"Local moms band together to fight for gun controls" What a joke.


NES Member
Oct 2, 2011
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Reading this article got me so frusterated and angry this morning. I shouldn't have even read the article.


IF YOU GO What: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, informational meeting When: Tomorrow, 2 p.m. Where: Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex St. Moms Demand Action advocates for: Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases. Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Track the sale of large quantities of ammunition and ban online sales. Establish product safety oversight of guns and ammunition and require child-safe gun technology. Support policies at companies and public institutions that promote gun safety. Counter the gun industry's efforts to weaken gun laws at the state level. Information from momsdemandaction.org

Don't these rich stay at home moms from Wenham have anything better to do?!.........nope.

WARNING: The images of these mothers is disturbing, look at your own risk.
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It would be great if they actually bothered to look at the actual laws and see that almost everything mentioned is already on the books with the exception of the "child-safe gun technology" whatever the eff that is![rolleyes] The reality is that even the safety aspect is covered by the safe storage requirements here. Gotta love the uneducated masses though...[laugh]
It would be great if they actually bothered to look at the actual laws and see that almost everything mentioned is already on the books with the exception of the "child-safe gun technology" whatever the eff that is![rolleyes] The reality is that even the safety aspect is covered by the safe storage requirements here. Gotta love the uneducated masses though...[laugh]

Yep exactly. I would love to attend this meeting and rip into these dumb mothers. I would love to ask them to prove to me how any of the things that they're advocating for, would have prevented sandy hook.
Reading this article got me so frusterated and angry this morning. I shouldn't have even read the article.


IF YOU GO What: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, informational meeting When: Tomorrow, 2 p.m. Where: Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex St. Moms Demand Action advocates for: Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases. Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Track the sale of large quantities of ammunition and ban online sales. Establish product safety oversight of guns and ammunition and require child-safe gun technology. Support policies at companies and public institutions that promote gun safety. Counter the gun industry's efforts to weaken gun laws at the state level. Information from momsdemandaction.org

There should be background checks on any Hag who thinks attending this is a good idea.

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BLECH! I clicked on the photo of the moms. [banghead]

And of course, all from elitist little Wenham.

Those were some handsome women in that photo.
There should be background checks on any Hag who thinks attending this is a good idea.

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Those were some handsome women in that photo.

Haha. I swear the mother on the far right is a man with long blonde hair.
Way to be uninformed. Moms should demand education for themselves before demanding action on something they obviously can't research. But hey, thanks for trying, good luck getting any "action".

Way to be uninformed. Moms should demand education for themselves before demanding action on something they obviously can't research. But hey, thanks for trying, good luck getting any "action".

Yeah I can't imagine these mothers are getting laid. I almost threw up in my mouth when I clicked on the photo.
Idiots who don't know anything except "guns are evil! Ban all guns! BAAAHHHHH!"

Calm and rational NES members should show up for this.

I really should since I live only 15 minutes away. They'd probably call the cops on anyone who disagrees with them.
There are 130,000 members of the organization nationwide and 1,700 in Massachusetts.

They calculate this number by the number of "Likes" they get on their social media page. Not paying members, mind you. Just "Likes" = "Members."
I'm 15 minutes away as well. I'm a fairly calm person.

Well, fairly calm except for having just read the article. They talk about "common sense" gun law reform again. That phrase absolutely infuriates me. It's *not* common sense, it is trampling upon *my* f-ing rights because you think that guns are evil and if we only got rid of them all the world would magically become all flowers and fluffy bunnies. Jesus.
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maybe some of these moms should spend this time fighting to get rid of the baby fat instead of constitutional rights. Wretched pigs.
so all of these moms should be NRA members..... dont they promote gun safety ? They all should be making regular donations to the CMP after all that is thier "mission" to promote gun safety among the youth.
The article also states that they "respect the second amendment". How does trying to get laws passed that places restrictions upon a right that is described (not "granted") by the constitution respect that amendment? How dare they say they respect it?
Word to the wise. If you do not show up and scream at the mothers as a counterprotest, no one will even know the MDA event happened. At is stands, the mothers want to bait you into showing up so a very-sympathetic-to-their-cause media can depict you child-hating, constitutional-extremist brutes intimidating the poor mothers as they just try to stand up for the safety of the children. I would not give them any PR.

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The article also states that they "respect the second amendment". How does trying to get laws passed that places restrictions upon a right that is described (not "granted") by the constitution respect that amendment? How dare they say they respect it?
All gun restrictionist groups preface their nonsense with the we-love-2A disclaimer.
Thing is, the media will treat them more than holy. They will make it like they have millions of members, and everyone backs them. Goal has much stronger numbers, and the media treats us like we're all crazy.
“I was appalled to learn how easy it is to purchase a gun in this country and how this results in the deaths of so many children,” Krantz said. “I want to share what I have learned with other moms"

What exactly have you learned you dumb c***? Ridiculous.
The article also states that they "respect the second amendment". How does trying to get laws passed that places restrictions upon a right that is described (not "granted") by the constitution respect that amendment? How dare they say they respect it?

They don't. Anti-2a groups always say they support the 2a. Bloomberg says it, rosenthal says it, even Linsky says it. They're trying to get into our heads that their not going after our rights, but someone else's who shouldn't have them. Which is BS. They hate the 2a.
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