It begins....

Somewhere out there, a website administrative underling just "disappeared" for his/her error.......
I wonder how many of these things are "trial balloons," sent up to gauge reaction, and then pulled and denied if "the peasants revolt." I think we'll see more like this in the coming months.
I am not very religious - so I am just clinging to my guns. But since not having a bible leaves one hand free, that just means I can hold more firearms. [wink]

My religion is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I have no room for any other dogma.
I can't say I'm shocked, but the agenda disappearing from the website is very... disappointing. Must be too much criticism for him to take.
I can't say I'm shocked, but the agenda disappearing from the website is very... disappointing. Must be too much criticism for him to take.

I think you're right. It's likely that several someones have cached the pages and they will appear again in other places.

To me, this just might be the first sign that he's poorly estimated the depth of his support. He's also going to have to constrain Congress from passing legislation that will undercut his plans, whatever they are. Pelosi and Reid if anything are more liberal than he is. They want to pass more legislation to increase government spending. Which will be a disaster and Obama's people know it.
That was his "agenda" to get elected.

Now that he's elected, he doesn't want to be held to that agenda and he can proceed to implement whatever "agenda" he wishes. Really not much different than any politician.
Now that he's elected, he doesn't want to be held to that agenda and he can proceed to implement whatever "agenda" he wishes. Really not much different than any politician.

I don't think Reagan would have tripped over his shoelaces the way Obama seems to have just done. But I'm sure he'll continue taking ... baby steps toward his stated, and then unstated, goals.
I don't think Reagan would have tripped over his shoelaces the way Obama seems to have just done. But I'm sure he'll continue taking ... baby steps toward his stated, and then unstated, goals.

The whole agenda thing is gone except for one generic page. I guess those balloons just wouldn't fly.
I am not very religious - so I am just clinging to my guns. But since not having a bible leaves one hand free, that just means I can hold more firearms. [wink]

Velcro helps the Bible/Torah/Holy Book of Your choice stick AND leaves both hands free for a firearm.
The whole agenda thing is gone except for one generic page. I guess those balloons just wouldn't fly.

I'd like to believe that we just saw the first acknowledgment on the part of the Obama administration that gun owners are a far bigger constituency than previously considered.

I'd like to believe that.

Somehow I think it's stretch to think that all the news reports of increased firearms sales have somehow got him re-thinking his plans but boy, wouldn't that just be a breath of fresh air.
And why should they? It's obvious to them, and many of us, that they actually are smarter than the morons who keep reelecting them.

This is indeed sad but true, I am a member of my homes owners association's board and find it very sad when sometime I start to think like a politician b/c the masses really are that dumb and/or just don't give a crap. I would think an association of 60 homes could come together and get stuff done pretty easily but I guess I'm just a fool.[thinking]
It's funny how he studied constitutional law, and talks and preaches otherwise, this is from that same web site, if it is his web site, then he is a hipocrit. read this and you'll
see why....
He went on to earn his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Soon after, he returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer and teach constitutional law. Finally, his advocacy work led him to run for the Illinois State Senate, where he served for eight years. In 2004, he became the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
If that agender is what Obama does no wonder he did not want to say it.
but is it really true.[rolleyes][laugh]

I think the "Agenda" items were just cut-and-pasted from his campaign website onto Now that he's deleted these items from his "President-Elect" website doesn't mean they're no longer on his ... agenda.
I would not read much into this although the press has now picked up on it.
The agenda is still on his campaign site.

I think what happened here is that they were quick to throw the website together and had no content ready for it yet so they just tossed in his agenda from the campaign.

Having made more than a few website this is fairly routine practice to fill out a site before content is ready.

But being Obama it must be a conspiracy....
I think Elvis is involve here someplace.
But being Obama it must be a conspiracy....
I think Elvis is involve here someplace.

Being the President-Elect, I'd expect a more professional team working on transition issues, including communications. If this is any indication, we should have a fairly amusing first two years. It took Clinton that long to replace his blue-jean clad West Wing kiddies and hire David Gergen to put a dash of responsible adulthood into his management of WH affairs.
Being the President-Elect, I'd expect a more professional team working on transition issues, including communications. If this is any indication, we should have a fairly amusing first two years. It took Clinton that long to replace his blue-jean clad West Wing kiddies and hire David Gergen to put a dash of responsible adulthood into his management of WH affairs.

Good point. His campaign team was young compared to other candidates through the years. And sometimes their actions were due to lack of experience rather than a malicious act.

Because Obama has very little experiance himself in Washington he is going to have to surround himself with very smart experienced insiders that have the knowledge to know that one mistake like this could start him off on the wrong foot with the voters.

Bush was forced to do the same thing, which ultimately got him relected but then he fired most of them and stopped listening leading to his demise.

Obama is going to have to tip toe and stay on script his first 100 days because there are alot of people just waiting for him to trip. Every word will be analyzed, every action, every appearance. He by far is not perfect, he showed this with the joke about Nancy Reagan. He went someplace he shouldn't and had to perform his first damage control as President Elect. I don't doubt there will be many more of these moments.
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