Local Police to use FRB lists to arrest gun owners?


Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?
agreed. overreaction and panic is strong in here...
agreed. overreaction and panic is strong in here...

Overreaction? How the **** do you OVERreact to THIS:

Mass. Attorney General Maura Healy Usurps Power to Attack Second Amendment

July 22, 2016 By nssfnews
Attorney General Maura Healey has unlawfully overstepped her constitutional authority to issue an “Enforcement Notice

” to all firearms retailers in Massachusetts, changing the long-understood statutory definition of Massachusetts’ so called “Assault Weapons.” NSSF sees this unprecedented action as a blatant anti-gun attack on federally licensed firearm retailers and the law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth. NSSF along with the National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment groups throughout the state are currently weighing all options on the best possible course of action. All legal options are being considered.Firearms retailers have been operating in the state for the past 18 years under the interpretation that has been supported by all state regulatory agencies. During this time not a single state Attorney General felt compelled to usurp the legislative process. This is a political action that serves to make hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts citizens felons.
Clearly, the Attorney General’s office has little practical firearms knowledge. For example, the “Enforcement Notice” bans ALL semi-automatic firearms including 22 caliber rifles used by the Boy Scouts and other youth shooting programs that teach firearms safety and responsibility.
Overreaction? How the **** do you OVERreact to THIS:

Mass. Attorney General Maura Healy Usurps Power to Attack Second Amendment

July 22, 2016 By nssfnews
Attorney General Maura Healey has unlawfully overstepped her constitutional authority to issue an “Enforcement Notice

” to all firearms retailers in Massachusetts, changing the long-understood statutory definition of Massachusetts’ so called “Assault Weapons.” NSSF sees this unprecedented action as a blatant anti-gun attack on federally licensed firearm retailers and the law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth. NSSF along with the National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment groups throughout the state are currently weighing all options on the best possible course of action. All legal options are being considered.Firearms retailers have been operating in the state for the past 18 years under the interpretation that has been supported by all state regulatory agencies. During this time not a single state Attorney General felt compelled to usurp the legislative process. This is a political action that serves to make hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts citizens felons.
Clearly, the Attorney General’s office has little practical firearms knowledge. For example, the “Enforcement Notice” bans ALL semi-automatic firearms including 22 caliber rifles used by the Boy Scouts and other youth shooting programs that teach firearms safety and responsibility.
I 1000% agree what she did is beyond wrong. But to think the police will knock down our doors in the middle of the night, take our ARs and arrest us is ludicrous.
I 1000% agree what she did is beyond wrong. But to think the police will knock down our doors in the middle of the night, take our ARs and arrest us is ludicrous.

so what's stopping them? now they have the AG's support following re-interpretation of law and a smattering of law writing by the AG. the only thing stopping them is bad publicity, and not even in MA. I'm pretty sure in MA the publicity would be luke warm to excited given the typical sheep head in this state who sucks the progressive lolly pop like a 6 year old invalid. the courts are constitutionally corrupt in this state so don't even think for a minute they provide any level of check or balance.

at this point, what stops the no-knock raids are only the following:
1. bad publicity at national level
2. most LEO wouldn't want to be involved in it

#1 can be "fixed" by making sure the victim appears to be the perpetrator. easy enough for big brother.
#2 can be "addressed" by hiring younger, less mindful LE.

so in summary, sorry I disagree with you that fear of confiscation and prosecution is ludicrous.
only took a flood in New Orleans to do it once

Yup the military was used to disarm law abiding citizens. There was an old lady with a revolver that was beat up by the police. If they do this to an old woman what will they do to you and your family?

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so what's stopping them? now they have the AG's support following re-interpretation of law and a smattering of law writing by the AG. the only thing stopping them is bad publicity, and not even in MA. I'm pretty sure in MA the publicity would be luke warm to excited given the typical sheep head in this state who sucks the progressive lolly pop like a 6 year old invalid. the courts are constitutionally corrupt in this state so don't even think for a minute they provide any level of check or balance.

at this point, what stops the no-knock raids are only the following:
1. bad publicity at national level
2. most LEO wouldn't want to be involved in it

#1 can be "fixed" by making sure the victim appears to be the perpetrator. easy enough for big brother.
#2 can be "addressed" by hiring younger, less mindful LE.

so in summary, sorry I disagree with you that fear of confiscation and prosecution is ludicrous.

Agreed. This is definitely not the time to be or to remain cavalier.
Yup the military was used to disarm law abiding citizens. There was an old lady with a revolver that was beat up by the police. If they do this to an old woman what will they do to you and your family?

Don't think it can't happen here? THINK AGAIN! Mass refused to pass a bill preventing the mass taking of guns in a declared emergency! Would the National Guard refuse to follow orders...
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so what's stopping them? now they have the AG's support following re-interpretation of law and a smattering of law writing by the AG. the only thing stopping them is bad publicity, and not even in MA. I'm pretty sure in MA the publicity would be luke warm to excited given the typical sheep head in this state who sucks the progressive lolly pop like a 6 year old invalid. the courts are constitutionally corrupt in this state so don't even think for a minute they provide any level of check or balance.

at this point, what stops the no-knock raids are only the following:
1. bad publicity at national level
2. most LEO wouldn't want to be involved in it

#1 can be "fixed" by making sure the victim appears to be the perpetrator. easy enough for big brother.
#2 can be "addressed" by hiring younger, less mindful LE.

so in summary, sorry I disagree with you that fear of confiscation and prosecution is ludicrous.

Dude, take a deep breath, maybe some Metamucil.

There arent any "no knock" warrants coming for this, nor is there a confiscation plan being developed, and not because of the reasons you listed, though I agree, most LEOs wouldnt want to be involved in it, and wouldnt.
Dude, take a deep breath, maybe some Metamucil.

There arent any "no knock" warrants coming for this, nor is there a confiscation plan being developed, and not because of the reasons you listed, though I agree, most LEOs wouldnt want to be involved in it, and wouldnt.

You have no idea what is being planned..
Dude, take a deep breath, maybe some Metamucil.

There arent any "no knock" warrants coming for this, nor is there a confiscation plan being developed, and not because of the reasons you listed, though I agree, most LEOs wouldnt want to be involved in it, and wouldnt.


This situation sucls but people need to ingest some valium and perhaps immodium AD... the pant shitting hysterics are a bit much.

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You have no idea what is being planned..

I guarantee he has a lot better knowledge of the back end on this kind of thing than most of the pant shitters here do.

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Agreed. This is definitely not the time to be or to remain cavalier.

Whats the alternative? Run around spouting tinfoil and pant shitting? Lol
Whats the alternative? Run around spouting tinfoil and pant shitting? Lol

I wouldn't go that far, but being aware of stuff coming down the pipeline is very important. We were all blindsided by this move and makes for increased vigilance. Entertaining everything she can do from 0 to 100 would be very tiring, though.
I 1000% agree what she did is beyond wrong. But to think the police will knock down our doors in the middle of the night, take our ARs and arrest us is ludicrous.
And if they start doing this, you will know in advance unless you are among the unlucky first group of roundups. We won't wake up one day and discover several hundred thousand MA residents are suddenly in jail. After the first day of the big roundup, grab all your guns and drive them up to NH.
That's the way I pitched it to a LEO friend of mine, who obviously was not quite as up in arms as I was since he is exempted from the ban.

If this is allowed to stand, what is to stop Mao Healy from re-interpeting the law defining justification for use of deadly force by an officer the next time a black man gets shot?

This is why one of the things I think we need to do as MA *non-LEO* gun owners is to go to both the gun shops and THE MANUFACTURERS - and lay out a case that they should just stop selling to LEO too.

Part of that case is easy: show me where there are more sales to LEO than there is to MA "citizens" as a whole.

They're also cutting off their nose to spite their face - because unless this shit is nipped in the bud here - it will spread so they will just lose more sales going forward.

" We must stand together or we will surely hang separately "

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I have an LEO friend.

Hes just as pissed as I am.

I got a funny feeling that is the general tone for most small towns. Bigger cities are forced by the thought of votes and revenue.

This is why we need to do what I just posted above.

And we need to tell LEO that we're not doing it to screw them - we're doing it because political games are being played - and with their support we can beat this. The only way to get their support - because of the politics - is to somehow draw them out of that protected class that they are in.
Which is why, if they do come for them, it will be flashbangs and SWAT teams at 2am. primed to shoot anything that blinks. Overwhelming force and MA storage laws. I wonder how many could even get a shot off if they wanted to. If you are actually obeying the storage laws it's doubtful you'll even see one of your rifles before they get to you.

That is a huge part of the problem when it comes to fighting it. I mean actually "fighting". There is no body of the enemy to attack. This isn't a potential force or force confrontation. Like at the bundy ranch where you had a group that may or may not be engaging another group. In the incremental confiscation case there is no one to back your play. It's just you against 5-6 guys w/ select fire weapons in a room full of teargas and smoke. It won't go down like a militia group fighting the big bad gov army. It will just be one or two at a time. A couple homes a night, whatever.

After the first one or two people try to stand up and get themselves killed, along with their dogs and maybe a family member or two, that will be that. This isn't a fight you'll will win. Not that way. You'll just be posumously named a domestic terrorist tea party libertarian, whatever. Just some lone gun nut trying to keep his baby killers.

Until people get organized into groups and consolidate their forces into a group that can't be ignored by the media. A group the PD would have to meet force on force. You don't have a chance. It can't be won through conflict on an individual basis. Of course that leaves the problem of, jobs, families, trying to get organized and not infiltrated by LEOs/feds., etc...

Somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten just how important the first part of that amendment is. Opting instead for a myopic focus on the latter half. One DOES NOT WORK without the other.

For the moment - this is a political fight. Which is why we need to start doing things like what I proposed above.

It is my contention that one of the way these things get decided - is thru backroom deals, underhanded agreements among power players - and political pressure that you never even hear about.

When the selectman in Westford proposed the assault rifle ban - I posted the following in as many places as I could think of. I sent it to Westford selectman, I posted it and argued it out on the Westford Patch - and posted it here multiple times.

My argument went something like the following:

The Westford selectman was basing his argument on an *assumption* that simply banning assault rifles would stop the likelihood of there being mass shootings with that type of rifle. So he thought a ban would create a magical safe space. Maybe I'm too much of an engineer - but my feeling is that if you are going to put a law into effect with a specific desired result - then if you do not carry out that law to the full measure - the law is a joke RIGHT FROM THE OUTSET.

So with that in mind - I pointed out the following. Currently "assault weapons" are legal in MA. That means that in order to eliminate them from Westford - you will have to demand that people turn them over , or sell them out of town. The ONLY way to be sure of this - is to go thru a number of measures. First off you will need to consult the FRB and get a list - then anybody who is on that list as having one of these types of weapons will have to provide proof they no longer have the weapon.

Because the MA LTC-A allows you to buy guns in neighboring states and bring them (it's the license holder's responsibility to file the FA-10 after the fact) - you will have to eliminate the LTC-A license from all Westford residents. The ones that are currently out there - will have to be REVOKED. This will mean that anybody in town who may have an LTC-A for personal protection (rape victims, battered women, people who transport valuables) will also be directly affected by this because they will have to lose their licenses. Without license revokation there is absolutely no way to be sure that a MA resident cannot go into NH - buy an assault rifle - and bring it back to Westford.

The next thing that must be done - is ensure that people are not assembling rifles "illegally". Because of the advances in machine tooling and the general distribution of manufacturing technology around the world - it is entirely possible for a person to assemble an "assault weapon" in their basement with commonly available tooling. In fact people have assebled AK rifles by using old shovels as one of the building blocks. What this means is that milling machines, drill presses, wood routers, drills, lathes, and many other common machine shop or woodworking tools need to be banned from the town. Without doing this it is entirely possible to assemble one of these rifles and skirt the ban. By skirting the ban - the entire town is unsafe and ban is pointless.

The next thing that needs to be taken into account - is the fact that for going on 100 years now - the US has been involved in foreign wars. Up until just recently (and even including recent wars) - military men often came home with war trophies. These are often called "bring backs". They include fully automatic firearms and other 'military' weaponry. There are stories that pop up from time to time of this happening when somebody cleans out an old house when grandma passes away. They find weaponry in the attic that has been there for four decades - the grandfather (WW2 vet) passed away - his wife lived in the house - and now the grandkids are cleaning it out.

For the reason above - and for a whole host of other reasons - the ONLY way to really make this law have teeth and achieve it's desired effect - EVERY HOUSE IN THE TOWN MUST BE SEARCHED TOP TO BOTTOM.

Without doing that - the law is just a joke and is next to pointless. All you are doing is going after law abiding people - and all the rest who have criminal intent will not be affected in the least.

Again - I posted this everywhere I could think of. I also posted pretty much the same thing when the Lexington ban came up.

In both cases I seem to remember hearing that the police chiefs were against the bans.

My contention is that when you fully lay out the shit-show that is about to ensue - and lay out the REAL lay of the land that they are dealing with - underwear will get soiled by some of the parties involved - and the idiots who are proposing this shit may well get told to STFU.

This is why I think the protests are not very useful.

We need play hardball - REALLY hardball.
This ^^^.

This thread is absolutely ridiculous. No one is taking any lists and going door to door doing confiscations. And do you think this type of attitude is helpful? You are making all cops out to be mindless slaves who will do whatever told. Sorry to break it to you, but there are cops on here who feel the exact same way you do. Way to alienate them guys.

Are you a cop?

If so - read what I posted above and please give me your opinion. I am interested - I really am.
Jesus H.......the pants pissing has got to effing stop. You do remember you are armed, yeah? I have a few friends that are on the PD, none are in favor. They already have a hard enough time as it is with all the bs going on, now they want to pick on the best armed faction of society? I think not. LEO's have a few things going against them to engage in that type of shenanigans. First they are very conspicuous. Secondly that badge is a serial number. They are also part of the community they live in. What happens when that community is attacked by them? Makes it kinda hard to walk through the super market with their family after, don't you think?


That is the kind of sentiment we need to use to our advantage somehow. That is my contention. It may in fact be the CRUCIAL thing that gets this whole shit show turned around.

REPEAT FOR EMPHASIS: We need to build pressure. What I mean by that is that if those cops you are referring to think they are going to get dragged into some sort of Healey inspired shit show - there WILL BE repercussions. I understand that police in uniform likely cannot stand in solidarity at a protest. (although there was a Boston cop over at the NRA table on Saturday shooting the shit with a number of people).

That's not where the pressure will come from. The pressure will come from behind the scenes. Cops will complain to their chiefs about how they are now looked upon as the enemy. If we can convince gun shops and manufacturers to stop selling to LEO - then they will have yet another thing to complain about. Sooner or later that bitching will travel up the chain - if the bitching is loud enough - there will be pressure applied behind the scenes.

Remember Private Ryan?

People need to wake the fu(k up on how this whole thing works and start applying pressure where it will actually do some good.
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You didn't hear me chanting "BLM...". I had no illusions of uniformed cops joining us but I did expect them to do their job in a manner that did not interfere with the rally. Expectation met- there's no story as far as I'm concerned.

As for the fence, I can walk through at the entrance around the block. I didn't see the need yesterday as my rep is supporting the cause. I will call her tomorrow to thank her for the support and to express my concern about overzealous LEO's trolling for the big AR bust.

I didn't see any of the cops at the Saturday rally hassling anybody.
I spoke to an LEO frend today. He's on our side, mostly. I asked him if he had received any guidance from above on this. He hadn't. I then posed the question of what would happen if an anti cop discovered an AW during vehicle stop. He said you prob wouldn't be arrested, but you weren't getting your property back.

So what are we supposed to do if we go to the range - carry around a copy of Maura's edict and a copy of the dated FA-10 when the rifle was bought - and a card from your Jewish lawyer?
I happen to bump into the licensing officer for my town at the grocery store this weekend. I asked him what he thought about the AG decision. His reaction was like I put a 10 ton truck load of rocks on his shoulders, and he said he knows and that he's the licensing officer. He's actually a good guy and my interpretation of his reaction was he's eating a shit sandwich with the rest of us.

Again - yet another reason why the LEO's need to be given a reason to fight this.
Meanwhile at MassCops, they're mostly just concerned about being exempt from the AG's enforcement notice.


And yet again - another tick in the column of why we need to do something to show them they're NOT.

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True, but I'm not getting my hopes up on the majority of Mass LEOs sharing the same sentiment. Maybe if they weren't included in the enforcement notice, then we'd see some real push back. Call me a cynic, but at this point their concern likely comes from the AG further complicating their jobs rather than a general disdain for the erosion of 2A rights.

Again for emphasis..............
Nothing wrong with being prepared for an "invading force" of any type or form.
Whether it be a foreign nation, terrorist attack, a lone nut on the loose or a rogue AG. Have a plan.
Most of our homes are indefensible in certain situations and putting other lives in that home at risk is not an option.
Make a plan with your family and arrange for a safe place for them to go.
Get with people in your general area, decide on a position that is defensible, and get a plan together.
Do some research, take notes, meet up and exchange ideas. Do not do it online or by phone.
I'm in central Ma. pm me.
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So what are we supposed to do if we go to the range - carry around a copy of Maura's edict and a copy of the dated FA-10 when the rifle was bought - and a card from your Jewish lawyer?

Someone in another thread called AGO and asked about the "grandfathering" and possession to and from range. Was told to call every chief and DA on the way and find out if they would be arrested, prosecuted, and have property confiscated.

Edict was only that AG wouldnt file charges.

I cant tell you how you should go to the range. But the time for lawyers and courts is over if they are taking rifles from people.
Meanwhile at MassCops, they're mostly just concerned about being exempt from the AG's enforcement notice.


I just read that entire thread and almost every post contains either a derogatory description of Healey or colorful language about how they think her "guidance" is bullshit. A few posts about LEOs being exempt but several questioning whether they are next on her hit list.

I posted here about how some cops COULD go after someone because of this. My beef is more about how they now have some legal cover should they want to. Not that they will but it opens the door wider. However the sentiment on MassCops (at least that thread) is very much to the contrary. They are just as pissed about this as us.
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