More Ruger Revolvers!

that gun is WAY too big to be chambered in 44 special. GMAFB.

ruger is doing this to sell their 44 special models. i'm willing to bet they have an entire room full of GP100's chambered in 44 magnum, but they know the 44special model won't sell unless it's released first. glock did the same business w the G42/G43.
I want that Redhawk. Hard to argue against eight rounds of .357 Magnum.
the redhawk 357 8 shot looks cool but i will wait until they produce a 4 or 5" barrel model. i'm overall sort of surprised they continue to expand the redhawk series given they also make an improved redhawk design which employs 2 action springs in the GP100/super redhawk. i sort of prefer the GP100 for this reason, as the trigger design allows for more adjustments.

to me, a 5 shot GP100 in 44magnum would be fantastic and should be feasible. Also an 8shot GP100 in 357mag would float my boat, but i'm not so sure there's room in the frame to accomodate an 8 shot cylinder. presumably this is why they're building the 8 shot 357 model in the redhawk frame.

if the super redhawk didn't look so incredibly ugly, I would otherwise dig a super redhawk 8 shot 357mag. but i just can't get over the looks of that hideous revolver.
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