M&P Trigger Job

Don't need attitude folks. My point is a good DA can make a light trigger due to a modification look like an accident, which means your guilty of murder. Look at it from a naive jury's standpoint. Am not saying not to defend yourself just a question about defending yourself with a modified trigger.
Got my M&P9 back from Lou today. Absolutely fantastic work. Grit is completely gone, and the break is extremely clean and sharp. There is an audible, and tactile click upon the break, as well as the reset. Brought it in Wednesday Afternoon and picked it up Friday afternoon. Super nice guy. $70 is a steal too.
liability is always a concern,anybody who thinks trigger weight is a non factor is sadly misinformed. Any gun involved in shooting is subject to an in depth inspection by the State. All the manufacturers provide information as to how the gun left the factory IE what the trigger weight was mag disconect etc. A great read is the book Blacks law one of Roy Blacks first case was when he defended a young Miami Cop named Alvarez. Alvarez intentionally shot a suspect with his issue Revolver. The suspect was a young Black who was reaching for his own gun. The short story: this happened in the late 80's right after a major riot in Miami. Alvarez was hispanic, the suspect Black. Janet Reno was Floridas A.G. The state charged Alvarez with murder under the bogus theroy that he thumb cocked his revolver and it went off accidently due to the "Hair Trigger" After a lengthy and expensive trial Alveraz was found not guilty. The City of Miami Immedaitely converted all its revolvers to Double action only, as did numerous other cities after this case, YMMV
Don't need attitude folks. My point is a good DA can make a light trigger due to a modification look like an accident, which means your guilty of murder. Look at it from a naive jury's standpoint. Am not saying not to defend yourself just a question about defending yourself with a modified trigger.

Can't " look like an accident" if you are honest and say you pulled the trigger.
Read any of Massad Ayoob's books. He addresses the issue of trigger mods and recommends against anything less than 7-8#. He has NY triggers on all of his Glocks and talks about all of the competitions he has won with those against competitors with 3.5# connectors. He references cases where this issue has come up at trial. That said, I have an Apex kit on my M&P with a sweet 5# trigger pull and a Ghost 3.5# connector on my Glock. Advise acknowledged. Risk acknowledged. I will keep my finger off the trigger until I am ready to destroy what I am aiming at.

Lou did great work on my M&P. Jar, I wanted to use it in IDPA, so I had him leave the trigger safety on the trigger. Works like a charm. I'm right handed but for whatever reason I had in my head, I shot the vid holding the pistol in my left. Go figure [smile]
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Just a nod to say I had my M&P done at BEC a few weeks ago and it shoots sweet as honey now. Went from being a pain to shoot with erratic groupings, to a tackdriver that's totally comfortable round after round. Everyone I've let fire it goes "Wow, I didn't know an M&P9 could be so sweet." Good on ya, Lou!
No, I missed the boat on this thread and thought it was an info thread about M&P trigger jobs. Someone just brought this to my attention, I am sorry. No malice intended. I removed my reply in this thread.
Sorry for my misstep.
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I didn't mean to do the shocked face to you Andy, I was thinking the same thing...

Lou does great work and everyone has had nothing but good things to say about his business.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.
Interesting way for this thread to get bumped......

Im at over 4k rounds through my Business End trigger job on my M&P9 without a single failure, still a very happy customer! Still IMHO the BEST $70 you can spend on your M&P.
Interesting way for this thread to get bumped......

Im at over 4k rounds through my Business End trigger job on my M&P9 without a single failure, still a very happy customer! Still IMHO the BEST $70 you can spend on your M&P.

Yep, I feel bad for Lou having a thread bump from someone looking to steal potential customers. I don't have any M&P's but if I bought one I'd send it to Lou. I have shot some of the guns he's worked on and they are a joy to shoot. +1 Business End
I have to vouch for BEC - did three M&Ps for me. All if them are perfect and the envy of all that have tried them! Go Lou!!!
Yep, I feel bad for Lou having a thread bump from someone looking to steal potential customers. I don't have any M&P's but if I bought one I'd send it to Lou. I have shot some of the guns he's worked on and they are a joy to shoot. +1 Business End

I dont know if it was done on purpose or not, and this is in a general forum area so I guess it wouldnt be breaking a rule of any sort...... At this point no one will notice that post anyway, and all these thread bumps do is keep Lou's name at the top anyway[smile]
Yep, I feel bad for Lou having a thread bump from someone looking to steal potential customers. I don't have any M&P's but if I bought one I'd send it to Lou. I have shot some of the guns he's worked on and they are a joy to shoot. +1 Business End

I think the thread got bumped originally by me giving Lou some love right before the hijack.
Yeah not against the rules but bad karma for a business owner. Plus it is sort of a code of ethics in the business world. Someone from Coke wouldn't start selling Coke next to a Pepsi vending machine. You could but what does that say about yourself? Maybe I am thinking too hard, I am tired.
Yeah not against the rules but bad karma for a business owner. Plus it is sort of a code of ethics in the business world. Someone from Coke wouldn't start selling Coke next to a Pepsi vending machine. You could but what does that say about yourself? Maybe I am thinking too hard, I am tired.

Never said it was against the rules, but it would be crappy if I, as an instructor, we're to post in a thread created by another instructor, saying "hey! I do that to, if anyone is interested, give me a shout!"
Interesting way for this thread to get bumped......

Im at over 4k rounds through my Business End trigger job on my M&P9 without a single failure, still a very happy customer! Still IMHO the BEST $70 you can spend on your M&P.

Great post. The guy has earned all the praise he reaps for the great work he does.
Ok, point made, let's all play nice now before Lou's thread gets locked.
I didn't mean to start any trouble here. Maybe john will see this and delete his post, and we can all do the same.
I need to look into this. I need my m&p 9c trigger fixed, and price sounds very reasonable.
Ok, point made, let's all play nice now before Lou's thread gets locked.
I didn't mean to start any trouble here. Maybe john will see this and delete his post, and we can all do the same.

This. I doubt ( hope not ) this done on purpose by John and even if it wasn't its not really breaking a rule ( even if bad karma ). Let's not get a thread with over 11k views get messed up over this. Both businesses here have helped NES members in many ways..... let's play nice!

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