MA General Laws: CHAPTER 269, Section 10 and Private collage

No source, feel free to adjust %.

Can someone post a case where someone used their firearm for self defense in MA and was not arrested? I honestly haven't seen a case.

The pseudo-cop who shot the guy stabbing the MD in a Boston hospital comes to mind, as does the case of the prison guard who stopped a maniac in a mall. These only get partial credit since each had a lightweight form of LEO credential.

18 USC 44 S.930(a)
Yup, but the chances of getting charged federally for simply carry if observed are far less than the chances of state charges if spotted with a gun on a college campus.

I would suggest to you, that on "good shoots", the numbers of those not arrested or charged absolutely crush the ones of those that were.
No one follows the shooters that werent charged, their stories die off very quickly.
Im sure someone will chime in shortly with the " ya but they suspended his/her LTC while the investigation was being done, you dont see that happening to cops its not fair" argument.
I thought the 2015 ( or was it 14 ) revamped law changed the punishment for school carry to no discretion, felony, and a max 15 year jail sentence.

But I can not find it anywhere and it appears that the MGL has not changed.

What am I confused about.

ETA: same law that did away with LTC B
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this is the only situation that comes to my mind readily.

Some years back, a man in Waltham broke into a woman's porch. She opened the door and told him to leave. He laughed at her and started approaching her. She raised backed away, raised her gun, told to leave. He kept approaching, she shot him in the neck.

While her LTC was suspended during the lengthy investigation, she was never arrested or charged.

In 2008, a liquor store owner in Worcester shot and killed a man. Not arrested or charged:

I'm sure there are others.
The only way regular faculty, staff, or students can get permission is if they shoot competitively for the institution at a range on campus. Even then, the "license" or letter is typically only granted for transportation to/from the range, and does not include CCW.
I would suggest to you, that on "good shoots", the numbers of those not arrested or charged absolutely crush the ones of those that were.
No one follows the shooters that werent charged, their stories die off very quickly.
Im sure someone will chime in shortly with the " ya but they suspended his/her LTC while the investigation was being done, you dont see that happening to cops its not fair" argument.

The other fun thing is there are a ton of incidents where either a gun was used where it didn't result in the BG dying or even getting hit (becuase the gun wasnt fired, or it was a miss) and a lot of times the media misses this aspect completely or never even hears about it. It just goes in the police log as a "attempted robbery" or similar but the fact that the LTC holder warded someone off with a gun never makes the papers.

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