MA: Our Illustrious Governor

Sometimes I think our best hope for this state would be if the rest of the country kicked us out. We could then have a legimate revolt against the govt. and liberals of MA as an occupying foreign power - overthrow them - and load them all on boats and ship them all off somewhere - like what happened to the Tories after the American revolution. Then we would rejoin the Union as a sane state. Yes a fantasy - but I can dream.
Even my wife, who is the daugther of teachers and a moderate with some left wing sympathy was completely outraged by this statement. She is by no means a moonbat, but is a fairly good representative of a political center.

I guess what I am trying to say is this state is hopelessly lost and that most voters must have the intellect of a bird, and not even the smart parrot that just passed away.

Or restated again - he sucks festering donkey cock......badly.
I personally feel the battle is lost in this state and I'm not one to give in to anyone at any time on any thing. The mindset of the people of MA. is absolutely without practical sense. But what would you expect from the welfare capitol of the Country.
“Among many other things, 9/11 was a failure of human understanding,” Patrick said. “It was a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the United States. But it was also a failure of human beings to understand each other, to learn to love each other.”

No kidding? It was a failure of human understanding because the terrorists are the lowest form of animal life.
"It was a mean and nasty and bitter attack.." Oh please?
It was an atrocious attack that needs to be answered with the full fire power of the USA. It needs to be avenged and never forgotten.
"It was a failure of human beings to understand each other, to learn to love each other."
Human Beings don't need to understand the Islamic Extremists, let alone love them.
Islamic Extremists are evil to the core. They should go the same route of the dinosaur.
Deval Patrick is clueless. And I thought he was an empty suit. He's not. He's full of ....!
Best regards.
He needs to be locked in a cage with an abused pit bull - now Deval, you better get right to the hugging and understanding to be sure that one of you doesn't kill the other [smile]
Lost in the genuine outrage over this monumental bit of stupidity is the fact that he also declined to invite Jim Ogonowski (the brother of the pilot of American Airlines 11) to speak as has been done on previous observations, and invited Mary Mehan's wife to speak instead. No politics here; just ignore the fact that the only tenuous connection she has to 9/11 is that she worked for Nikki Tsongas' PR firm, and Nikki just happens to be the D running for Marty's old seat against Jim. The non-partisan intent behind this decision makes perfect sense to me. [rolleyes]

Lost in the genuine outrage over this monumental bit of stupidity is the fact that he also declined to invite Jim Ogonowski (the brother of the pilot of American Airlines 11) to speak as has been done on previous observations, and invited Mary Mehan's wife to speak instead. No politics here; just ignore the fact that the only tenuous connection she has to 9/11 is that she worked for Nikki Tsongas' PR firm, and Nikki just happens to be the D running for Marty's old seat against Jim. The non-partisan intent behind this decision makes perfect sense to me. [rolleyes]



Jim is a classy guy and a friend of the 2nd Amendment.
I left Mass two years ago. I have no regrets. Come on up people, the water is just fine in New Hampshire ....

Since we're name calling....

If Gov. Patrick was an ice cream flavor, He'd be pralines and dick.
After all nobody likes either one in their mouth.
This says it all:

Heard this on the radio yesterday:

"When challenged yesterday by radio show callers, Patrick said that his statements were misconstrued for political reasons and that he saw no reason to apologize. "Let me be clear: I don't think America bears any fault for the attack on us in 9/11, and I don't think that any of the family members with whom I spoke that day heard it or saw it that way," Patrick said."

What part of: "But it was also about the failure of human beings to understand each other and to learn to love each other." is uni-directional.

If I explain somthing to my wife and she says "I don't get it." I don't discribe this as "We don't understand EACH OTHER."

I understand her fine, SHE doesn't understand me!

Each Other implies a mutual issue. This was a prepared speech, likely reviewed (or written) by speech writers and political consultants, then he had DAYS of listening to the flack from this, and again counsel from Speech writers and consultants.....yet he still says he said nothing wrong.

Gov. Patrick isn't just an idiot. He's a f***ING idiot! [angry]
I heard most of the hour of Egan & Broude yesterday. Patrick is a dumbass. He was given several opportunities to apologize or recant his "it was our fault, too" message and he refused.

It was funny hearing Jay Severin come on right after and give him hell though.
This guy has an amazing talent for sticking his foot in his mouth and then claiming afterwards that what you clearly heard him say wasn't what he said. Therefore, the problem is your grasp of the English language, not his inability to avoid saying stupid things.

He's an empty suit that has made a career out of being a minority.

Does anyone else think it's funny that there are no on going polls of his popularity are there are for just about every other politician out there? Just me being paranoid I guess.
You just gotta wonder if the Moonbats will learn their lesson with this turd.

Nahhhhhhhh. Probably not.

Although I revel in hearing people whine about this moron, so that I have the opportunity to ask:

"Oh really, whom did you vote for?"

Blank stares all around on most occasions.
You just gotta wonder if the Moonbats will learn their lesson with this turd.

Nahhhhhhhh. Probably not.

Although I revel in hearing people whine about this moron, so that I have the opportunity to ask:

"Oh really, whom did you vote for?"

Blank stares all around on most occasions.

Worse when people BUY his BS spin. "Oh he SAID he didn't MEAN it that way, so you're just being a petty republican. BUSH SUCKS!!!"

Since we're name calling....

If Gov. Patrick was an ice cream flavor, He'd be pralines and dick.
After all nobody likes either one in their mouth.

You are exaggerating. I haven't met anybody who likes pralines - but I know a few women who like the other one.
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