Letter To State Reps

Apr 13, 2010
North Central
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Greetings all,

I've been an observer of this forum for quite a while and have found it to be very useful. And at times entertaining. I've been a firearms owner for over 20 years. I feel the circumstances we find ourselves in are spiraling out of control.

I've never really felt the need to post something, until now. I've also never written to my representatives, until now. But I can no longer stay silent. I've written a letter I intend to send to my state senator and representative. I'm hoping to get some feedback from the members here. Feel free to use any part of or all of this letter for your own purposes. I also fully intend to be at the state house on Saturday, along with my wife and daughter. Thanks for your time.

I am a law abiding citizen of this Commonwealth and a responsible firearms owner.

I am writing to urge you to not support Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation entitled “An Act to Strengthen and Enhance Firearms Laws in the Commonwealth”.

As a father of a young child, I was deeply saddened by the horrific acts of violence that occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. It breaks my heart to know what happened in that building. But, what happened in Newtown, Connecticut, should not be exploited to enact more restrictive firearms laws here in the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth currently has some of the most restrictive firearms laws in the United States. For example, an exhaustive licensing process and a ban on modern sporting rifles.

Governor Patrick’s proposed legislation would only serve to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding and responsible firearm owners of the Commonwealth. More restrictive firearms laws would not have or will ever prevent a determined individual to commit an act of violence on another.

Imagine certain commonly available and lawfully owned motor vehicles were suddenly banned because someone felt the gas tank held “too much gas” or was capable of “going too fast”. Sounds pretty farfetched. But that is exactly what Governor Patrick’s proposal does with regards to firearms. A lawfully possessed magazine will suddenly be banned due to its capacity. The owner would be forced to sell or dispose of lawfully possessed property. And make no mistake; this would do nothing to reduce gun violence in the Commonwealth. Again, it would only serve to infringe on the Rights of law abiding responsible firearm owners.

Your focus should be on strengthening mental health care and improving the quality of data supporting NICs checks (National Instant Criminal Background Check System). Do NOT pass more gun laws; instead, work to enforce the more than 20,000 gun laws already on the books.

Thank you for your time and attention.
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