It happened again!


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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I wanted to resist, I really tried! But much like last Sunday's Sopranos when Christopher was watching his buddy shoot up smack and he quickly succumbed to the temptation and fell off the wagon.... I was on the phone with a flyer in front of me and a credit card in my left hand.[sad2]
It was just one time, I hadn't done it in a while and figured "what harm could it do?" Then like a typical friggin junkie I did it again today.[crying]
These damned little mini catalog flyers with their newspaper pages filled with pictures of C&R eligible firearms taunting and teasing me! Just when you think you have all thats out there BOOM! Someone imports a batch of ____ and you have to get one.
What are they putting in the cosmolene that makes me crave those late nights in the cellar with a pile of rags, my hand held steam cleaner, a brush and a can of Break Free?!?!? Much like a junky gets their rush when they shove that fix, I get the same feeling, not one but 3 times. The first comes when you place the order and they tell you its in stock. The second is when the big brown truck comes and you bounce around in the door way like a kid as the UPS man walks up your stairs grinning and shaking his head awaiting your signature. And finally the third rush is right after you get done cleaning it all up and you cycle that bolt and look down the sights knowing you have another addition to the family thats awaiting the day you take it to the range.
Most of the time one is sufficent, but when its been a while two are sometimes needed. And oh man, if by some chance you happen upon a third while awaiting the two.... forget it. You might as well be riding a wave of natural high for weeks.
So what did I order you may ask? First was a Hungarian M95 straight pull. I've already got a Steyr and a good supply of ammo plus theres more where the first case came from so I had to get another maker just to have an excuse to shoot some off.
Second was today when I ordered an excelent condition K31 with tiger striped stock. This will be my third K31 purchase and even though will probably not live up to the expectations I have, at least i'll have another before they dry up. I saw one that someone posted pictures of somewhere, again, may have even been here (CRS setting in) so i'm eagerly awaiting what they send. Too bad the company that has these takes so damn long to ship.
Anyway, like most substance abuse programs, I feel better having gotten this off my chest.[smile]
It's OK, man.... we're going to talk you down.




Now, repeat after me....


1. We admitted we were powerless over milsurp purchases--that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore our checking accounts.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God and our guns to Breakfree.

4. Made a searching and fearless ammo inventory, and realized we had plenty.

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to our local gun shop, the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character, and re-awaken our love for things other than milsurps, like food, water, and sex.

7. Humbly asked Him to suspend our credit card priviledges and rip up our C&R licenses.

8. Made a list of all persons we ripped off by paying cheap money for milsurps, and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Made direct amends to such people by bringing them to the range wherever possible, except when to do so would cause them to succumb to the disease of milsurpaholicism.

10. Continued to take a gun safe inventory and when we couldn't fit any more, promptly admitted it.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to forgiveness from our spouses or significant others, praying only for their patience with this disease.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to milsurpaholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

It Happend again!

USMA-82 i am still cracking up, that is the funniest Rendition of the
twelve steps i have ever heard!!! funny,funny funny!!! ill drink to that,Pepsi
that is!! Sheriff Dudley
Hello, my name is Gary and it's been three weeks since my last MilSurp purchase.

No, I'm not making fun at anyone's problems. Really. I understand them. I have TWO SMLE No4s, one Mk1* and one Mk2. Wouldn't you think that's enough? But no, this Saturday I'll be the proud owner of a No5 Mk1. I have a Mosin Nagant M38, do I need a M44 or a 91/30? Nope. Do I think about getting one, just to have, every time I get a flier? Yep.

Practical use for a CZ52? Nope. Almost order one today? Yep.

The only thing that stopped me is that I'm craving a 1911 of some flavor.

Yeah, like that's a big help.

Not to mention thinking about a second SKS.

It's pathetic, and I haven't even explored getting any flavor of Mauser or a 1903.

Stop me before I MilSurp again.

It Happend Again

Garys! Hop on the ODCMP web site and GRAB one of the remaining 1903 Springfields thay just sold out of the 1903A3.s and the 03s left are the
last of the last!! so get one now!!! you can always get Mosin Nagants and
M-48s and Yugo SKSs Etc:Etc: but the U.S. Stuff is going to be out of reach
in a year or two. Gayronteeeed!! S.D. said that! You Bet!
Well you need to join the "AAA" for the "surplup disease" its really bad when just the smell of cosmoline turns us on. If you get the shakes and start jones'n between the buys or while just peeking at the flyers your hooked for life. Its like being on a 1,000 miles of bad road with no exits. All you can do is to hang in there and buy more and enjoy the ride. We must accept its like a never ending story it goes on and on so join the few, the proud and the broke all the time, but were happy!!!!!!!!!!


Hide the freakin plastic too is one other option!!!!

As we become old farts I can't think of another way to spend our money for were too old and too slow to chase fast women to catch them anyway. We found out when we were younger we can drink a bar out of booze even though we have tried many times because they have plenty of booze in the basement. Were too slow for fast motorcycles. The bottomline is we really don't have much left that us old farts can do now do we? Going to the casino and losing it isn't an option too.

Trust me i've been there before when i hit a lull i will ask myself why do i do this? Then i get a renewed desire when a good buy comes along and then i'm on a roll again. Some collect just mausers, some collect just smelly's, some collect just bolt actions while others collect everything its just one hobby that you can't collect just one thing sometimes too thats my problem also I like them all.

Sometimes I thank GOD we live in a country were we are really free to enjoy this sport we are very lucky that our forefathers fought for our rights today because they were some really smart people who gave it there all so we the future generations could enjoy this thing called FREEDOM which some countries will never know what its all about nor respect it. We have people today still willing to fight for freedom just like our forefathers did too.
I love AMERICA!!!!!! GODBLESS our troops and bring them home safe soon too!!!

BTW; Get what you want and see now when its still available because in the near future most of them will be all gone. The american stuff i want isn't out of reach i'm just too frugal to buy it. They will never be out of reach its if you want to remorgage the farm to buy it in the near future.
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Bill, speak for yourself. I'm a 50-something, and still ride fast bikes.

I've fallen off the MilSurp wagon (or was never on it), and it's all my father's fault. If he hadn't raised me in a Gun Shop, I'd had never started on them. If he hadn't asked me to help at Gun Shows, I'd never gotten back into them, I'd still be shooting Target Rifles.

Still better than spending my money on Booze and Fast Women, though.
Garys said:
Hello, my name is Gary and it's been three weeks since my last MilSurp purchase.

Practical use for a CZ52? Nope. Almost order one today? Yep.

The only thing that stopped me is that I'm craving a 1911 of some flavor.

Yeah, like that's a big help.

Speaking of CZ52s.... when I called my sales rep from another company about buying some slings, he tempts me with this "We've got a lot of C&R pistols that came up for sale recently including CZ50s" [hmmm]
A glance back in the flyer sure enough revealed a smaller verison of the CZ52, C&R eligible, and in 32.
A person could make a hobby out of collecting Czech military stuff alone.[rolleyes]
Nickle, I just gave up my suzuki 1200 bandit. Its a detuned GSXR 1100 motor that i retuned back to as close to the 1100 GSXR power again. I put 15k miles on it the very first year and it was a lot of front wheel lofting fun doing it too. I loved spanking the younger kids on their rockets. They were in shock to see a 50 yo man hang with them and even have the front wheel in the air too. As time went on i found my self going faster and faster and with no fear i thought it was time to give it up. It got lonely at anything over 100mph there were no other bikes around and i guess its because of the vibration of them starting at 95mph. At 150mph i notice the cars infront are going 55mph are really like comming at us too. But overall there was no feeling like being onewith a machine and chasing my son on one of my 25 restored vintage husqvarna's thru the woods at 70 to 90mph too down the straights. I've done it all in a very short time because i knew my health wouldn't last much longer and i'm glad i did it too. When the end does come i will never say i wish i did that because i did most of everything i wanted to do so far. I'm a lucky man that i have an understanding wife too i am truely blessed. As you get older you will see your reaction time will increase too thats the time to let it go unless you get a slower bike which i won't do because i have a need for speed. So with no bike its under control now. A fast bike with a slower reaction time is not a good thing when we ride in a populated area.
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I actually went from Fast Bikes to Quick Bikes.

The Buell isn't Fast, it's Quick. Ducati's are the same way. And I've been riding on the street over the last 32 years, I know you get slower and slower each year.
Buell?? I never see them win daytona? Nor even finish when they were running in it? The harley's haven't really competed since they were beaten by the little 350 two stroke yamaha's it was the beginning of the end for them.
BMW's weren't considered fast either, but I had a bike in the late 1980's/early 1990's that was the basis for a Land Speed Record bike. Not legal in street form to run in Superbike, though.

But, we're getting off topic. I do like my older guns.
USMA-82 - all I have to say about your 12 steps is....

[rofl2] [rofl2] [rofl2] [rofl2] [rofl2]

And thank you, I needed that laugh REALLY bad tonight.

The sad part is, I've been "sober" longer than most of's just so depressing...I haven't bought anything shootable in over a year. Good gawd....that makes ME the ol' timer!!!! yikes....
I've been sober for over 30+ years now and i haven't purchased a surplup in almost two weeks now too. I'm not sure how much longer i can hold on because that new batch of scoped mosins look good.
BigBill said:
I've been sober for over 30+ years now and i haven't purchased a surplup in almost two weeks now too. I'm not sure how much longer i can hold on because that new batch of scoped mosins look good.

Scoped Mosin? Don't do it, unless the price is way up there. If they're around $500, you're looking at a fake, especially if it's coming from IO.
Well the Hungarian M95 arrived today complete with Budapest stamp on receiver and all.[smile] All matching, and in VG overall condition including bore. Quick shipping seeing as how I ordered it Friday. Now the long wait from that Florida company.[rolleyes]
There in the ohio flyer and the Fla. flyer too.

M91/30 sniper rifle w/PU scope $349/$369/$399 in Fla.

I'm still on the wagon, i'm still on the wagon, i'm still on the wagon but it can change at any moment too. The C&R handguns look good with the CZ's besides the walthers and the makarovs too. I'm on the wagon, i'm on the wagon, just kidding but all this stuiff looks good right now.
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AAA= Always After Arms. There is no end to collecting until you are dead broke, your credit cards are bouncing and the wife left and took the dog.
Its a never ending story and it could be worse i could be collecting women right?

On the top of my want list right now is a 9x18 makarov.(CZ82)
BigBill said:
Its a never ending story and it could be worse i could be collecting women right?

On the top of my want list right now is a 9x18 makarov.(CZ82)

Collecting women will get you in more trouble than collecting guns. Not to mention they talk too much and back at you. Guns on the other hand are meant to be held and never talk back.
Like a pasty white lipped crack fiend I did it again!!!! A tiger striped all matching excelent condition K31 and a re-arsenalled VZ24 Czech Mauser with lion's crest intact both heading my way.
:::runs and sits in the corner patiently waiting the sound of the UPS truck while grinning and drooling with a can of Break Free in one hand and bore brush in the other:::
BigBill said:
VZ24 8MM or 7MM?

8mm, and with bayonet too, plus accessories! I've heard nothing but great things about the ones people have been getting. More than what I wanted to pay for one but these are very hard to find in this shape.
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