Do you consider it cheating if it happened to be in my CD player about 20 minutes ago?

Ok, here's a gimme:

"Trained to live off Nature's land; trained in combat hand to hand. Men who fight by night and day..."

Hey, I said it was a gimme... But I didn't know how many folks we had in the 40+ range here, and at least in the Northeast, SSgt Sadler doesn't get much airtime. It was worth a try.
OK, here's one my grandfather used to sing me:

You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.

Probably too easy, but hey... it's not like I can give out a prize for guessing it.

Grand Ole Flag

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag."

I think I learned that one in elementary school believe it or not. But back in those days we also used to sing the pledge of allegiance, and dress up as pilgrims and Indians for Thanksgiving.

If all of you know these tunes, HOW COME I NEVER HEAR THEM ANY MORE??

Must be a Left-wing, Liberal conspiracy.

Or maybe I'm becoming an old fart. Yeah, that's probably it.

Here's the next one:

Someday I'm going to murder the bugler.
Someday they're going to find him dead!
And then I'll get the other pup; the one that wakes the bugler up...
And spend the rest of my live in bed!

which is NOT in any of the original lyrics that I can find... but that's how Poppy taught it to me, so that's how I sing it.

Go on... I'm sure that the next person to read this knows the song! :-)

Lord, but we might all be getting to be old farts. That one wasn't much harder than "O, say can you see ..." or "From the Halls of Montezuma ...".

Oh! how I hate to get up in the morning,
Oh! how I’d love to remain in bed;
For the hardest blow of all, is to hear the bugler call;
You’ve got to get up, you’ve got to get up
You’ve got to get up this morning!
Some day I’m going to murder the bugler,
Some day they’re going to find him dead;
I’ll amputate his reveille, and step upon it heavily,
And spend the rest of my life in bed.

Speaking of revised versions of lyrics, by uncle came home from Korea with this way too prophetic addition to "Bless 'em all":

"Though we're saying goodbye to them all
We're Harry's police force on call.
So put back your pack on
The next stop is Saigon
Just cheer up you grunts, bless 'em all."

Maybe this one will be a little bit harder (even if it isn't half as old):

I was scared and fearing for my life.
I was shakin' like a leaf on a tree.
'Cause he was lean, mean,
Big and bad, Lord,
Pointin' that gun at me.

? ? ?

Nope, not hard at all... Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps

I said, ’wait a minute, mister,
I didn’t even kiss her.
Don’t want no trouble with you.
And I know you don’t owe me
But I wish you’d let me
Ask one favor from you.’

’won’t you give me three steps,
Gimme three steps mister,
Gimme three steps towards the door?
Gimme three steps
Gimme three steps mister,
And you’ll never see me no more.’

(Yes, the lyrics are cut and pasted, but I knew the song without a search engine... just didn't feel like doing all that typing.)

But I ain't asking nobody for nothing, if I can't git it on my own. If you don't like the way I'm livin', best leave this long-haired country boy alone.

Ah, Charlie Daniels.

Here's another one for you:

"Thirteen months and fifteen days; the last ones were the worst.
One minute I'd kneel down and pray, the next I'd stand and curse."

I could've gone to Canada or I could have stayed in school.
But I was born a different breed, I could not break the rules!

Still in Saigon.

(The above has also been transposed as, "But I was brought up differntly...)
Try this one... (And, no comment from the peanut gallery. This means you, Derek)

"We met as inmates,
On Parris Island.
We left as soul mates,
From an asylum."
And we were sharp, as sharp as knives
And we were so gung-ho to lay down our lives.

Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon


I’ve been busted for things that I did, and I didn’t do
I can’t say I’m proud of all of the things that I’ve done
But I can say I’ve never intentionally hurt anyone

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