My daughter told me I needed to "grow up, and get over it!

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Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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I was talking with one of my daughters today after work.

I was pissed off because of a situation at work today.

I have been dealing with some customers that are here from Holland doing business with our company.

One of them came into my office area, and noticed some pictures on my wall.

He paid particular interest to a picture of my Dad from 1944. It was a picture of my Dad and his crew standing in front of their B-17 in England.

He asked me about the picture, and I told him that my Dad flew with the 100th Bomb Group over Germany, and was also involved in the "Chow Hound" missions that dropped food in Holland.

He then informed me that he was from Germany!, and not Holland! And started to rant about how the Americans bombed civilians in Germany during WWII!

Now......this kid is about 30 years old.....and he started pissing me off!

Then he looks at my shadow box from Vietnam.............

"At least you Americans learned in Vietnam what is to lose a war!" he said.

So...I left work, mad as hell and wanting to beat someones ass!

Then my daughter calls me and asks how I am doing.

I tried to relate this story......and all she said was "I need to get over it!"

I am too drunk and pissed off tonight....I don't know who is more stupid, my daughter or this a**h*** from Germany!

As you can tell, I am drunk and pissed off!

Rant over....and thanks for letting me vent here!
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[angry][angry][angry][angry] / [angry][angry][angry][angry][angry]

... but I would have stayed, and asked HIM to leave...
vent away.... better here than yelling at a client, no matter what an azzhat they are. Your daughter needs to go to a Veterans Cemetery and spend some time reading some headstones, and maybe contemplating why she is speaking English and not German, and why she has Jewish friends.
I would have punched his f-ing mouth out.

I worked with the Japanese for nearly five years and I was never told something so stupid and disrespectful.

And your daughter, take her to Auschwitz.
The eff'n Germans started the war. If they got hurt, tough $hit. I don't know how you kept your cool and didn't deck him. I think that after reading your opening post I'm as pissed as you.

I salute you and your old man. God bless America!
Remember, Don't lose your East Coast Cool. Should have asked him if the Jews that were exterminated by the Nazis,and Italian civilians,and the French civilians and Belgians were less important than the German"civilians" who were part of the Machine trying to take over the world that were casualties of War. He is naive or in denial of what what went on.
Good rant. Screw the fascists. If he gets in your face tell him you'll do to him what 101st airborne did to Normandy.
With me... it would have gone something like this...

Him: "You Americans bombed civilians in Germany during WWII!

Me: "Well... to be more precise, we fire bombed the Kraut c**cksuckers into piles of ashes. Those that we didn't incinerate, we crushed underneath the treads of our tanks. If I were the Commander in Chief back then... I would have issued a standing order to take no prisoners and put a bullet in the base of the skull of every f**king German we captured... military and civilians".

Him: "At least you Americans learned in Vietnam what is to lose a war!"

Me: Ever hear of "My Lai"? LOL! "Yeah... we really lost that one". "It should have been our strategy for the entire war... either that or nuking the rat eating bastards back into the f**cking stone age".

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I'd be willing to bet that what the teach of WWII in Germany is not quite the truth.

Cultures have a way of making them selves feel better. ask the French. Everyone I know from France (oddly there are quite a few of them)
Always bring up that they helped the Colonies gain their freedom. I tell'em to shut up because if it was for us you'd be german.
With me... it would have gone something like this...

Him: "You Americans bombed civilians in Germany during WWII!

Me: "Well... to be more precise, we fire bombed the Kraut c**cksuckers into piles of ashes. Those that we didn't incinerate, we crushed underneath the treads of our tanks. If I were the Commander in Chief back then... I would have issued a standing order to take no prisoners and put a bullet in the base of the skull of every f**king German we captured... military and civilians".

Him: "At least you Americans learned in Vietnam what is to lose a war!"

Me: Ever hear of "My Lai"? LOL! "Yeah... we really lost that one". "It should have been our strategy for the entire war... either that or nuking the rat eating bastards back into the f**cking stone age".


You are sick!.......I like that

I use sick to get rid of my inner anger....[smile]

My kid's just don't uderstand........[rofl][rofl][rofl]
The eff'n Germans started the war. If they got hurt, tough $hit. I don't know how you kept your cool and didn't deck him. I think that after reading your opening post I'm as pissed as you.

I salute you and your old man. God bless America!

FYI the Germans military stole (or, as they put it, "confiscated") thousands of bicycles near the end of WWII. They did so to get out of Holland, being chased off by Canadian troops.

The Dutch still hold this against the Germans. They want their bikes back.

Ask this guy if he has given back the stolen Dutch bike... it will likely piss him off!
He asked me about the picture, and I told him that my Dad flew with the 100th Bomb Group over Germany, and was also involved in the "Chow Hound" missions that dropped food in Holland.

He then informed me that he was from Germany!, and not Holland! And started to rant about how the Americans bombed civilians in Germany during WWII!

SkySoldier, may I respectfully suggest that you print out the Wikipedia article on the Blitz - when the Germans bombed English cities and towns - and [STRIKE]jam it down his Nazi throat[/STRIKE] give it to him when you see him next?

The Blitz was the sustained bombing of Britain by Nazi Germany between 7 September 1940 and 10 May 1941,[1] during the Second World War. The Blitz hit many towns and cities across the country, but it began with the bombing of London for 76 consecutive nights.[5] By the end of May 1941, over 43,000 civilians, half of them in London, had been killed by bombing and more than a million houses destroyed or damaged in London alone.[6][7]

London was not the only city to suffer Luftwaffe bombing during the Blitz. Other important military and industrial centres, such as Aberdeen, Barrow-in-Furness, Belfast, Bootle, Birkenhead, Wallasey, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Clydebank, Coventry, Exeter, Greenock, Sheffield, Swansea, Liverpool ,[8] Hull (Hull was the most heavily bombed city after London with 85% of its buildings being destroyed or affected), Manchester, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Nottingham, Brighton, Eastbourne, Sunderland and Southampton, suffered heavy air raids and high numbers of casualties.

Smaller bombing raids were made on Edinburgh, Newcastle, York, Exeter and Bath. Oxford was not bombed because Adolf Hitler wanted it to be his capital; Blackpool also escaped heavy bomb damage as Hitler wanted to use it for his entertainment.[9][10] Hitler's aim was to destroy British civilian and government morale.

BTW, thank you for your service, and if your father is still among us, thank him too - as a Jew, I shudder to think of what a Nazi-dominated world would have been like.

Obviously, this little peckerwood has no clue about history, and needs to be educated.

As for your daughter... is she too old to
Well Skysoldier, I've heard your daughter's words from my wife several times. As for the Kraut, he's nothing more than an ignorant asswipe who is no doubt unaware of the truthful history of WW2. On another note, in the early 70's after being an instructor pilot at Fort Wolters, the Army sent me through the (real) instrument course at Fort Rucker. What's interesting is that when I graduated from flight school in April of 1967, they had reduced the instrument flying program so as get more pilots more quickly. As it turned out, my "stickmate" (we shared the same instructor) was a German Captain (Heinrich was his name) who just happened to have some anti-American sentiment left over from WW2. He admitted that most of his male relatives were Nazis and it went downhill quickly after that. Fortunately, our instructor was a WW2 Army Air Force guy probably in his late 50's or early 60's, was a cool dude and between his ragging on Heinrich and me stomping his ass one time early on, Heinrich became quite subdued. Not sure what prompted him to take the assignment to the U.S. to begin with but I feel sure he fully regretted it for the rest of his life. He was an asswipe as well.
Skysoldier, I don't blame you for being pissed. My dad's a WWII vet too. Unfortunately, you did about all you could do as the asshat was a customer and as much as you'd like to ream his goose-stepping arse out for him, you couldn't. Sorry about your daughter. Hopefully she'll understand more as she gets older.
Sky, if you "got over" all the things your daughters tell you to "get over", you wouldn't have any reason to get up in the morning *S* LOL [rofl][rofl][rofl]
To the OP, I salute both you and your father for your service.

I have to say that I give you credit for holding your tongue (and your temper) and I have to admit that I wouldn't have. There are those rare times when all reason is surpassed and if someone were to disrespect my service or that of a relative, actually any United States serviceman (or woman) the gloves would have come off.

Your Daughter doesn't have a clue.

That Gerry is a punk ass. Eff him.

Live Your Life the way You choose.
vent away.... better here than yelling at a client, no matter what an azzhat they are. Your daughter needs to go to a Veterans Cemetery and spend some time reading some headstones, and maybe contemplating why she is speaking English and not German, and why she has Jewish friends.

My Dad was a survivor of Saxenhausen (a Dutch spy vs the Germans who got caught) - I may have lost my job with my reaction to this idiot. I am surprised a company from the Netherlands would tolerate this guy's attitude. I would suggest discreetly informing someone back at the home office in Holland of this fool's inappropriate remarks to you. He will be packing for his return to Germany in short order.
Hmmm, my mother grew up in Nazi Germany. She was a little girl in a town (Aalen), that was the subject of Allied bombing. Hell, she was almost killed by a bomb that landed close to their backyard, and was only saved by the fact that her mother called her inside before it hit. She told me stories of stepping over so many bodies in the streets that she didn't even think about it any more.

I worked with a guy in the 80's who was friends with a WWII B-24 pilot who flew missions in Germany and who didn't sleep one night for thinking of the civilians who died in his raids. One day I related this to my mother, and she told me "Tell your friend to tell his friend thank you for what he did. If it wasn't for his missions, we wouldn't have been freed".
I would have punched his f-ing mouth out.

I worked with the Japanese for nearly five years and I was never told something so stupid and disrespectful.

And your daughter, take her to Auschwitz.

The 30 year old German needs to have his hands and feet bound, and then be placed in one of the ovens, the door sealed, and be left in there overnight with no other living person within a few miles.
The 30 year old German needs to have his hands and feet bound, and then be placed in one of the ovens, the door sealed, and be left in there overnight with no other living person within a few miles.

I like the way you think
I'm not sure I could have NOT knocked that dick out.
That or my reply might have been, "Now I see why our profits are down in this company, we've taken to doing business with ignorant scumbags. Now get out of my office or Germany is going to lose another civilian."

And as far as what your Daughter said... Well. Lets just say I wouldn't have gotten that far with my Dad.
Not knowing your daughter or how she said "Get over it".. She could have been saying, move on, and let it go. We all encounter a**h***s on a daily basis.. Is it worth causing your own blood pressure to go up, or your ulcer to flare? Most likely not. So, in the spirit of not letting the ignorance of others ruin your day, yes, get over it...
Let's set aside for a moment the utterly shocking hypocrisy of this douche bags comments.

So, this guy is 30 years old; it is doubtful that he is very high on the chain of command within his company. He confronted a vendor in a very disrespectful way, which could have compromised your business relationship. Do his superiors know that this occurred? They very likely could consider this be a terminable offense.
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