Jail sergeant in dispute resigns: Gun incident was alleged

As long as party A and party B are both over 18 yrs of age, the assailant should be facing some sort of legal punishment, whether a weapon is used or not.

No argument there...but it needs to be reported to the police by the VICTIM......assault/battery/etc.... are crimes involving victims....no victim no crime....

A simple assault (a few fists thrown) should be more than enough to warrant police action.

Agreed again...but it needs to be reported by the victim. The police hear of assaults, home invasions, burglaries, rapes all the time that were never reported and thus do not get investigated. The police do not have the time to investigate those which are reported never mind those which are not.

The double standard is this was brushed under the rug simply because of who this particular individual was

Off base here...... if you think that the Worcester PD would "brush" an opportunity to jam up a sheriff you are mistaken.

...and as others have stated...if it was one of us the outcome surely would have been entirely different

Would it be in the papers that you lost your job?
Heh. You pick and choose which parts of the newspaper's story are inaccurate? Don't be an apologist. Don't attack the details to avoid the discussion.

No apologizing or attacking details (at least not without a point). The sherriff was investigated, he resigned, and nothing came of any investigations. Newspapers like stories, and they routinely avoid or embellish details.

It must be nice to do something illegal like point a gun at someone, then just resign and make it all go away because you are "in law enforcement"

If the police recieved a 3rd party report that you pointed a gun at someone, but had no evidence you'd done it, no "victim" to take a report from, and nothing came of their investigation, what further action would you want them to take?

My guess, this guy will lose his job but continue to keep his LTC......and the PD will continue to focus on more important cases such as gunowners whose houses were broken into, but forget to put trigger locks on their guns.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if his LTC were revoked and the newspapers didn't report it. The story doesn't mention what town either one lives in, or their LTC status. Do you honestly think that they report everything that takes place?

Off base here...... if you think that the Worcester PD would "brush" an opportunity to jam up a sheriff you are mistaken.

Exactly. There's plenty of stories on here of Gemme abusing cops WRT LTC's and other things. I sincerely doubt that he would skip a chance to unload on one if he had the chance.
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o They kept the invistigation open; got word to the suspended Sgt and told him it would be "better" for everybody if he resigned; Then, said that they didn't need to complete the invistigation because he resigned.

o The Jail used their police status as the reason they didn't notify any other police. Even though the guy resiigned, they could file a complaint for assault with a deadly weapon -- be cuase they are police.

o WTF were two Sgts doing "behind a convenience store"? I've been to many conveniences stores -- I've never met anyone behind one, heck, I've never been behind one.
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