The obvious move from here on it is to make absolutely sure she does not get reelected in MA. To take it a step further, make sure Clinton does not elected as POTUS, so she isn't dragged in to pull this bullshit on a federal level.

I can see her running against "one term Charlie" and people in this state racking their brains, vote for POS mAss "GOP" turd or insane clown like Maura.

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Also, wasn't there some piece of litigation that came from Glock or with support of Glock against the state in the past. I'm positive there was something.

Where I am headed with this, POS Moar may have some personal feels in it as well, I'm positive on that.
I can see her running against "one term Charlie" and people in this state racking their brains, vote for POS mAss "GOP" turd or insane clown like Maura.

CT and MA can both pretty much refer to their entire legislative, executive and judicial branches as "Insane Clown Posse".

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Here we have several Glocks sitting by themselves. I will check back periodically to see of any of them have discharged any rounds.

Here we have several more Glocks with magazines removed and slides locked back. I will also be monitoring these Glocks to see how many of them get up, load themselves with the full magazines, rack their own slides and fire themselves. I will also be watching to see if they assist each other or if they act as lone wolf self loading, self racking, self firing Glocks.

In the meantime I will be chasing my refrigerator because I got a call from someone who told me I better go catch it because it's running. [rolleyes]

Nothing yet with the Glocks as far as discharges but I could swear one of them twitched. BTW, has anyone seen my fridge?
CT and MA can both pretty much refer to their entire legislative, executive and judicial branches as "Insane Clown Posse".

At this point three branches are no longer separate. Activist judges have been legislating from the bench for many years, AG does whatever the **** she wants and governor ... he does nothing. [laugh] It's pretty much free for all tyranny of .gov, no branches no checks no transparency and no repercussions.
I can see her running against "one term Charlie" and people in this state racking their brains, vote for POS mAss "GOP" turd or insane clown like Maura.

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Also, wasn't there some piece of litigation that came from Glock or with support of Glock against the state in the past. I'm positive there was something.

Where I am headed with this, POS Moar may have some personal feels in it as well, I'm positive on that.

She does have personal feelings involved because she has stated that the Supreme Court went too far with regard to the 2nd by her stating that she disagreed with its decisions due to not being based on the original intent of the 2nd.

After all, she is clearly smarter than anyone appointed to SCOTUS.
"But Healey says that, despite the state’s ban, 10,000 Glocks were sold in Massachusetts between January 2014 and August 2015, including 8,000 to buyers who do not appear to be law-enforcement officers. She said the handguns ended up in the hands of Massachusetts consumers “irrespective of whether the sales were made legally or not.” Could her next step be to redefine what a Glock sales ban is and close the Glock sale loophole, sending letters to Mass. dealers directing them to stop selling all Glock new or pre- and used to non-LE consumers because there is a ban on Glock sales to non-LE. Not much different from what she did with the AWB sales ban. I think it is time to stock up on Glocks before one of those surprise letters go out to the dealers and it becomes too late.
reds your a tool who sells glocks for 1200 dollars don't you think you should shut up about this one.

priceless! you have a used glock listed for $900!
congratulations on being the FIRST post in 2.5 years on NES to which I have donated a negative rep. and welcome to my ignore list.

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God I hope she doesn't win the Governors seat.

she would probably be less dangerous as a Gov than AG given the upside down setup in this state
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"But Healey says that, despite the state’s ban, 10,000 Glocks were sold in Massachusetts between January 2014 and August 2015, including 8,000 to buyers who do not appear to be law-enforcement officers. She said the handguns ended up in the hands of Massachusetts consumers “irrespective of whether the sales were made legally or not.” Could her next step be to redefine what a Glock sales ban is and close the Glock sale loophole, sending letters to Mass. dealers directing them to stop selling all Glock new or pre- and used to non-LE consumers because there is a ban on Glock sales to non-LE. Not much different from what she did with the AWB sales ban. I think it is time to stock up on Glocks before one of those surprise letters go out to the dealers and it becomes too late.
The language she is using sounds very familiar. I honestly wouldn't put it past her.

And I'm stuck in this ****ing state for the foreseeable future since my wife has decided that she will melt if she is further than 1/4 mile from her family. :(
"But Healey says that, despite the state’s ban, 10,000 Glocks were sold in Massachusetts between January 2014 and August 2015, including 8,000 to buyers who do not appear to be law-enforcement officers. She said the handguns ended up in the hands of Massachusetts consumers “irrespective of whether the sales were made legally or not.” Could her next step be to redefine what a Glock sales ban is and close the Glock sale loophole, sending letters to Mass. dealers directing them to stop selling all Glock new or pre- and used to non-LE consumers because there is a ban on Glock sales to non-LE. Not much different from what she did with the AWB sales ban. I think it is time to stock up on Glocks before one of those surprise letters go out to the dealers and it becomes too late.

She already sent letters to MA FFls warning them not to sell a Glock. Her next step is to confiscate them all if she believes that non-LEO sales were illegal.
God I hope she doesn't win the Governors seat.

at this point what difference does it make? No, seriously. She makes far reaching decrees and no one can/would do a shit about it. She pretty much IS a dictator when comes to guns or any goods in mAss.

Can this get any worse? Absolutely, lots of opportunities to ban everything down to sharp rocks and free speech. Who is gonna stop it?
Every single time I hear her talk or read a piece by her, all I can think of.

"You know something? The way she acts sometimes, the way she deals with shit... You would think a less enlightened man than myself, a cruder man than myself, a man less sensitized to the qualities and charms and value of women- a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might call her a '****"

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How is Maura Healey going to confiscate anything?

she doesn't have to, she makes everything illegal then just lets local FUDDs at your range to "enforce" the rules. Over time, people will give up most of the liberties for a convenience of staying somewhat legal. In a generation or two, only tinfoilers will question it.
she doesn't have to, she makes everything illegal then just lets local FUDDs at your range to "enforce" the rules. Over time, people will give up most of the liberties for a convenience of staying somewhat legal. In a generation or two, only tinfoilers will question it.

But she is not the legislature. She can't just make Glocks illegal through regulation either.
She's completely out of control at this point, which might not be a bad thing.

Perhaps those that weren't concerned about her previous actions, will begin to take notice that it's more than just 'Evil Black Rifles"

that she's after.

Among the documents sought by Healey’s office were complaints from consumers — not just in Massachusetts, but worldwide — about the safety of Remington’s guns and ammunition, according to the lawsuit. But more than 99 percent of the documents have no connection to Massachusetts, and Healey should not be allowed to demand them, Remington said. The request violates the company’s protections under the U.S. Constitution against unreasonable searches and seizures, according to the suit.

The company wanted to redact information that identifies the gun owners who made the complaints, including gun serial numbers, but Healey’s office declined in May to allow it to do so, a violation of the Second Amendment, according to Remington. If forced to give up the information, Remington’s reputation among gun owners would be damaged and its business would take a hit, the company said.

Original source...
as boris suggested, it does indeed seem to a reasonable person that there is a personal vendetta against lawful gun owners by the AG due to her being named in a suit Draper v. Healey, and she is acting like a dumped girlfriend.
But she is not the legislature. She can't just make Glocks illegal through regulation either.

She sure did that with ARs ... why not? She is in charge of "consumer protection", Glocks are danger to you and others ... ban!

What are you going to do about it, recall her, file FOIA?? [rofl] ... don't worry Charlie's got your back, (as in he is behind you with his pants unzipped) [rofl]
Is that why the NYPD keeps shooting bystanders? "It just went off, I swear...."

I own several Glocks and have never experienced this fictitious "accidental discharge".....Mine must be defective.

Get ready, her highness will be trying to figure out some way to make Glock owners felons now, too. She has dictated that Glocks can't be sold straight to a buyer by FFLs in MA, but now she is claiming that there are consumer safety concerns. Which is it? She needs to make up her mind and stop with the ****ing political grandstanding to try to suck up to Bloomberg and Clinton.

so if 8k of the 10k Glocks in that period were sold to nonLEOs but nonLEOs were in the minority for ADs, then the problem must be...

wait for it

LEOs with Glocks are not properly trained.
I'd say that a public statement by the AG that Glock firearms are “prone to accidental discharge” is slander and libel. This statement causes material harm to Glock's reputation. I hope they sue her for damages as well.
It will come to a point that confiscation will not be necessary. It would be OK to possess what you have already purchased and possess, however you can no longer purchase or carry any of those firearms, no going to the range in fear of being arrested. Only being able to sell them out of state or look at them in your home not to be used.
She sure did that with ARs ... why not? She is in charge of "consumer protection", Glocks are danger to you and others ... ban!

What are you going to do about it, recall her, file FOIA?? [rofl] ... don't worry Charlie's got your back, (as in he is behind you with his pants unzipped) [rofl]

She didn't make anything illegal. She just jawboned dealers into not selling them. Very few people seem to get that. Of course as usual Four Season's popular website is a leading cause of misinformation with its "banned in MA" 50pt bold font nonsense.
so if 8k of the 10k Glocks in that period were sold to nonLEOs but nonLEOs were in the minority for ADs, then the problem must be...

wait for it

LEOs with Glocks are not properly trained.

Don't you know that they are better trained than we are?

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