Jim Mcgoverns response to HR1022

Mar 16, 2007
HoneyDew, Ma
Feedback: 25 / 0 / 0
Dear Jeffrey:

Thank you for contacting me to express your views about
H.R. 1022, the Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement
Protection Act of 2007. This legislation was introduced by my
colleague, Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), on March
19, 2007, and was referred to House Judiciary Subcommittee on
Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

The Assault Weapons Ban expired on September 13, 2004.
H.R. 1022 reinstates the Ban, and I am proud to support this bill as
a cosponsor.

By preventing dangerous weapons from falling into the
hands of violent criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists, the Ban
increased public safety. Prior to the Ban, the Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms (ATF) Bureau found that criminals preferred assault
weapons eight to one. Furthermore, the ATF found a 66%
reduction in assault weapon crimes from before the pre-ban rate.
By reinstating the Ban, criminals will be restricted to gain access to
these dangerous weapons and assault weapon crimes will be

It is my view that there exists no legitimate reason for
civilians to have access to military style weapons, which serve no
recreational purpose and only increase the chances of criminals
using them to harm, injure, and kill. Assault weapons are designed
for military use with the intent to kill greater numbers of people
more effectively. The ATF's explanation of assault weapons says it
all: "Assault weapons were designed for rapid fire, close quarter
shooting at human beings. That is why they were put together the
way they were. You will not find these guns in a duck blind or at
the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem."

By reinstating the Ban, assault weapon usage by criminals
will be deterred, gun violence will be reduced, and public safety
will be increased.

I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter and
encourage you to contact my office in the future with any further
questions or concerns.
James P. McGovern

Member of Congress
Tar and feathers
By reinstating the Ban, assault weapon usage by criminals
will be deterred, gun violence will be reduced, and public safety
will be increased.

Yup, and those stripes you can stick on your car will really make it go faster. [rolleyes]
Notice he says there's no legitimate reason for "civilians" to own "assault weapons". He has no problem with himself, his insiders, or his bodyguards possessing them, though, of course.
You will not find these guns in a duck blind or at
the Olympics. They are mass produced mayhem."
Thanks for you opinion asshat. When the gov. comes in and shuts down your but plug factory over the fact that you like special attachments on it then you can sound like the a**h*** that you sound like now. McGovern stop walking amongst the sheeple and get your head and plug out your ass you MA political douche.[angry][angry][angry][angry][angry][angry][angry][angry][angry][angry]
So...Anyone want to push him on the source of his statistics? I have the feeling his stats won't hold water.

...And as much fun as it'd be to point out that the right to own those weapons is there in case he sends too many of his constituents letters like this, I think it's probably fall squarely in the "bad idea" category.
Didn't Miller Supreme Court case say we can only have firearms which DO serve a military purpose?
Prior to the Ban, the Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms (ATF) Bureau found that criminals preferred assault
weapons eight to one. Furthermore, the ATF found a 66%
reduction in assault weapon crimes from before the pre-ban rate.

MetalgodZ said:
So...Anyone want to push him on the source of his statistics? I have the feeling his stats won't hold water.

There is ZERO data to support this. The use of so called "assault weapons" in crimes has sort of hovered between 1.5 - 2% historically. However, McGovern is a tool, because the data supports just the opposite from his claim. According to FBI stats, officers killed with AWs increased during the ban period. with "assault weapons" actually went up during the ban.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

now why again, tell me, why we cant own these firearms in question?

By reinstating the Ban, criminals will be restricted to gain access to
these dangerous weapons and assault weapon crimes will be

Member of Congress

'Cause we all know that these weapons are more dangerous than the rest. Won't this increase the number of "Glock Crimes"? "S&W Crimes"?

Stupid asshat.
McGovern needs to remember the oath of office he took upon entering Congress:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter

He failed.
By reinstating the Ban, assault weapon usage by criminals
will be deterred, gun violence will be reduced, and public safety
will be increased.

I can't believe people believe this crap.
If the assault ban goes into effect, in a couple of years the next statistic will be that criminals favor handguns 20 to 1 for use in crime.

So of course we'll have to ban handguns next !

It's this type of logic which makes the politicians think they are doing something productive when in fact armed crimes will continues to rise until the consequences of mandatory penalties are enacted and enforced.
Didn't Miller Supreme Court case say we can only have firearms which DO serve a military purpose?

Excellent point. Legally speaking if somebody wanted to push the case couldn't this mean we could potentially push for the outlaw of weapons meant only for hunting - and only make military style weapons legal?

That would leave a few people's panties in a bunch.
Here's the part I cannot understand. There was this huge set of articles in the Globe just last month for weeks about that eight year old kid who shot a seven year old kid or whatever. The articles went into all this detail about how the city had spent $300,000 in services on this family of career criminals, the police knew all about them, and they always say that most of the murders happen in a small area by a small group of repeat offenders and their families.

The police know it, the Globe knows it, the Mayor must know it by now, yet this "representative" of ours has not even the smallest clue. Doe he not read the newspapers or watch the news on TV? What gives?? The politicians are so politically correct that they have to blame everyone equally for the sociopathic behavior of just a handful of hardcore thugs.
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