Local Police to use FRB lists to arrest gun owners?

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Even though Healey said she won’t go after people who own AR’s and AK’s it sounds like some of the local PD’s are starting to look at people leaving ranges. At least I heard this about the North Shore.

Here is a question, what is the stop a local PD in a gun unfriendly town from pulling the FRB list for each person in their town and then going through them looking for AR’s and AK’s and if they find evidence of one, then getting a warrant and arrest the person who has it?

I know when I requested my list a couple years ago it had every gun I had ever bought.
Even though Healey said she won’t go after people who own AR’s and AK’s it sounds like some of the local PD’s are starting to look at people leaving ranges. At least I heard this about the North Shore.

Here is a question, what is the stop a local PD in a gun unfriendly town from pulling the FRB list for each person in their town and then going through them looking for AR’s and AK’s and if they find evidence of one, then getting a warrant and arrest the person who has it?

I know when I requested my list a couple years ago it had every gun I had ever bought.

you know multiple?
I don't think that's going to happen. LEOs are already freaked out about the possibility of BLM targeting them in random attacks, I doubt there is going to be widespread support among law enforcement to create a new group of much better trained people that they have to look out for.

I'm sure on day one with the element of surprise, they could pull a few arrests off without incident but sooner or later people would stop going quietly.

But you never know, a department here or there could certainly pull something stupid. I'm lucky, I live in a pretty 2a friendly town.
Russian store in Brighton sells actual size glass AK filled with cognac. They can watch me emptying that baby into myself at the range parking lot while waiting for my gorgeous ride. That message should be clear in about an hour.
The COPS need to think long and hard about who they are getting behind here. The tyrants that are pushing these gun bans are NOT friends of the police. Plain and simple.

Those gun banners indirectly (sometimes directly) support those that are targeting and murdering Police Officers!!

We the formerly law-abiding citizens turned instant felons generally support Police.
You guys might need to start finding allies to relocate safes north of the border if this is really the case.

That doesn't fix the problem. If you were to remove said firearms out of state, or even if you went all the way and transferred them to someone via a FFL, the MA registry will still show that you own one.

And when they come for the gun you no longer have, do you think they are going to knock and ask politely? Or will they be out there with a bearcat in full battle rattle?
You guys might need to start finding allies to relocate safes north of the border if this is really the case.

If they start kicking doors down, my guess is public opinion will turn against them. Not to mention the fact that it may get dangerous out there.

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That doesn't fix the problem. If you were to remove said firearms out of state, or even if you went all the way and transferred them to someone via a FFL, the MA registry will still show that you own one.

And when they come for the gun you no longer have, do you think they are going to knock and ask politely? Or will they be out there with a bearcat in full battle rattle?

THIS. Will be interesting to see how far Healy is willing to go to get noticed at the national level (DNC/Run for Gov)

Of course, if something goes wrong, she will just blame the LEOs that she sent to do her dirty work like DeBlasio did in NYC after Eric Garner's death!

Again, those LEOs that are getting behind this should think long and hard about who they are supporting. The officer that killed Michael Brown didn't do a damn thing wrong and will never work as an LEO again. Not sure if he had and lost a pension or not.
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The COPS need to think long and hard about who they are getting behind here. The tyrants that are pushing these gun bans are NOT friends of the police. Plain and simple.

Those gun banners indirectly (sometimes directly) support those that are targeting and murdering Police Officers!!

We the formerly law-abiding citizens turned instant felons generally support Police.

That's the way I pitched it to a LEO friend of mine, who obviously was not quite as up in arms as I was since he is exempted from the ban.

If this is allowed to stand, what is to stop Mao Healy from re-interpeting the law defining justification for use of deadly force by an officer the next time a black man gets shot?
The COPS need to think long and hard about who they are getting behind here. The tyrants that are pushing these gun bans are NOT friends of the police. Plain and simple.

Those gun banners indirectly (sometimes directly) support those that are targeting and murdering Police Officers!!

We the formerly law-abiding citizens turned instant felons generally support Police.

I think they showed their "support" loud and clear yesterday. Donuts and pensions rule over us. Let's not wait for a date when prom ended yesterday.
LEO's aren't very bright they stand with the same administration who goes on a national stage reeling against them causing them to be hunted like dogs. You have to live to see that pension and eat that donut afterall.
And if they find ONE so called banned gun, I guarantee they take EVERYTHING. Good luck getting it back any time soon. This is the beginning of confiscation, plain and simple.
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That's the way I pitched it to a LEO friend of mine, who obviously was not quite as up in arms as I was since he is exempted from the ban.

If this is allowed to stand, what is to stop Mao Healy from re-interpeting the law defining justification for use of deadly force by an officer the next time a black man gets shot?

How about those sugary fat filled donuts? Wait when they will become illegal and all stores will have to replace them in 24 hours with healthy bananas. Those who ate donuts in last 18 years may or may not be waterboarded randomly in Healey's Scrubbing Car Wash. Dunkin Donuts will be allowed to bake here, so Morona can keep her peasants in place, but their products will be sold legally only in Cuba. [laugh]
LEO's aren't very bright they stand with the same administration who goes on a national stage reeling against them causing them to be hunted like dogs. You have to live to see that pension and eat that donut afterall.

If Killary is elected they will be all replaced by robots in 5 years. Robots do not eat, do not retire, do not die and can be controlled remotely.
They have to remember not only did they take an oath to enforce the laws of the commonwealth, but also swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
Which is why, if they do come for them, it will be flashbangs and SWAT teams at 2am. primed to shoot anything that blinks. Overwhelming force and MA storage laws. I wonder how many could even get a shot off if they wanted to. If you are actually obeying the storage laws it's doubtful you'll even see one of your rifles before they get to you.

That is a huge part of the problem when it comes to fighting it. I mean actually "fighting". There is no body of the enemy to attack. This isn't a potential force or force confrontation. Like at the bundy ranch where you had a group that may or may not be engaging another group. In the incremental confiscation case there is no one to back your play. It's just you against 5-6 guys w/ select fire weapons in a room full of teargas and smoke. It won't go down like a militia group fighting the big bad gov army. It will just be one or two at a time. A couple homes a night, whatever.

After the first one or two people try to stand up and get themselves killed, along with their dogs and maybe a family member or two, that will be that. This isn't a fight you'll will win. Not that way. You'll just be posumously named a domestic terrorist tea party libertarian, whatever. Just some lone gun nut trying to keep his baby killers.

Until people get organized into groups and consolidate their forces into a group that can't be ignored by the media. A group the PD would have to meet force on force. You don't have a chance. It can't be won through conflict on an individual basis. Of course that leaves the problem of, jobs, families, trying to get organized and not infiltrated by LEOs/feds., etc...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Somewhere along the way we seem to have forgotten just how important the first part of that amendment is. Opting instead for a myopic focus on the latter half. One DOES NOT WORK without the other.
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I think they showed their "support" loud and clear yesterday. Donuts and pensions rule over us. Let's not wait for a date when prom ended yesterday.

No disrespect intended, but I didn't see any problems with the cops yesterday. I was front and center at the rally and thought the Boston PD were pretty decent. Actually they seemed much more 'chill' than I normally see from them. Very tolerant of the crowd spilling over into the street and generally polite.

I realize the staties inside the wall were not there for our entertainment but they appeared pretty relaxed at their post as well.

Would have been nice to have some with us as opposed to watching us, if that's what you are suggesting.
No disrespect intended, but I didn't see any problems with the cops yesterday. I was front and center at the rally and thought the Boston PD were pretty decent. Actually they seemed much more 'chill' than I normally see from them. Very tolerant of the crowd spilling over into the street and generally polite.

I realize the staties inside the wall were not there for our entertainment but they appeared pretty relaxed at their post as well.

Would have been nice to have some with us as opposed to watching us, if that's what you are suggesting.

My experience was the same yesterday. They (Boston PD) weren't jumping out of shoes in support of us, but they were very tolerant and respectful.
Where are people seeing cops waiting outside gun ranges?

Exactly. Is any of this confirmed?

I know that GOAL issued a statement asking gun owners to not bring "these firearms" to the range. Not sure what all is banned anyway.
No disrespect intended, but I didn't see any problems with the cops yesterday. I was front and center at the rally and thought the Boston PD were pretty decent. Actually they seemed much more 'chill' than I normally see from them. Very tolerant of the crowd spilling over into the street and generally polite.

I realize the staties inside the wall were not there for our entertainment but they appeared pretty relaxed at their post as well.

Would have been nice to have some with us as opposed to watching us, if that's what you are suggesting.

Well, the happy prisoner type of feeling has arrived. Cops are not beating me today, they must be like us. I do not care what they do behind the fence. They were invited and did not show up. That is all what matters. Please, do not come back at me with a claim that even the Duck Boat was quacking JUST FOR US. YOU WERE KICKED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT FENCE BY EVANS, HEALEY and bunch of other eager beavers. If I will hear us shouting again "Blue Lives Matter!" I will brake in hives.
Exactly. Is any of this confirmed?

I know that GOAL issued a statement asking gun owners to not bring "these firearms" to the range. Not sure what all is banned anyway.

Confirmation of this? I believe this to be hearsay based on an uncorroborated statement in the Herald.
Where are people seeing cops waiting outside gun ranges?

Exactly. Is any of this confirmed?

I know that GOAL issued a statement asking gun owners to not bring "these firearms" to the range. Not sure what all is banned anyway.

I'm having a hard time buying this without specifics.

It is posted in the other thread. First hand account of a member here being asked by a LEO outside the range to show him what guns he had in the vehicle. Member refused to show them. Went on the range property and called the local PD about it. A little while later they say a PD supervisor's car was at the gate with the other LEO and then they left. No PD present when the member left the range an hour later. Those are the details as best I remember them. I'm not digging through that thread to find it. Probably in the last 30 or so pages.
One person reported a cop asking to look in his trunk. He reportedly told the cop respectfully to kick rocks and nothing further happened.

All of a sudden the word on the street is no knock raids and drone strikes.

Will the simple minority of you folks just STOP with the rumors, paranoia, anti-cop crap? Maura Hitler is the enemy, not the boots-on-the ground cops! Shes the agenda driven stupid cow. I can't see any Commonwealth or municipal agency actively seeking to arrest anyone under the current circumstances. Nope.
She's going to monitor the poor FFL's in this state now and see if she can bring some case forward that way , if ever......
Cops kickin in doors? Just grow up please!?!?
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