Keep close track of what you give the NRA.

I don;t think anyone would argue that The National Rifle Association serves a higher purpose. From education, to competition and 2nd Amendment advocation they are a strong voice for the shooting public...However.

The NRA is far from omnipotent and also far from beyond reproach. From pushing their crapola "giveaways", to their China-crap-laden "NRA Optics", to getting in bed with Tim Leatherman, trying to thwart Heller and swigging brew with Obama, fancy office buildings and slick advertising, the NRA loses it's way and has for some time. I started to become suspicious of them when they essentially tossed C3 owners under the bus in '86'. Look up: "NRA action in 86 NFA Act" and see what pops up...Nothing. The NRA is a fair-weather friend to gun owners as far as I'm concerned...That organization needs a major shakeup or better yet - shakedown...

By the way, as I've said before, spare me the "but The NRA is our only voice" crap. I get it and I am a Life Member...
Heller was a national issue and probably the most important one in recent memory. where were they?

They decide to pile on at the last minute when it's a done deal..


They should be doing much more! I fear they are fat and lazy now.......

I hedge my bets and support GOAL, GOA, & the NRA. Then I wish for the best, in the end it was the peoples votes that did the most; and made the AWB go to sunset. So its the people in the end that matter most! Keep at it!!
More mindless NRA bashing. Yeah, that accomplishes a lot. [rolleyes]

BS. The NRA does next to nothing in MA and that's a fact. Further, they called me under the guise of extending my membership, then took the money as a donation instead (thereby not extending my membership). So, I'll feel free to bash them all I want.
Heller was a national issue and probably the most important one in recent memory. where were they?

The NRA was right there- they tried to derail it! [angry] (Because they were too weak in the knees about a 2nd amendment case reaching the supremes, so instead of doing the right thing, they wanted to railroad the case.... )

More mindless NRA bashing. Yeah, that accomplishes a lot. [rolleyes]

Double BS. No one is "mindless". I guess some of us have not sipped the NRA Kool-Aid so many times as to think they are omnipotent. I have been a member of the NRA since I was 7 - got my first membership with my first BB gun. In my late teens and early 20's, I was heavily involved with the ILA in Ohio, (are/were you?). I slowly became suspicious of the NRA when at a 1986 meeting a regional NRA official said in my presence: "I mean, who really needs these machine guns?". Then the NRA sat idly by as The Hughes Amendment sailed on through. Look up: "NRA position 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act". The NRA sent an entire class of law abiding, already heavily regulated shooters into the cauldron of back-room negotiations and into the stew of trading political power and favors at the expense of others...It's not my feeling - it's fact.

It's also fact that the NRA tried to derail a significant cry for justice in the Heller case - only to pile on and claim victory. Call me mindless all you want, but you may want to look in the mirror. To me mindless is blind faith in an organization that on more than one occasion has abandoned ship on those whom they are supposed to represent...From being bedfellows with Tim Leatherman, to pushing Chinese crapola on members, to building lush office complexes on members money, the NRA needs a wake up call - sooner rather than later...
The NRA needs to accept the fact that many members want to be members for the price of an annual membership and little else.

What's wrong with anyone on a fixed income, signing up annually to show faith in the cause and to allow the NRA to use them in their membership numbers?

An elderly person with very little income, shouldn't have to take on the equivalent of another mortgage or rent payment, in some cases, to keep apace with all of the 'surveys' they'll get during the year?

They NRA needs to tweak it's membership categories into more meaningful levels. Make it clear that higher priced memberships are for those with ample discretionary funds to get behind the periodic 'emergencies'.

Leave a lower level membership with minimal mailings for those with limited funds.

I can't tell you how many people have told me they specifically dropped their memberships to stop the flood of additional solicitations they couldn't afford to participate in.

The group has trememdous goals and does some great stuff, but they need to understand they'd get a LOT more membership with less intense fund raising efforts.

I support them in spite of the fact that I live in a state that has some of the most onerous gun laws in the country, hoping they'll maintain progress on a national level.
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+1 Titan. I am retired and am supporting a family of four on my retirement income. I make my yearly payment to the NRA and that's all. They are wasting their resources trying to milk more dough from me.

Oh yeah, it would be nice to see them show up at the State House once in a while.

if the mass gun owners would get of their duff and fight for them selves may be the NRA would feel different.when was the last time any one went to the
hearings in April?I went every yr for 20 or so you belong to GOAL?
I dont know why I care as I am out of there.but I do.
if the mass gun owners would get of their duff and fight for them selves may be the NRA would feel different.when was the last time any one went to the
hearings in April?I went every yr for 20 or so you belong to GOAL?
I dont know why I care as I am out of there.but I do.

It would be nice, but that alone might not do it since the majority of MA support the democrats. But I would also hope that EVERY MA gun owner votes!

I wonder what the statistics are of the numbers who turn out to vote, vs. how many gun owners we have in MA??
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