Massachusetts Gun Guilt

Feb 21, 2012
Western, MA
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Being a gun owner in The Commonwealth is an experience like no other. Only in Massachusetts have I felt guilt around my lifelong appreciation for firearms and shooting sports. It is a strange feeling to me, but I cannot seem to shake this guilt.

Gun talk is socially unacceptable here (outside of immediate social circles & NES of course), if I make reference to a gun or some ridiculous law - it's dirty looks galore. "Why do you need a gun?" is said frequently. Here in MA the view is, only backwoods county hicks have guns and they're "all crazy", so if you are a gun owner, you are crazy - A=B, B=C, so A must =C. In public settings, even other gun owners will look at me funny for talking about guns. As if they know something I don’t. As if they are reading the minds of the others around me (read: anti's).

Guns and legal gun owners are demonized by police and legislature to a very personal degree. Every time I leave my house to go to the range I have minor anxiety, worried that if I am pulled over - which type of LEO will I get? How will he/she interpret the laws? I've read and re-read the laws and I am confused beyond belief, I can only imagine how diverse the LEO interpretations will be. All my gear is locked in the trunk, but can I stop for lunch, or gas, or to pick up a friend?

I have a restricted license, which adds much of the confusion above. Despite multiple attempts to prove my character and my respect/knowledge of firearms (20+ years of experience), the CoP(read: judge & jury) in my town refuses. I feel (however irrational it may be) that I have failed, as I am seen as not suitable enough for an unrestricted license.

This makes me feel guilt. Guilty of not being good enough, not having the right connections, not having done enough with my life that would give me power beyond that of "just a citizen". It's class envy, pure and simple. The have's vs the have not's.

I hate feeling guilty and I have never felt guilt, shame, or a need to explain myself in any other state I have lived (CT, SC, GA, FL). Sorry for the rant, but I had to get this out there and I hope that maybe others have felt this and can help me get rid of it (please don’t suggest moving, it’s been said enough and in the foreseeable future I'm stuck here).

Here is a song that accompanies my current feelings.
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I will add that in many parts of our state you are correct. However, there are many parts that are pro-firearms as well as many police that I have talked to. I like to educate as much as possible those around me in hopes of spreading 2A to more people every year. So far eight others I know have obtained their LTC-A NR due to being brought into this community.

The police in my area, both State and Local are definitely pro citizens rights with lawful firearm possession.

It is definitely hit or miss though, and I hope that you find an area that will issue you a NR license.
The sooner you drop the guilt and start acting like the other people are the problem, the better off you'll be. It's not your fault they shit their pants when it comes up in conversation or something. There have been occasions where I didn't drop out the fact that I was a gun owner and I could have, but I had some considerations in play that had nothing to do with guilt. [laugh]

Stop worrying. Stop being afraid of your own shadow. It's not healthy. Yes this is MA and it sucks, but at some point or another you will figure out you need to just live and stop being consumed by worry that the Waffen SS will come out of nowhere and harass you because you happen to own guns.

I feel similar, but not guilty...I have a lot of anti friends and it's awkward around them sometimes
It's getting better, even here in eastern MA. Sure, plenty of people will still crap their pants if they so much as see something that's vaguely gun-shaped, but plenty of other people are opening up to guns. I must have taken ~10 new people to the range in the past year.

The best way to bring guns out a little further into the mainstream is to talk about them. Lose the guilt.
I typically wear gun related shirts at work, not the real antagonistic types, or covered with skulls and MGs. Just a brand name like Sig or S&W. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had in the last year with folks that don't even own guns. A lot express interest, and I seem approachable enough to ask some questions they might have. I've had the ability to enlighten some minds, and that's what it's going to take to sway anti public opinion. Be proud of your interests. Defend them.
Being a gun owner in The Commonwealth is an experience like no other. Only in Massachusetts have I felt guilt around my lifelong appreciation for firearms and shooting sports. It is a strange feeling to me, but I cannot seem to shake this guilt.

Not true. Being gang raped comes to mind. [wink]

In all seriousness, you just need to chill out, live your life and tell those who wish to "impose their warped views" on you to **** off.
I'll give ya my story which may make you thinks of things a little different.
When I was 16, I went to the police station and got my FID card, I bought my first gun. it was an SKS.
I used to go down to "The pits" and shoot it all the time with one of my friends.
A little later I bought a Mossberg 590 (Legal under an FID at the time)

Needless to say, I grew up, did my military time and got out and entered the workforce.
About this time, I was thinking about getting my pistol permit, and while looking them up, I found out 2 things.
1. My FID that used to be good forever had a 4 year limit and was expired.
2. My 8 round shotgun was no longer covered and I needed a class B just to keep it.
So I went out for my Class A, "for all lawful purposes" (Did a lot of reading to try and get no restrictions.
And the chief of police told me to get bent, I would never get a class A (Canton, MA)
So I got my class B so my shotgun would be legal and then I moved after my lease was up.
I went down to the Police station and said I wanted my Class A and they said Sure thing, fill this out and I had it a few weeks later (Raynham, ma)
I now have my class A as does my wife (If there are guns in the house, I should know how to use them! (Love her!!))
Anyways, I now own a few pistols, some rifles and I carry concealed every time I am out (Unless working as some of our jobs have restrictions on carrying while working)
And I have nvver felt guilty.
I've never been worried about being pulled over either I don't think, I'm perfectly legal, my license is current and my guns are all registered.
When I was younger, I actually felt honored if you can believe that.
I can buy a gun and you're average joe cannot.
Now, I feel that it was always my right to do so and will always be my right.
I've read a lot of articles on what to say to an officer if you get pulled over carrying, what to know before you pull your gun, castle law in massachusetts and multiple other things.

Carrying a gun to me is my responsibility and as such, I should know all I can about it (As loopy as the laws are here in mass)
I as well, used to not talk about guns around my liberal friends and what not, but after a while, they realized that I will not push my gun feelings down their throats if they don't push their ani-gun agenda down mine and we just drink beers in peace.
Do I worry about gun restrictions? Sure I do! But I just bought an AR-15, some 30 round mags from someone on here actually, bought some magpul followers and wolf springs, some dry moly and BANG! brand new 30 round externally stamped legal magazines! But I had to look up those laws to find out what was legal and what I could actually get or do.

If you're ever worried or have questions you know who the best folks to talk to are? Right here my man, this is all gun owners that go through our crazy mass laws (And some neighbor states) every day. Most of them have been at it a lot longer than I, and I bet someone somewhere on here has been through whatever situation could possibly come up. Just because we are the minority, never be ashamed or afraid or feel guilty. Be safe and Carry on...
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This makes me feel guilt. Guilty of not being good enough, not having the right connections, not having done enough with my life that would give me power beyond that of "just a citizen". It's class envy, pure and simple. The have's vs the have not's.

White Trash Rob feels no guilt...........thats what that song is are what you are don't be a puss and hide it...
My fatherinlaws girlfriend abhors me even mentioning firearms. So therefore being wise ass that I am. I mention it as much as possible. She's German and her father was SS she has a lovely portrait of him.
I have no guilt whatsoever in owning firearms, or talking about it. People choose to do what they like and enjoy. I don't condemn them so they "should" respect my choice of enjoyment.
We know what the anti crowd thinks so therefore we know what to expect, but never feel guilty.
To the OP,

Your info says Western Mass. Where the hell are you getting this vibe in Western MA?

The urban populace hell. I am stuck, my wife won't leave cause her parents are old and she loves her job. Kid's in school and my house has only lost value - I think were just about even on it now. Maybe we'll be able to get out sometime in the next couple years.
I had the same problem. Ultimately, I decided that life is to short, rare, and valuable to spend it in Massachusetts. Hope you do the same before its too late.
Move out of this liberal hell hole and all the anxiety ends as soon as you cross the state line.
I make it a point to bring up firearms whenever I can. I love the looks I get when moonbats question why. Once I remind them that the Police are not obliged to protect them and their families they shake their heads and shutup. It's all about educating the sheeple.
Somebody once posted on here a great responce to somebody asking why you have guns

"Why don't you have guns? I have to go through extensive training and background checks to met the approval of the state and town I live in. I have to be on my best behavior not to lose that same qualification. The question at hand is what did YOU do that keeps YOU from getting a gun?"

Don't feel guilty theres hundreds of thousands of vegitarians and animal rights activists that don't want me to eat meat. When I bight into a juicy burger thats wrapped in bacon thats wrapped in another burger I don't feel one ounce of guilt. and neither should you
This is just the way they want you to feel. And I disagreeWe need to be as open and vocal as we can. This is a point that has been drivingme a little crazy, How do We get out to were the liberals are and ask them why.A lot of them have no Idea what the laws are like. A lot of them have no ideajust how their rights have been eroded. And when you tell them they areshocked. We need a NES speaking tour.
ypud be surprised. while I have had the same anxieties, I've also had people completely shock me with their attitudes as well.

Ive had seemingly pro-gun folks be complete a**h***s to me - when I was a member of the BRP way back in the day, I was slow firing an AK/SAR-1 when a know it all FUDD, claiming to be a friend of the President, gave me a bunch of shit, saying the gun had no place there, made people think badly of gun owners and that he'd better never see a banana clip (he said clip, not me) in my gun again or he'd have me kicked out.

I quit and stopped going to ranges for a long while because of that a**h*** and guess what? deprived myself of a great community.

Then I got over it, joined another range and had no problems. Im looking forward to meeting some new folks in Auburn soon.

People on the other side also shock me. I was at a dinner for my deceased uncle a few months ago and was wearing a 686 in a shoulder holster, under a coat. My aunt went to hug me, felt the rig on my back and asked if I was wearing a bra - I smiled, thinking she'd be a bitch about it and said nope, its my revolver. She was shocked, but to my surprise, wanted to learn more about it, see it etc - she's going for her first gun safety class next month and I told her I'd help find her a gun when she had a license.

Yeah, this state sucks, but if you drop the shame, because you're doing nothing wrong, you'll feel a lot better. Im not saying run around and advertise that you're a gun owner, because those folks are just as annoying as the antis, but relax, you're legal, you're among more friends than you know.
Id be down for that.

I think GOAL and the NRA have been fairly useless around here in terms of getting coverage and establishing a dialogue that doesn't end in gun owners being made to look like fools in the commonwealth.

at the end of the day, we have to realize we live in a liberal state with many residents who are painfully ignorant as to rights, gun culture or people who own them legally. it does us no favors to run around, curse the legislature and hole back up. We need to get in their faces and demand to be recognized as a legitimate constituency - I realize this is sad, given that the 2A amounts to the most civil of civil rights, but dialogue is absolutely needed.

This is just the way they want you to feel. And I disagreeWe need to be as open and vocal as we can. This is a point that has been drivingme a little crazy, How do We get out to were the liberals are and ask them why.A lot of them have no Idea what the laws are like. A lot of them have no ideajust how their rights have been eroded. And when you tell them they areshocked. We need a NES speaking tour.
ypud be surprised. while I have had the same anxieties, I've also had people completely shock me with their attitudes as well.

Ive had seemingly pro-gun folks be complete a**h***s to me - when I was a member of the BRP way back in the day, I was slow firing an AK/SAR-1 when a know it all FUDD, claiming to be a friend of the President, gave me a bunch of shit, saying the gun had no place there, made people think badly of gun owners and that he'd better never see a banana clip (he said clip, not me) in my gun again or he'd have me kicked out.
Whenever this happens to me I politely tell the FUDD to either kick me out, call the Prez or go F**K themselves....9/10 the walk away and find another youth to harass.........Effin coffin dodgers.
I feel similar, but not guilty...I have a lot of anti friends and it's awkward around them sometimes

Make it awkward for them.

To begin with, I'd flush people like that off my friendship list.

I'd rather have no friends than have some that will betray me when push comes to shove.
Make it awkward for them.

To begin with, I'd flush people like that off my friendship list.

I'd rather have no friends than have some that will betray me when push comes to shove.

I was at a friends house, and he was getting ready for band practice. He had just bought a S7W M+P 15 and was asking me some questions about it (his first AR) so naturally I grabbed my M1A and we dicked around for a bit......his drummer walks in, (anti-gun, socialist) and has a fit! then asks me if my M1A was from the civil war cause it had a wood stock....
then his girlfriend wanted to play, so I showed her how to hold it, saftey etc.... she says "**** wont let me get my LTC he thinks guns are bad.........we have a range date next weekend.........
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