Is There a Policy That Reduces Mass Public Shooting Deaths?


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0

That gun laws don’t stop violent crime, especially mass shootings, remains surprising to many liberals. They’re always looking for that right combination of laws, enacted for decades, in all states, to address criminal intent.

”Using the latest difference-in-differences analyses and fixed-effects negative binomial regressions, we tested nine gun-related policies [Right-to-Carry, Constitutional Carry, Under-21 ban, LCM ban, State AWB, Safe Storage, Permit-to-Purchase, UBC, ERPO) and four traditional crime-control policies. Despite the findings in previous studies that permit to purchase laws and large capacity magazine bans may be effective, we find that neither these, nor the other policies investigated in this study can be shown to be effective in reducing the number of people killed in mass public shootings. This result might be expected because criminals who are willing to commit the most heinous crime and who are also willing to die in the commission of that crime, are unlikely to be deterred by a safe storage law, for example. On the other hand, there is evidence that increasing the number of places where ordinary citizens are allowed to carry concealed weapons could reduce the number of mass shooting fatalities.
That gun laws don’t stop violent crime, especially mass shootings, remains surprising to many liberals
such an odd statement. how much more time will it be needed for most to finally understand that those 'liberals' there do not have any slightest intent to stop or reduce any crimes when they create new laws for the law abiding majority? at same time boosting all the efforts to import more and more people in here who will have no other option that to commit crimes, as there is no legal work to be found for them here?
No one wants to talk about the real problem that leads to mass shootings which is mental health and the state of it in this country.

We live in a world where even basic biology is now denied in lieu of political ideology. People with well documented, well studied, and well understood mental illnesses, such as gender dysphoria, autoganophilia, and body dysmorphia are treated as heroes who have nothing wrong with them. Until they go out, buy an AR, and kill a bunch of people.

If politicians really wanted to start reducing that shootings in this country, they would begin by treating the mentally ill as such. Stop using them as political pawns to obtain the power that you thirst for, and start getting them the treatment that they so desperately need.
No one wants to talk about the real problem that leads to mass shootings which is mental health and the state of it in this country.

We live in a world where even basic biology is now denied in lieu of political ideology. People with well documented, well studied, and well understood mental illnesses, such as gender dysphoria, autoganophilia, and body dysmorphia are treated as heroes who have nothing wrong with them. Until they go out, buy an AR, and kill a bunch of people.

If politicians really wanted to start reducing that shootings in this country, they would begin by treating the mentally ill as such. Stop using them as political pawns to obtain the power that you thirst for, and start getting them the treatment that they so desperately need.
Appealing to the trans mass shooter is pretty weak as a lot of mass shooting (the sort that gets on the news, the white boy entering a school or a grocery store or restaurant and opening fire) aren’t trans people. I had faith that you were going to say something that mattered after your first statement, but you just went into culture war nonsense.
a.) And when some kid is torturing animals and small children as a teenager, they go on the no gun list (and/or banish them to Raqqa).

b.) Charge someone with treason if they kill more than 10 people, and execute them in the ocean and let their body float to the Iranian coast.

c.) Let ltc folks carry guns everywhere. If you pass muster, you pass muster.

d.) Educate people about the importance of securing guns from unauthorized users.

e.) Execute violent criminals.

f.) Banish lowlife politicians who don't act in the interest of the citizens (not sure how one determines this, yet)

g.) See e.)
Appealing to the trans mass shooter is pretty weak as a lot of mass shooting (the sort that gets on the news, the white boy entering a school or a grocery store or restaurant and opening fire) aren’t trans people. I had faith that you were going to say something that mattered after your first statement, but you just went into culture war nonsense.

I think the point of legitimizing transgenderism vs treating as a mental disorder was a prime example of the state of mental health care in this country.. not that all mass shooters are trans..
As phrased, the question "Is there a policy that reduces mass public shooting deaths?" to my mind accepts that there will be mass shootings and asks solely how to reduce the death count.

If the question addressed instead reducing mass public shootings, then absolutely let's talk about motivations, mental health, indicators and the like as a means to reduce the number of mass shootings.

Once the shooting starts, the only policy I believe will reduce the number of deaths is to ensure a substantial percentage of the general population is armed and able to definitively reduce the number of deaths in that incident.

Very much a 2 part question - attempt to mitigate the risk, and then be able to address that risk when and if it becomes an issue. (See "Shoot them in the face before they get to shoot anybody else.")
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I think the point of legitimizing transgenderism vs treating as a mental disorder was a prime example of the state of mental health care in this country.. not that all mass shooters are trans..
I think a lot of shooters are young and hopeless. There is no national project. We aren’t working toward anything. No grand revitalization is on the horizon. The future is cancelled. All that’s on offer is the present but remastered with better visuals. I think the whole nation has gone “Children of Men” mode and it’s horrifying. But it has much more to do with economic hopelessness, and the collapse of the façade of the meritocracy. Like if you don’t have a rich family and connections, a lot of kids think might as well shoot a place up because what will become of me is set in stone. Hard-work and good grades being enough to raise you up is about the same Ballpark is hitting the lottery these days. It’s dumb luck. And so in the world bereft of human agency, and flattened by algorithms some people violently stand up and say “oh no I really am here and I’m gonna let you know”
I think a lot of shooters are young and hopeless. There is no national project. We aren’t working toward anything. No grand revitalization is on the horizon. The future is cancelled. All that’s on offer is the present but remastered with better visuals. I think the whole nation has gone “Children of Men” mode and it’s horrifying. But it has much more to do with economic hopelessness, and the collapse of the façade of the meritocracy. Like if you don’t have a rich family and connections, a lot of kids think might as well shoot a place up because what will become of me is set in stone. Hard-work and good grades being enough to raise you up is about the same Ballpark is hitting the lottery these days. It’s dumb luck. And so in the world bereft of human agency, and flattened by algorithms some people violently stand up and say “oh no I really am here and I’m gonna let you know”
That's bleak. It's also bull$hit, but I'll concede that people with mental health issues might perceive reality this way.
Keeping violent offenders behind bars indefinitely would see a drop in overall violence. But this would come at the cost of cutting a shit ton of useless, redundant government jobs reliant on re-offending criminals continuously going through the system.

Another big contribution to violence specifically in urban areas is the culture of victimhood that is curated through generations, at the behest of big daddy government, who loves them some of that hot and steamy co-dependence for votes and to divide and conquer through identity politics.
That's bleak. It's also bull$hit, but I'll concede that people with mental health issues might perceive reality this way.

Here's a "national project": let's rebuild our nation. It's not even hard. If we do enough of the small things, the bigger ones start to fall into place.

Volunteer in a soup kitchen. Try candy striping. Find a street cleaning event. Geeze, just talk to your neighbor. Anything.

Build connections, and make a community people want to take part in. Those of us who are single and in the 24-40 window can and should be the leaders here - before families and careers carry us quickly into infirmity. Stop waiting for someone to lead us to the promised land; get after it yourself.

Best of all, doing things that matter helps fix emotional health issues. Two birds; one stone.
Appealing to the trans mass shooter is pretty weak as a lot of mass shooting (the sort that gets on the news, the white boy entering a school or a grocery store or restaurant and opening fire) aren’t trans people. I had faith that you were going to say something that mattered after your first statement, but you just went into culture war nonsense.
Oh really... Do me a favor and look up how many of the last 20 mass shootings were done by transgendered people. Then compare that to the percentage of trans folks in the general population. Then study the delta. Then tell me it's an irrelevant point.

You should research your own position there my friend. Here is a start.... 4 of the last 5.... BTW, trans or "nonbinary" represent about .6 of the population.... but yea, let's pretend that my point is irrelevant. Despite the math and statistics saying otherwise. You're right at home with the "trans people are normal" crowd.

I see you're newish here with 80 messages as of the time of this writing. Let me read you in... That bull shit doesn't fly here. This is a place where math isn't racist, science and fact still mean something.
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such an odd statement. how much more time will it be needed for most to finally understand that those 'liberals' there do not have any slightest intent to stop or reduce any crimes when they create new laws for the law abiding majority? at same time boosting all the efforts to import more and more people in here who will have no other option that to commit crimes, as there is no legal work to be found for them here?

Humans don't think logically. We take mental shortcuts.

A lot of can be seen in logical fallacies. Fascinating area of study.

But think on your average human.

"Wow. We've got a lot of these mass shootings. I think if we made it harder to get at a gun, you'd be slower to shoot a bunch of people. So if we pass a law that says that you have to have your gun in a locked bank vault only accessible with a 2-day reservation window, mass shootings will drop to zero."

On it's face it SEEMS logical - only if you assume that every mass shooter

A) doens't have an illegal gun
B) hasn't pre-planned the whole MF event

I'd be willing to say that between A and B, you've covered MOST of the mass shooters. Ergo, their law WILL not work. But it SUUURE makes them feel better.

I've noticed - people don't want change. They want to feel better. I volunteered to chair a pvt school board many years ago. Between taht and running my own business, I was at wits end. The powers that be at the school said to me, "We are in teh works to find a weekend where we take your kids for the weekend and send you and your wife away to rest."

Wow. Very generous.

Ask me how my weekend went. Right.

They didn't care if they did it or not. Once they told me and I received a modicum of enjoyment, they were good. They had achieved the feel-good moment they were looking for.

Same with stupid politicians. The very very same.
I think a lot of shooters are young and hopeless. There is no national project. We aren’t working toward anything. No grand revitalization is on the horizon. The future is cancelled. All that’s on offer is the present but remastered with better visuals. I think the whole nation has gone “Children of Men” mode and it’s horrifying. But it has much more to do with economic hopelessness, and the collapse of the façade of the meritocracy. Like if you don’t have a rich family and connections, a lot of kids think might as well shoot a place up because what will become of me is set in stone. Hard-work and good grades being enough to raise you up is about the same Ballpark is hitting the lottery these days. It’s dumb luck. And so in the world bereft of human agency, and flattened by algorithms some people violently stand up and say “oh no I really am here and I’m gonna let you know”
Two things - I think the gender dysphoria crowd is disproportionately represented in recent mass shooting.

I'm an older guy and I don't think the rest of this is BS. What's missing here is agency. The millenials can have a great impact on the country by voting to take it in a direction where the meritocracy is restored - a rebuke of the " flattened by algorithm". Maybe they don't see that possibility because teaching people to think for themselves is out of fashion. The answer is not disconnection and self-pity; it's getting in action to fix it.
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