Just joined NES

Been poking around the site for a while now. And decided the other day its just what I need. Account approved today. Have found everything i needed on the site so far.
The people and resources here are great.
I notice a lot of comradery and help between the members. PayPal here we come for a green membership.
Welcome aboard, we hope you enjoy this shit show we call home.
You really have not been properly welcomed to NES until someone calls you an idiot, a skinflint, a moron, a liberal, or a communist. Consider yourself so insulted and welcome
Should I tell him there is a thread for new members? [rofl]
So IKEA is selling ammo now? [laugh]
Sometimes I wonder if NES is a political site or a gun site, or if it's just about dark humor [laugh]

In all honesty, I stumbled on this site trying to troubleshoot an ignition problem in my old Dodge Dart. There was a thread where some dude named Chet had helped another guy with a similar enough issue I was able to adapt it for my needs. Then I looked around and the place just seemed comfortable. I don't even HAVE any guns. Well, the Airsoft stuff but that doesn't really count.
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