Mark Lamont Hill column


Jul 19, 2007
Reading, MA
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This is a very interesting twist that I've seen since the mid-term election. The far left has begun to embrace the 2nd Amendment. They are using the "R" word and now this piece on how African-Americans need to get in on this as well. Are we seeing the ultimate "class warfare" argument being made by the left? "You know, all you progressives, you better arm up because those crazy TEA Party people are taking control of the Nation and, you know, we can't have that happen, you know".
This guy has always been an A**** and he he a professor at Columbia University teaching this crap.
This is a very interesting twist that I've seen since the mid-term election. The far left has begun to embrace the 2nd Amendment. They are using the "R" word and now this piece on how African-Americans need to get in on this as well. Are we seeing the ultimate "class warfare" argument being made by the left? "You know, all you progressives, you better arm up because those crazy TEA Party people are taking control of the Nation and, you know, we can't have that happen, you know".

Yeah, I think they want to arm both sides.
This is a very interesting twist that I've seen since the mid-term election. The far left has begun to embrace the 2nd Amendment. They are using the "R" word and now this piece on how African-Americans need to get in on this as well. Are we seeing the ultimate "class warfare" argument being made by the left? "You know, all you progressives, you better arm up because those crazy TEA Party people are taking control of the Nation and, you know, we can't have that happen, you know".

Excellent point.
This professor is my extreme political opponent, but he is an "establishment radical" on the tenure track at an Ivy League university. He's not talking revolution, nor is anyone here.

I applaud his support of the Second Amendment -- it didn't sound to me anything like the Brady Campaign's John Rosenthal's or Chuck Schumer's dissembling when they say, "I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but..."

Even lots of people on the side of the RKBA inaccurately use the verbs "gives" or "grants" when speaking of what the the Bill of Rights does. When he writes, "We must support laws that ban ... straw purchases, [and] interstate gun trafficking, I see an Emily Latella moment approaching. He thinks that there are laws that would keep handguns out of "the hands of criminals." Yawn. That's easily refuted, standard fare for the disinterested public.

He stands up for Otis McDonald. If the African-American neighborhoods are paying attention to him, the anti-self-defense activists sure will be disheartened.

His support is lukewarm. He limits gun ownership to "sporting" and "self-defense." But, I'll admit, this seems to represent a change in tone.

+1. Although his reference to "weapons of mass destruction" does demonstrate how misinformed most people still are. Now what could he be referring to..........Glocks? Black rifles? Full autos? TACTICAL NUKES?!?! [thinking]
Gun violence is a plague, and reasonable gun control makes perfect sense. We must support laws that ban gun show sales, straw purchases, interstate gun trafficking and other loopholes that enable handguns to get into the hands of criminals. And I find no good reason to allow private citizens to buy weapons of mass destruction that have no sporting or self-defense purpose - or to let felons or mentally ill people get hold of firearms.

Lukewarm support at best. He's got a long way to go...
Lukewarm support at best. He's got a long way to go...
He does. But I'll take that support any day, particularly from a liberal, black professor at an Ivy League university in New York City. It is long past time for liberals to start understanding the racist roots of gun control.
Sounds like he at least partially gets it, but runs into epic fail when he doesn't realize the fact that "reasonable restrictions" are what led to the laws which restricted ownership to begin
with. Maybe if he saw what happened at the Richmond, VA, gun show, he wouldn't be supporting such regulations. (Black Females were basically profiled by BATFE, among other things... )

If he's a moonbat, though otherwise, that's likely the root of the whole problem. Typical leftist.

This guy has always been an A**** and he he a professor at Columbia University teaching this crap.

Dude, where do you think he learned his progressive political views from.... COLLEGE

I saw a post here about that supposed "new socialist constitution for north america" thread with a picture of a handout of said document guess where? CAMBRIDGE I know SHOCKER....
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