In the doghouse/ Christmas ruined/ AR build

pretty shitty. I answered the door with the tavor in my hand (I was packing up a range bag) for my mother in law. our families know I have an "arsenal" and I get grief about it often.

If it were me knowing how anti he was, he would never be allowed in my home under any circumstances.

Good for you telling him off
I know only too well the fine-line that must always be walked between spouses, in-laws, and sometimes one's own parents and siblings. Though I agree one should not bring unrelated arguments into a conversation about guns (i.e. her dad being in her life while growing up), the conversation had obviously gone south prior to that, and was obviously not going to end well no matter what.

I would concentrate on making your wife as happy as possible from here on out. Maybe upgrade or augment whatever you were originally going to get her for Christmas.

Dad will just have to come to terms with the fact that he's wrong, and/or that he's not the boss of you or his daughter anymore.
IDK, I don't agree with what you did.
But, then again, I come from a very rigid respect/family background, you never disrespect dad's, (or moms, or aunts), and your wife's dad is you dad.
He was not right to behave and say what he did, and went FR with "well I don't feel comfortable bla bla", but your remark about him being in your wife's life is also counter FR.
At the end you'll have to make up, otherwise what are your options ?
You earn respect. You don't get it just for being an old c***sucker.

OP I would've done the exact same thing. Quite possibly word for word.
When the build is done, it might be a nice gesture, in the interest of taking the high road and patching things up, to extend the offer to take him to the range to shoot it.
If he agrees, go on a busy day when he can see lots of other nice normal gals and guys and kids there shooting their AR's.
Can't fault you for what you did. Don't like the fact that your wife is giving you shit for it, though. You're not the one that started the shitty line of dialogue.
I hear ya I would've told him to get the f$%& out of my house too, who does he think he is coming to your house and questioning you. I also agree that your wife should be backing you up. If you can't have a civil conversation with him then she should go over and explain to him that it's none of his business and if he doesn't like it tough s*$%.
She'll be home in a couple of hours. I regret making a personal attack. It was a reaction for feeling backed into a corner in the house I pay for. Other than that, I feel I was more than in the right. Should be interesting explaining the situation.
He sort of understands keeping one for home protection but only in the worst of neighborhoods. He doesn't understand carrying.

Is her father bubble boy? Understands having one for the house but now outside the house? That doesn't make much sense but considering his views, I'm not surprised.

The threat or whatever he was attempting, of calling the cops was way over the line. That was the button pusher.

Get your wife shooting the AR and send him a Christmas card next year with that as the picture. [smile]
A little back story...My wife is indifferent about guns, although lately she has shown some interest in giving it a try, and with ZERO pressure from myself. Her father on the other hand in very against guns. He sort of understands keeping one for home protection but only in the worst of neighborhoods. He doesn't understand carrying. Doesn't understand why you need more than one gun, etc. After Sandy Hook we got into a discussion where he learned that I have guns, and our relationship hasn't been the same. Up until then we got along based on a mutual interest for music and other things.

So today, I'm working on a new build with everything spread out on the coffee table. My wife texted me that he was coming by to drop off a pan, only I didn't have my phone by me. So, he knocks at the door and I let him in. He sees the table of parts....

him- "ummmm, what's going on here?"
me- "I'm building a rifle"
him- "looks more like a machine gun"
me- "no"
him- "is this legal?"
me- "ahhhh, yes"

this line of q&a goes on or a while. Then this happens.

him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"
me- "first, I won't let them through the ****ing door. Second, if you call the cops on me for doing nothing wrong in my own home, this is the last time you step foot in this house".

*yelling and screaming on his part, more q&a, nothing calm or rational*

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

*here's where I hit below the belt...*

me- "well maybe if you were in her life while growing up, then I'd give a **** what you think.

He storms out. About 20 minutes ago I get a call from my wife. Apparently I ruined Christmas and "intimidated" her dad. Ho ho ho! So how was your morning?

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him- "so if I call the cops right now, they're not going to have a problem with this?"
It's telling he was willing to call the cops on you, and it might have been better if he had--depending on the pretext he gave on the call.

If he had said you had intimidated him, the cops would have come into your house whether or not you wanted them to do so, your parts would have been confiscated, and your suitability called into question. Probably no more owning firearms for you. You would forever be the crazy SIL who had his guns taken by the police, with your FIL having _rescued_ his daughter from the situation.

If he had called saying he was afraid you were building a machine gun _and_ the responding officers were reasonable and acknowledged it was a bogus call, then he would be the bad guy for calling the cops on you over nothing.
My grandmother built M1 Garrands,bought my first shotgun at 15,my wife offered to pay for my newest AR build this AM. If your in-laws were a truck,you would find me at the dealership trading for a new model.
You handled it well... when he went fr with the cops comment he would have been swiftly removed from my house.
She'll be home in a couple of hours. I regret making a personal attack. It was a reaction for feeling backed into a corner in the house I pay for. Other than that, I feel I was more than in the right. Should be interesting explaining the situation.

Be sure to mention you posted about it on a public Internet forum and everyone agreed with you. [devil] [wink]
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