Mihos lays out stance on guns, helmets

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Mihos lays out stance on guns, helmets
By Kimberly Atkins
Boston Herald Reporter
Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Ending mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclists, reinstating the death penalty and easing law-abiding citizens’ ability to get handguns - and to use them against intruders in their homes.
These are some of the things Bay Staters can expect in a Christy Mihos administration. Departing from the usual campaign tactic of rolling out policy positions slowly, Mihos laid his positions all out at once in an at-a-glance issues sheet on his campaign Web site, including:
his firm belief in the Castle Doctrine, which gives people the right to use force against an intruder in their homes without fear of reprisal;
his support for a two-tiered high school diploma system - one for those passing the MCAS, and local alternative diplomas for those meeting all other requirements but failing the MCAS; and
his support for the death penalty in Massachusetts, despite his running mate’s opposition.
Mihos said many of his positions stem from his belief that individuals, not the government, should dictate behavior. “I saw it as something that was reasonable,” Mihos said of letting bikers ride helmetless, but requiring them to pay higher insurance premiums, as does New Hampshire. “Most people will choose to wear a helmet,” Mihos said. “Most people will choose to wear a seatbelt, and most people will choose not to smoke and most people will choose not to drink excessively.
“You do everything at your own peril and at your own choice.”
And he wants to take gun licensing out of the hands of local police chiefs by enforcing a single, statewide standard for obtaining handguns and rifles. “I think that people who are law-abiding, responsible citizens that meet the requirements set out (by) law should be able to purchase, carry and possess either a handgun or a rifle,” he said.

Wow. I like this guy, why can't he be the republican? Why must we have the poodle? She'd never have the balls to speak up for gun owners in this state.

Nametags mean nothing. Positions and fullfillment of promises mean everything. Let's not forget, to change current gun laws in Mass., requires the Legislature to pass reforms it before he can sign them. Maybe he knows it will never happen. With legislators like idiot Barrios, you can believe it will never happen.
JellyFish said:
Mihos lays out stance on guns, helmets
By Kimberly Atkins
Boston Herald Reporter
Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Ending mandatory helmet laws for motorcyclists, reinstating the death penalty and easing law-abiding citizens’ ability to get handguns - and to use them against intruders in their homes.
These are some of the things Bay Staters can expect in a Christy Mihos administration. [/url]
The kiss of death. He'll never have a chance now that the sheep know his position on gun control. Pity.
He couldn't win anyway as an Independent. Even if I's were viable in this state, the press will not even mention his name usually.

I really think the governors office is really a figurehead position in this state as it's the legislature that does what it wants, Governor or no Govenor. If they want a law and he vetoes it, they override. If he wants a law, they can and do say no. The Governor's just there to collect a paycheck and fill a slot mandated by the state Constitution. He's totally unnecessary in a state where the Congress is almost 100% one party.

This is gonna be a tough one! Vote my conscience, or just vote against Duval Patrick?

Any of you have the political insider track on how the Republican party feels about Mihos? How do they really feel about Muffy? She's definitely the heir-apparent, but that may be only because we seem to have to trouble getting better candidates to run.

Who knows, maybe Mihos will find his base in all of the "undeclared" voters in the state.

Gotta vote for Mihos even though it will be a vote for Patrick.
Any of you have the political insider track on how the Republican party feels about Mihos? How do they really feel about Muffy? She's definitely the heir-apparent, but that may be only because we seem to have to trouble getting better candidates to run.
I can't say I have insider information. But I'll let you know what I surmise.

They're mad as hell at Mihos. After the imbroglio with Swift, Mihos hounded her for years with a lawsuit. That wasn't vindictive enough for Mihos, so now he's running as an independent, not because he thinks he'll win, but rather because he thinks he'll make the Republicans lose. He's still mad about Swift trying to toss him off the Pike board and since he can't get any more satisfaction out of her, he'll poke a stick in the eye of the Republicans instead.

Healey is smart and hard-working. She's not arrogant. She's gone to many, many towns to meet with their leadership (mayors, selectmen, etc.). Unlike Romney and Weld who basically ignored them.

As for "better" Republican candidates, who would you suggest? The Republican party is small in MA so the bench is small.

Reinbeau: if Mihos had run as a Republican, then he might have a chance. He's not and he doesn't. Furthermore, these statements he's made show how tone deaf he is to MA politics. The largest voting block in MA is now the suburban vote (aka, soccer moms). Soccer moms are not in favor of motorcycles in the first place and think riding a bicycle without a helmet should be illegal, let alone riding a motorcycle without a helmet. And as for guns, we know what soccer moms think about them.
I want him tone deaf to the idiots that run the state now. And I don't believe for one minute he's running just to punish the Republicans. I heard him and understood what he said about running as an independent. I agree with his reasons. As a matter of fact, I agree with the guy pretty much 100%.

I don't give a sh*t what the soccer moms have to say about riding motorcycles. I rode one myself. I wore my helmet. But I sure as hell didn't like anyone telling me that I had to. I don't want anyone taking care of me, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.

Like I said, vote for the poodle. It's a safe, comfortable bet. If all we're going to strive for is maintain the status quo of the Republican party in this sorry state, then she's your girl.

I'd rather go down fighting for someone I believe in.
So if he's not just doing it to screw the Republishment "establishment" (such as it is), then why's he running as an independent, which guarantees him essentially no chance at all of winning? A lot of Republicans were asking him to run as a Republican, which would have given him much better odds, but he decided to go it alone. If he couldn't beat Healey in the Republican primary, what chance would he have as an Independent? What ever other secondary reasons he might have, IMHO, the primary reason he's running is payback.

KMaurer said:
So if he's not just doing it to screw the Republishment "establishment" (such as it is), then why's he running as an independent, which guarantees him essentially no chance at all of winning? A lot of Republicans were asking him to run as a Republican, which would have given him much better odds, but he decided to go it alone. If he couldn't beat Healey in the Republican primary, what chance would he have as an Independent? What ever other secondary reasons he might have, IMHO, the primary reason he's running is payback.

Payback for what? As I said before, I've followed him for years. I don't see it as payback, I see it as an acknowledgement that the R's have made up their mind and wouldn't back him, he recognized it and decided to go it on his own. That's the simple reason, and I accept it. You believe what you believe, and nothing I say can change it, which is just fine with me. We'll have to agree to disagree.

The Republican party in this state sucks. They do nothing to support anyone, they're main function is to just exist in a totally Democratic dominated state. I heard someone once on WRKO who was running as an R against some entrenched D and they complained bitterly about the lack of any support whatsoever offered by the party. It wouldn't matter if the people backed someone, it's all up to them (the party leaders), and they don't want to fight 'city hall'. And the rest of the R's are happy to oblige. I'm a longtime R who is tired of their lack of effort. I refuse to accept their candidate. You can all blame me if he loses, but I'm voting for Mihos. I hope others here will take a long hard look and do the same. It's never going to change without someone taking that first small step.
Mihos reminds me of Ross Perot in some ways. He is in fact running as a spoiler. He won't take very many votes away from the Democrat candidate, but he will take them away from Healy.

I don't know what Soccer Moms think, nor do I care. I do know that a vote for Mihos is a vote for a Democrat. Personally, I like his positions, but since he can't win, voting for him is symbolic only. If you think that the Democrat is going to win regardless, by all means, vote for him. If you think that Healy might win, don't vote for him because he can tip the balance towards the Democrats.

As to the rest, we'll only see a fair legislative process in this state when the Republicans either get a majority or enough votes to block veto over rides.

I voted for the Carla lizard, even though she didn't stand
a chance, .... couple of times. She lost. I liked her message.

I'm going to vote for the Christy lizard, ... because I like
his message.

A vote for a different lizard would be a wasted vote.
greycar said:
I voted for the Carla lizard, even though she didn't stand
a chance, .... couple of times. She lost. I liked her message.

I'm going to vote for the Christy lizard, ... because I like
his message.

A vote for a different lizard would be a wasted vote.

Here's the difference, a vote for Carla wouldn't change the outcome. Which is why I voted for her. A vote for Mihos very well might change the outcome, which is why I won't vote for him. It's a matter of being pragmatic.

I wanted to vote for Carla but I held my nose and voted for Romney. I figured that since he was a really annoying prick that it would be good to inflict him onto the other pricks on beacon hill. He hasn't disappointed me too much on that score as he truly is an arrogant bastard. LOL
I like the idea of someone who is rich enough to not need to suck off his position, and is abrasive enough and willing to piss people off to do what he thinks is right.

Those darn toll booths should have been taken down years ago. His fight with Swift and the Pike was a grand joust! I'd like to see more of that every day.

It goes without saying that the inbred, imbedded blood-sucking solons we have now for the most part wouldn't support a good man like Mihos, but we should be voting them out too.

Shake 'em up Christy, shake em good!!!
I'm curious, all the conservative Mass voters I know are all big fans of Mihos.
People keep saying by running as an independant he's going to split the Republican vote with Healy, and let Patrick win.

But honestly I haven't heard of any conservatives who like Kerry Healy...and that "R" next to her name doesn't help her much with the majority of voters in this Blue State.

So does Healy really have a vote to split?


-Weer'd Beard
Weer'd Beard said:
I'm curious, all the conservative Mass voters I know are all big fans of Mihos.
People keep saying by running as an independant he's going to split the Republican vote with Healy, and let Patrick win.

But honestly I haven't heard of any conservatives who like Kerry Healy...and that "R" next to her name doesn't help her much with the majority of voters in this Blue State.

So does Healy really have a vote to split?


-Weer'd Beard
Some great points !!! Well said sir !![bow]
I'm curious, all the conservative Mass voters I know are all big fans of Mihos.
People keep saying by running as an independant he's going to split the Republican vote with Healy, and let Patrick win.

But honestly I haven't heard of any conservatives who like Kerry Healy...and that "R" next to her name doesn't help her much with the majority of voters in this Blue State.
Oh come on, be realistic. 95% of registered Republicans in MA will vote for Healey. She'll also get a fair number of independents in the suburbs (the soccer mom vote). Mihos won't get more than 15%, but that will be enough to put Patrick in office.
Glad I already contributed to his campaign...


He needs more than your vote, he needs some of your $$$. He's not taking any PAC money. You joined the NRA. You joined GOAL. Haven't you? So why not send Christy some $$$ to fight for your rights.

There was big Healey puff piece in Boston magazine recently. Isn't that enought to convince you to not vote for her?

ETA - I disagree with him on the helmet law. Too many stupid kids out there will get hurt. Maybe put an age on it? Say over 25 before no helmet?
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M1911 said:
Oh come on, be realistic. 95% of registered Republicans in MA will vote for Healey. She'll also get a fair number of independents in the suburbs (the soccer mom vote). Mihos won't get more than 15%, but that will be enough to put Patrick in office.

I can't agree with you there...of course I have just as much data to back my argument as you have with yours. Tho I know how I'm gonna vote, and I know how most of this board will cast thier vote.

We'll just have to wait and watch, and personally I'm doin my word-of-mouth part. Hell my mouth is rarely shut, so I might as well use it for good things. [smile]

-Weer'd Beard
senorFrog said:
Glad I already contributed to his campaign...


He needs more than your vote, he needs some of your $$$.

You realize of course that he is the Christy of Christy's convenience stores, right? The one that sold the chain to 7-11 and still has Christy's real estate holdings? Not that he has to use his money for his campaign, but it just struck my funny bone that you wrote he "needs some of your money".

Garys said:
You realize of course that he is the Christy of Christy's convenience stores, right? The one that sold the chain to 7-11 and still has Christy's real estate holdings? Not that he has to use his money for his campaign, but it just struck my funny bone that you wrote he "needs some of your money".


Yeh I know he's funding with his own cash + individual contributions, but he could use yours too. [wink] So put your money where your mouth is.

Don't be a deadbeat,
Send cash to Christy to avoid a defeat!
senorFrog said:
Yeh I know he's funding with his own cash + individual contributions, but he could use yours too. [wink] So put your money where your mouth is.

Don't be a deadbeat,
Send cash to Christy to avoid a defeat!

As I've said, I won't vote for a guy that not only won't win, but will draw votes away from the Republican candidate. Neither will I support him financially. With very rare exceptions, independent candidates don't win. I won't go into the reasons for that, but money is only one of them.

Besides, it's more important over the long run to make sure that more Republicans get elected to the state legislature. Not that there seems to be a plan for that to happen.

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